David Oxford

Review: Pizza Hut’s Cheesy Beef Poutine Pizza, Plus Smokey Maple Bacon
Jun 27, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Recently, Pizza Hut Canada decided to give Canadians "the chance to try their favourite foods in a new and unexpected way" with a series of new special-recipe pizzas "inspired by Canada's cultural diversity." The forerunners of the promotion are the Cheesy Beef...

From The Other Side: Microsoft 2013
Jun 18, 2013 | Commentary, Video Games
Guest contributor Lanceheart returns once again to share with us his thoughts on the 2013 E3 presentations of the big three, beginning with Microsoft. Here we are, E3 2013 has just come to a close. With that entire festival out of the way, it's time for me to keep my...

E3 2013 – My Thoughts on the E3 Nintendo Direct
Jun 12, 2013 | Commentary, Video Games
First there was Microsoft's press conference, then there was Sony's, and now Nintendo's... sort of. For the first time ever, rather than host a press conference at E3, the company opted to instead deliver its big announcements through a Nintendo Direct broadcast-- and...

E3 2013 – My Thoughts on Sony’s Press Conference
Jun 11, 2013 | Commentary, Video Games
Last year, I felt that while Sony had a pretty good E3 press conference, they didn't really show much that compelled me to want a PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Vita. That isn't to say that neither system has games I want, merely that most of what they were showing...

E3 2013 – My Thoughts on Microsoft’s Press Conference
Jun 10, 2013 | Commentary, Video Games
Last year, after the big three gave their press conferences, I shared my thoughts on what they had to show. This year, I'm just taking them as they come, starting with Microsoft. They didn't do much for me last year, and with their Xbox One reveal last month, they...

PMO Needs Your Help!
Jun 4, 2013 | Site News, Toys, Video Games, Wrestling
And by "PMO," I mean "I need your help." Same difference. For a while, I've built up something of a backlog of different topics I've been wanting to write about here. Between trying to decide on which ones to do and all of my other responsibilities, they've largely...

The Big Haul for May 2013
Jun 2, 2013 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Toys, Video Games
I don't get to go out shopping for fun stuff very often, and even when I do, the hauls aren't always great. But I recently had the opportunity to hit several places in Toronto, and found that I had a pretty good haul, so I decided to share here. Starting from least to...

Review: KFC’s Smoky BBQ Bacon Filler Sub
May 31, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
This is a review I didn't plan to write and wasn't going to write when I decided to try the latest addition to KFC's menu. However, my experience with this particular item was so far below par that it honestly felt like I wouldn't be doing others justice by not...

From the Other Side: One Year Later
May 30, 2013 | Commentary, Video Games
Following his views on the E3 2012 press conferences of the "Big Three," Lanceheart joins us again one year later to share his views on how things have moved along. Here we are, on the verge of E3 2013. Gaming has changed quite a bit since this time in 2012 and...

Review Round-Up – 5/30/13
May 30, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
This is a bit overdue, even though I can't tell whether anyone really reads these things (there are never any comments, at any rate), but better late than never. Here's some of what I've been up to, and check back soon, as I'd like to be a little more active here, and...

Review: Pizza Hut’s Crown Crust Pizza
Apr 7, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Last night, The Wife and I decided to putt putt to the Pizza Hut for dinner to try out a recent addition to their menu: The Crown Crust pizza, seen above. As a matter of full disclosure, I had inquired how long the limited-time promotion would be available, as I...

My Idea for Sonic’s Next Title
Apr 7, 2013 | Video Games
Sonic Generations has paved the way for a game long awaited by many fans. It was not too long ago that the very thought of Sonic and longtime rival Mario appearing together in the same game seemed highly improbable, if not impossible. Then we were all surprised by the...

Review Round-Up – 4/7/13
Apr 7, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
Wow, another month has passed already? Here are the latest reviews I've written, and expect to see plenty more in the near future with a new gig I'll reveal in due time (hint: It's not iPhone/social games this time). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYzxPbsCW_4 Note:...

Looking Back: Discovering Luigi’s Mansion
Mar 22, 2013 | Video Games
Through the Sunshine to the shadows.

Debuting on IGN: Second Banana Saga: The Story of Luigi
Mar 22, 2013 | Video Games
It's funny, perhaps even poetic, in a way: Whereas my debut article on 1UP was about Mario, my debut article on IGN is instead about his younger brother, Luigi. In "Second Banana Saga: The Story of Luigi," I give a brief look back at Luigi's storied career as the...

Review Round-Up – 3/9/13
Mar 9, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
Well, my time on 1UP is at an end, as 1UP itself is at an end. That should free me up a bit of time to try to post more here and on my other sites, though it's also a blow to my bank account, which means some time needs to be spent looking for more work. It's a...

The Pac is Back! Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures Coming in Fall 2013
Feb 17, 2013 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Video Games
This Fall, Namco Bandai is preparing to bring its mascot, Pac-Man, back into the mainstream spotlight with Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures, a new computer-rendered cartoon show which effectively rebuilds the franchise from the ground up. It's been in development...

Spacebound: How Aliens Shape the EarthBound Story on 1UP
Feb 13, 2013 | Video Games
My next article for 1UP has just been posted, but I didn't do it alone-- it was a joint effort with my wife as we continue the 1UP Cover Story "It Came From Outer Space!" with "Spacebound: How Aliens Shape the EarthBound Story." After all, aliens play an integral role...

Star Fox: Charting Possible Courses for the Future on 1UP
Feb 11, 2013 | Video Games
My latest article, "Star Fox: Charting Possible Courses for the Future," is now available for your reading pleasure on 1UP. With this year marking the 20th anniversary of the original game and a near-total absence from Nintendo's last console generation, we're left to...

Commercial Break – 2/9/13
Feb 9, 2013 | Tubin'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgl5kLKLTpY Computer-generated imagery, circa 1984. And by "computer-generated," I mean "I would joke that someone made this commercial in MS Paint, except the program didn't even exist until the following year."...
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