David Oxford

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

“@onm_uk: Is Mario Galaxy the perfect game? ONM forum member Rokinaus says it comes close in his review - http://t.co/zBF7nBn " # “@onm_uk: Majora's Mask 3DS remake is a possibility if there is enough demand - Aonuma. http://t.co/YIvECgp " # “@cracked:...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-24

Dorkly Bits: Ghosts 'n Goblins Blacksmith http://t.co/7yHIKCB via @Dorkly # Dorkly Bits: Falco Adjusts His Attitude http://t.co/AFnczl1 via @Dorkly # 14 MORE Hilarious Batman Gifs http://t.co/I9h3Lv9 via @smosh # 25 Kickass Zelda Motivators! http://t.co/ZCBKkb8...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-23

“@paxtonholley: The Cavalcade and Nerd Lunch dine like kings on the @KFC_Colonel Double Down http://t.co/Vero8zH " # “@lizsama: Hey guys! http://t.co/8EQNPVa Get it while you can before their license ends! :O” # “@onm_uk: Nintendo characters who deserve to star...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-22

“@GamesRadar: Captain America is making his film debut, so why not celebrate the super soldier's videogame history? http://t.co/gtbeneq " # “@Kotaku: Is This the World's Oldest Gamer? http://t.co/t4XLJOc " # “@onm_uk: New Legend Of Zelda: Skyward...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-21

RT @mega64official MEGA64 UNCOVERS “THE WII U CONSPIRACY!!”: Mega64 and Gametrailers.com would like to present t... http://bit.ly/oxj99v # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://t.co/tYWU1Xk RUMOR - Wii U to allow downloads of Cube games? # Dorkly Bits: Ghosts 'n Goblins...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-20

Yummy. Wish this was in Canada... RT @GoNintendoTweet http://t.co/MGnR2mm GameStop - Get a FREE Pizza Hut® P'Zone! A PowerUp Exclusive! # RT @nadiaoxford "Mega Man Legends 3 Cancelled." Saddest game-related headline I've ever written. :(...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-19

“@pulsewrestling: The View From Down Here – Tell Me A Story http://t.co/C6aO9Pb " # “@onm_uk: Zelda Skyward Sword to star Sheikah? http://t.co/j1hmwbC " # “@OldSchool80s: Have you seen this new Progressive insurance commercial with the #80s montage? Even has...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-18

Gutters - Issue #161 by Mohammad F. Haque http://t.co/PyKIlck # RT @TGWTG From @Benzaie_tgwtg it's Top 5 Brutal Murder Attempts in JEM http://t.co/kZMOMS3 # What, really? RT @GoNintendoTweet http://t.co/3dUA66X Microsoft - Our first party titles are better than...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-17

Then and Now: Game Characters Evolved - http://blog.games.yahoo.com/photos/293-then-and-now-game-characters-evolved/1 # Then and Now: Game Characters Evolved - http://t.co/F3zIJvK # “@cracked: 6 Harry Potter Films According to Someone Who Never Saw Them:...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-16

RT @Protodude First Glimpse at the Ace Attorney Movie http://t.co/BhaDll3 # RT @TGWTG From @BennettTheSage it's Anime Abandon: Ninja Scroll http://t.co/oMi9pKi # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://t.co/BptXt4B Nintendo of America trademark for The Last Story officially...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-15

Oh, I like this. I like this a lot. Guy has some pretty cool delivery. http://youtu.be/c-_yZvmzLOQ #operationrainfall # “@gamasutra: Opinion: We Need A Standard Format For Localization http://t.co/u4RF10Z " # “@gamasutra: Q& A: Dragon's Dogma,...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-14

Brilliant: Dorkly Bits: Link to the Past with a Portal Gun http://t.co/E876b4f via @Dorkly # Dorkly Bits: Sonic Meets With His Agent http://t.co/U9QTuWa via @Dorkly # “@Dtoid: Megamalgamation: 375 iconic Mega Men http://t.co/Z581tH6 " # “@andriasang: Frogger 3D...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-13

“@tssznews: Sega Patent for Game Console Controller Surfaces http://t.co/jzOB3F5 " # “@Dtoid: The Legend of Zelda: A Portal to the Past http://t.co/2MTT9IF " # “@cracked: Cracked Classic: If Everyone Knew the World Was Ending Tomorrow - http://t.co/FgkcY5O...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-12

“@onm_uk: Five power suits that Marti Bennett wants in Super Mario 3DS - http://t.co/Fc861yG " # “@onm_uk: What should Zelda Wii U look like? Colette Barr gives her opinion - http://t.co/fSjGA3W " # “@onm_uk: My favourite game: paperluigi reviews Paper...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-11

“@retroist: A Nightmare on Elm Street - http://t.co/XucswuT via @retroist” # “@retroist: NBA Jam - http://t.co/16Zybon via @retroist” # RT @PressTheButtons Don't forget to enter for a chance to win Duke Nukem Forever (X360): http://t.co/qmyoAHb # RT @scribehard:...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-10

10 Most Horrible Fictional Bosses http://t.co/17OpW1z via @smosh # The Top 25 SNES Games Of All Time http://t.co/UKSKsk9 via @Dorkly # Video Games Fans vs. Publishers: Translations, Remakes, etc. | Game Industry News, Interviews and .. http://bit.ly/nLi4xV # Motion...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-09

RT @TGWTG From @FFSTv it's Mario Kart Wii is Awesome! http://t.co/lB4QhyU # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://t.co/wA7IvrU Wii games in high resolution - July 8th # RT @1up Bungie's Parting Words to Halo Fans http://t.co/IK1YIHO # RT @cracked 5 Silly Childhood...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-08

GSQ8: There’s always room for ZEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLOOOOO http://bit.ly/on82cm # Ash Questions Team Rocket http://t.co/MGyaUL5 via @Dorkly # Will Free-to-Play Online Games Succeed on Xbox Live? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos |.. http://bit.ly/niTxor # World of...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-07

RT @andriasang Urban Champion is the Next 3DS Classics Release: Classic Famicom/NES title joined by Virtual Console... http://bit.ly/nNbIU8 # Man Uses Spare Syringe To Invent Sauce-Injected McNuggets - The Consumerist: http://bit.ly/lcZK5P via @AddThis # The Dorklyst:...

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-25

Twitter Updates for 2011-07-06

GameSpite looks back at Final Fantasy VII: http://www.gamespite.net/verbalspew2/2011/07/04/soldier-on-america/ # Video Games Industry: What E3 Says About the Business | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos .. http://bit.ly/lnMfxo # RT @onm_uk The idea for Zelda...