David Oxford

Life with Archie Ends
Apr 8, 2014 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Commentary
…with the Death of Archie, fittingly enough.

Am I Supposed to “Like” WWE?
Apr 6, 2014 | Commentary, Wrestling
Maybe I’m just too “smart” for my own good.

Transformers Generations “Thrilling 30” Optimus Prime Review
Apr 5, 2014 | Points of Interest, Reviews
One shall stand… atop my desk, that is.

Dollar Store Dimwittery and the Soft Launch of the Nyteworks YouTube Channel
Apr 3, 2014 | Points of Interest, Tubin'
How far can $5 take you in Canada? Plus, how long it took me to make this stupid thing.

The Discarded Dozen
Mar 28, 2014 | Video Games
A look at 12 recently-lost sentimental classics from my Nintendo Entertainment System library, and their significance to me.

Looking Back at Blockbuster, Part 2: The World Video Game Championships
Feb 14, 2014 | Video Games
A tale of triumph and… less triumph, as I gamed through the 90s.

Thoughts on Marketing the Wii U
Jan 20, 2014 | Commentary, Tubin', Video Games
Nintendo’s financial reports have seen better days, but what might help? I have a few ideas…

Review: Super Mario Bros. 2: The Online Sequel Webcomic
Jan 16, 2014 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Reviews, Video Games
This ain’t no movie.

Looking Back at the Classic HBO Intro
Jan 7, 2014 | Points of Interest, Tubin'
Those who had cable in the 80’s might remember this nostalgic little gem.

How I Became a Fan: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Nov 9, 2013 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Toys, Video Games
On the half-shell, they’re the heroes four; in that day and age, who could ask for more?

Looking Back at Blockbuster, Part 1: Beginnings
Nov 8, 2013 | Video Games
Well, this week brought with it some interesting news: DISH Network has announced that it will be closing the remaining 300 retail Blockbuster stores in the United States, as well as cease their Netflix-inspired mailing service.

Reminder: Sonic Lost World “First Play” Charity Marathon with Ian Flynn This Weekend
Oct 23, 2013 | Video Games
Just a reminder for everyone that this weekend, starting at noon EST on Saturday, October 26th, I’ll be holding the Sonic Lost World “First Play” Charity Marathon to benefit the Sick Kids Foundation. Joining me will be Ian Flynn, writer of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Universe, and Mega Man comics.

Review Round-Up – 9/22/13
Sep 22, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
Hmm, it's been a while since I've done one of these, hasn't it? And for good reason: In the intervening time, I've been sick, gone to Otakon, gone to the beach, and when I haven't been otherwise preoccupied, pickings have been slim, particularly on the work front,...

Review: Lay’s ‘Do Us a Flavor’ Chips
Sep 22, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Last time, I reviewed Lay's Canada's four "Do Us a Flavour" potato chip finalists, a competition seemingly spun out of a similar event held by Lay's in the United States. Thanks to Mr. Chris Hoffman (who I still owe a set of our chips to), I have now tried the...

Review: Lay’s ‘Do Us a Flavour’ Chips
Aug 30, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
In the U.S., there has been a bit of hoopla in the snack aisle recently as Lay's has introduced three new flavours for its consumers to vote on to determine which one becomes a regular addition to their lineup: Chicken & Waffles, Cheesy Garlic Bread, and Sriracha. At...

Announcing the Sonic Lost World “First Play” Marathon for Charity, Featuring Sonic Writer Ian Flynn
Aug 25, 2013 | Video Games
With SEGA's latest upcoming release in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise on the Wii U, we are happy to officially announce plans to hold a special Sonic Lost World "First Play" livestreamed marathon to raise money for charity. For this event, David Oxford (writer for...

From The Other Side: Nintendo 2013
Aug 4, 2013 | Commentary, Video Games
Editor's Note: This should have gone up a lot sooner, but getting sick and other things caused it to be pushed back. --Ed. Last up in this series is Nintendo. While it was not there with a gigantic press conference in front of a large crowd, Nintendo Direct acted as a...

From The Other Side: Sony 2013
Jul 14, 2013 | Commentary, Video Games
Ah yes, my favored console maker. I make no bones of preferring Sony to Microsoft or Nintendo, but there was a definite air of mystery and tension going into this press conference. With Sony being absolutely quiet on their used games strategy, I went into this...

Review Round-Up – 7/8/13
Jul 8, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KVX82n2UzY From Mario's Hat: Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - Find out how it stacks up to the Wii version, as well as other entries in the series. Animal Crossing is rather unconventional, and so too is Animal Crossing New Leaf's...

SEGA Un-Confidential: A Past Look to the Future with 32X, Sonic & Knuckles, Power Rangers, & More
Jun 28, 2013 | Tubin', Video Games
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxUKvM8yvYo First of all, I haven't forgotten about this. That's more of a "crack my knuckles, pop my neck, sit down for a while" thing, while this is just some quick fun. That said, I came across this interesting video on YouTube, a...
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