Xbox Goes Green with New Wireless Controller Remix Special Edition
Oh man, I’ve really fallen out of the habit of updating around here. Time to start remedying that, and Xbox PR has just given me the perfect place to start!
With Earth Day on the horizon, Xbox has announced a new Special Edition of their Wireless Controllers, one that uses “recovered plastics,” as well as parts from other controllers!
According to the company’s press release, “[m]ixing post-consumer recycled resins with regrind consisting of previously molded colored parts creates custom, earth-tone colors with subtle variations, swirling, markings, and texturing – giving each Remix Special Edition controller its own look and feel.”
They go on to explain the regrind process as, “mechanically recycling leftover Xbox One generation controller parts into a raw material that can be used to partially create new controllers – while maintaining durability and performance.” Other materials which are incorporated into the post-consumer recycled resins come from old plastics such as reclaimed compact discs, water jugs, headlight covers, and make up a third of the controller’s overall composition.
By incorporating these regrind materials, post-consumer recycled resins, and including the Xbox Rechargeable Battery Pack – Xbox is exploring ways to use less new plastic and reduce waste. Our goal is to bring fans along with us on our journey towards greater sustainability across the Xbox product portfolio. Visit the new Xbox Sustainability Hub to learn more about our commitments and explore a collection of controllers that use less new plastics.
To find out more about the Xbox Wireless Controller Remix Special Edition, including what inspired its color scheme, be sure to check out the full story on Xbox Wire.
As for getting one, it will be available worldwide on April 18th at a price of $99.99 CAD/$84.99 USD, and you can pre-order yours from the respective Microsoft Store links, or follow them to find a local retailer that will be carrying them.
Xbox has long been the “green brand,” standing alongside PlayStation’s blue and Nintendo’s red. It’s good to see them stepping up their game in various ways to earn that designation in ways that don’t just include the color of their logo.
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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