David Oxford

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=157388 Mario Kart Wii K'Nex - pics # RT @retroist "The Smurfs: A Magical Smurf Adventure" Available on DVD July 19, 2011 - http://www.retroist.com/?p=25406 # RT @GoNintendoTweet...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-05

RT @ZackRyder Found this Zacktastic video on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUR5eBEURKk And no, it's not my show # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=157309 REPORT-Football video games make players more aggressive than violent ones...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-04

RT @Kotaku Sony's S****est Golden Week Ever http://t.co/x2BgA7A # RT @onm_uk Do you have any questions for the makers of Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympics? # When the Zombie Apocalypse Happens, You're Gonna Wanna Know This Guy - Topless Robot...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-03

Portal Tetris - Dueling Analogs http://bit.ly/ly1VNh # Love it. Brawl in the Family » Archive » 329 – Overgrowth http://t.co/8PhSJEp via @AddThis # Brawl in the Family » Archive » 327 – Moblin http://t.co/u4waVfa via @AddThis # RT @GamesRadar The Top 7... Spin-off...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-02

RT @markmacd PR in Sony conference packet saysPSN back up "this week",PS3 to have forced system update that requires pw change before login # RT @markmacd Also from SonyPSN "Welcome Back" program: all existing PSN customers get 30 days of...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-01

RT @VisionaryLight I still can't believe Kinder eggs are banned in the US. http://t.co/9cMGsIU # RT @crunchychocobo Gaming Haiku: Super Mario Galaxy http://t.co/S88b7wP # RT @PressTheButtons Mega Man X5 Translator Speaks http://t.co/VnWdyD2 # RT @cracked If...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-30

RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=157025 GoNintendo 'End of Day' thought - Getting back into old games # RT @VG247 Rumour: PSN member credit card numbers on sale in hacker underground: http://bit.ly/j9qvx3 # Best Of Bad Advice Cat...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-29

Dorkly Bits: Rampage Apology http://t.co/idg5ZFL via @Dorkly # Dorkly Bits: Mario With A Portal Gun http://t.co/ke8C6Td via @Dorkly # 8 Real & Fictional Addresses of Superheroes in New York City http://t.co/waOk787 via @Dorkly # RT @TGWTG From @Rinrygamegame...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-28

RT @g4tv Every ending in Mortal Kombat 9. No need to thank us. Enjoy! http://bit.ly/gbVI1s # The Music of Mario - Wii Feature at IGN http://t.co/tktCGYE via @IGN # RT @xematt X-E dissects "Over Our Heads," the zany shop run by Mrs. Garrett during the 827th...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-27

Is... is this for real?! RT @Dtoid Something you may not know about Super Mario World http://t.co/ZjyH4mA # RT @onm_uk Excitebike to be released as a free 3DS download - http://t.co/ZQOOlP9 # RT @Siliconera >> New post: Nintendo To Look Into More Platforms For...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-26

Well, I suppose this clinches it. RT @eurogamer_net Nintendo announces new home console, confirms 2012 launch - http://bit.ly/hV13iy # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=156619 WarioWorld.com turns up yet another Project Cafe image, this one even more...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-25

RT @Batrock Super Mario Bros. The Movie Archive is actually a surprisingly fascinating resource. http://bit.ly/e6oWGa # Hahaha. RT @WWE Happy Easter WWE Universe!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwf3iVK4UQE #WWE @HeelZiggler # Oh, wow... updates!...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-24

RT @Roto13 If I was a Metroid fan I would buy today's Teefury shirt. http://t.co/zGgmVUv # RT @OldSchool80s Remember the Cadbury Creme Egg commercials from the #80s > http://t.co/Cszjjfk # RT @OldSchool80s On this day in 1985, NewCoke was introduced.It...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-23

Calico cat does the dog paddle | The Upshot Yahoo! News http://yhoo.it/i6cUnQ # Proposing In A Super Mario Living Room http://ca.kotaku.com/5794678/proposing-in-a-super-mario-living-room # The Sad Story of Shannon "Daffney" Spruill http://t.co/9vN3Uni via...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-22

The Dorklyst 8 Greatest Plot Twists in Videogame History http://bit.ly/f8eFAK # The 10 Greatest Star Wars Toys That Hasbro Hasn't Remade - Topless Robot http://bit.ly/h2rc10 # 6 Attempts at 3-D Gaming Before the 3DS - Topless Robot http://bit.ly/foDCVN # Music...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-21

RT @Siliconera >> New post: No More Heroes: Red Zone Edition For PS3 Has Levels Cut From The Wii Version http://t.co/H60Cn8U # RT @Foodie_Fanatic Mayor McCheese? Bring back all the retro 70's @McDonalds characters in all their glory!! Collector glasses,...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-20

How to Make Social Games: Top Facebook Gaming Charts | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos |.. http://bit.ly/gAr6wz # Best Video Game Music: Top 10 Songs and Soundtracks | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos | .. http://bit.ly/enkH5m # RT @GoNintendoTweet...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-19

Fingers crossed for Bushido Blade! RT @gameinformer Another Classic PlayStation Franchise Getting HD Remake? http://bit.ly/eCgHqL # RT @cracked The 5 Most Incredible Stories of Pimped Out Wheelchairs: http://bit.ly/e7quu7 # RT @wewantmccheese Blast Works...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-18

RT @OMGFacts Walt Disney had a secret APARTMENT above Disneyland’s fire station! Pic + Details ---> http://t.co/7LDt4N3 # RT @cracked 14 Things Kids Suspect About the Adult World: http://t.co/qwUZXlB # RT @cracked 7 Hotly Debated Movie Questions That Totally Have...

Twitter Updates for 2011-05-06

Twitter Updates for 2011-04-17

Video Game Characters You Probably Could Beat Up http://t.co/L4A8clB via @smosh # The 10 Most Badass Dinosaurs in Comics - Topless Robot http://bit.ly/i08g4a # RT @GameOnAminka Curious as to how Ocarina 3D controls? http://ds.ign.com/articles/116/1162205p1.html...