David Oxford

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-29
Mar 29, 2011 | Uncategorized
RT @VG247 Nintendo stands down from not working with garage devs comment: Nintendo has stood down from remarks made... http://bit.ly/gWSVlN # RT @Siliconera >> New post: Nintendo's Unannounced Balance Board Controlled Motorcycle Game For Wii Found...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-28
Mar 28, 2011 | Uncategorized
RT @mtvmultiplayer Reggie leads 'Triforce' up the escalator to his 3DStiny. http://t.co/GZtbNMQ # RT @FileFront This week's </RANT>, @JimSterling wants to know whyHomefront won't let him be important.Cuz he totally is! http://t.co/UVNprud #...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-27
Mar 27, 2011 | Uncategorized
RT @TGWTG From Game Scan TV it's Contra 3 http://t.co/ATMRJtZ # RT @HostBryan Japanese man dons a scuba suit to look for his family & other survivors post-disaster: tinyurl.com/4qqrpwx (via @sporkyreeve) # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=154133...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-26
Mar 26, 2011 | Uncategorized
I miss some of these: S'Mores Crunch, OJ's, Pac-Man... 25 More Terrible (Or Awesome) Breakfast Cereals - The Consumerist http://t.co/79uLL8v # Never heard of them, but okay. - The Problem with Jeggings http://t.co/YCCbHJ6 via @CollegeHumor # Kratos Is One...

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Friday, March 25th
Mar 25, 2011 | Uncategorized
And today, we have an early posting. From the Toronto Video Game Examiner: Toronto video game deals for the week of March 25th to March 31st, 2011 From the Canada Nintendo Examiner: A look at the "+ cats" in nintendogs + cats - Is it the cat's meow, or will feline...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-25
Mar 25, 2011 | Uncategorized
Handheld Video Games Development: Rising Costs Hit Developers | Game Industry News, Interviews and .. http://bit.ly/eS974b # Video Game Sales: Is the Games Industry Bouncing Back? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos.. http://bit.ly/hbmD48 # Video Games Good...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-24
Mar 24, 2011 | Uncategorized
Cloud Gaming: When Will Streaming Video Games Matter? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos .. http://bit.ly/gdJKyp # Board Games Worth Making Video Games, Apps, Digital Download | Game Industry News, Interviews and .. http://bit.ly/exz0c8 # RT @Dtoid Nintendo...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-23
Mar 23, 2011 | Uncategorized
Oh, great. Now we're going to need another campaign... BK Splits With Agency That Gave Us Creepy King - The Consumerist http://t.co/ZainjOy # AdFreak: Crispin's 15 best campaigns for Burger King http://t.co/p4nMcfF # If You're Being Robbed, It's...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-22
Mar 22, 2011 | Uncategorized
RT @Kotaku Japan Doesn't Have An Eggman Nuclear Plant http://t.co/hmWc1GG # RT @Kotaku College Cosplay Traditional Banned http://t.co/pnimM3Q # Fun read, cool guy. RT @pulsewrestling Cody Rhodes Talks Dusty, He and Rey Mysterio Stealing Wrestlemania 27...

Cole Slaw
Mar 21, 2011 | Commentary
Tonight, something amazing happened: reviled WWE announcer Michael Cole joined Twitter!suits have ordered me to do it, and they will rue the day. I am on twitter! Tweeting what I can't say on raw. Welcome to the resistanceMy first reaction to that tweet?@MichaelCole...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-21
Mar 21, 2011 | Uncategorized
RT @geoffkeighley Returning champion:Looks like Nintendo'sReggie is back on @jimmyfallon this Fri.night as the 2nd guest http://bit.ly/FZcb # Any guesses what he'll be there to talk about? I'll give you 3, and the first two don't count. I'll...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-20
Mar 20, 2011 | Uncategorized
Tons of 3DS Mii QR Codes http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=153345 # RT @GamesRadar http://bit.ly/dL81Y1 - How gaming has changed in the last five years #GRturns5 # I hope it's not required: 3DS LEGO Star Wars Makes The Case Against 3D - http://bit.ly/eDrncL...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-19
Mar 19, 2011 | Uncategorized
How Healthy are Facebook's Social Games and Gaming Scene? | Game Industry News, Interviews and Vid.. http://bit.ly/h0Borl # Why is Kinect Outselling PlayStation Move? http://bit.ly/eaIVQw # RT @onm_uk New Nintendo 3DS trailer shows built-in software -...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-18
Mar 18, 2011 | Uncategorized
RT @Razorsaw I favorited a YouTube video -- THE WIND AND THUNDER RANGERS SAY DUDE A LOT http://youtu.be/4sRntxsNhxE?a # RT @TGWTG From @Rinrygamegame it's Non nostalgic Review: Sonic Adventure http://bit.ly/eslRXa # RT @GrundyTheMan Well played @FrankieMuniz:...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-17
Mar 17, 2011 | Uncategorized
And the 1st comment doesn't miss a beat. RT http://gonintendo.com/?p=152993 RandomTime! - BestBuy might be overpricing the 3DS just a tad... # Well, crap. RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=152994 3DS - Photo Mii creator doesn't like facial hair,...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-16
Mar 16, 2011 | Uncategorized
Dorkly Bits Chargin Chuck Gets Picked Last http://bit.ly/fMnDhr # Mature Video Games: Their Price to the Gaming Industry | Game Industry News, Interviews and Videos.. http://bit.ly/gMAyvn # How to Make Money with Microtransactions, In-App Purrchases | Game Industry...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-15
Mar 15, 2011 | Uncategorized
RT @WWE WWE.com NEWS: WWE responds to Japan earthquake and Pacific tsunami http://wwe.me/1bKNfT # RT @TGWTG From @TheGameHeroes it's Top 10 hardest SNES Games worth playing http://bit.ly/gXmICu # The biggest Nintendo 3DS AR card in the world? http://bit.ly/hNSqsa...

The Examiner/MMN Revue for Monday, March 14th
Mar 15, 2011 | Uncategorized
From the Toronto Video Game Examiner: Games shipping the week of March 14th, 2011 From the Canada Nintendo Examiner: The Nintendo Download - 3/14/11 - Plants vs. Zombies, an odd take on Alice in Wonderland, and a puzzle of colors, lights, shapes, and shadows. Check...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-14
Mar 14, 2011 | Uncategorized
RT @TacoBell Who's been to this @TacoBell? http://tinyurl.com/6cqtx8r # RT @g4tv Why aren't these video game problems fixed yet? http://bit.ly/hXEjJO # RT @Dtoid 4000-year-old deity rears head in Ghostbusters dev diary http://tinyurl.com/4vtlu4l # RT...

Twitter Updates for 2011-03-13
Mar 13, 2011 | Uncategorized
RT @MyNintendoNews Shigeru Miyamoto explains why Nintendo decided to bring Ocarina Of Time to the Nintendo 3DS http://t.co/mYZO2kN # RT @PokeFacts There's been rumors that Satoshi Tajiri, creator of Pokemon, died in the Japan earthquakes. Nintendo confirmed...
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