David Oxford

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates Update

Good news, everyone! Those of you who are sick of my inane chatter filling Twitter posts on PMO no longer have to worry; I've opened a Twitter account specifically for PMO, where I'll stick to posting links to whatever crazy and interesting news and articles I come...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-18

@reneepaquette ...wait, there was a mini-R.A.W.? Did I miss something? in reply to reneepaquette # Gendo isn't #1 Then who...? Topless Robot - The 10 Worst Parents in Anime http://bit.ly/9lKsWM # Weird, this Twitter app is only showing tweets from the last 25...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Just a Note About the Twitter Feed…

Just wanted to let you all know that the Twitter set-up isn't quite working out how I'd envisioned, between retweets not showing and my own responses to other people piling up. As such, I'm going to see if I can put together a separate Twitter feed specifically for...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-17

YES. RT @WWEgames Who thinks future games should have a presentation option between "Old School" and "Current?" # @WWE is impressing the hell out of me with this #OldSchoolRaw They've really gone all-out! I thought it'd just be a few...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-16

Stomach's felt like a bowl of gravel all day. Hoping tomorrow proves to be better. # I love how Generations Kup looks: http://bit.ly/9q3mbp My favorite part is how his truck mode looks futuristic and old at the same time. # Games shipping the week of November...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-15

@CMPunk Not that I know of, but you might be able to reach him through @IDWPublishing in reply to CMPunk # Just finished reading the amazingly epic Breakfast of the Gods: http://bit.ly/2m3SgT Awesome stuff. # @BrentButt Skattles #FailedCandy in reply to BrentButt #...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-14

Bleh, I feel terrible. Stomach is tipsy-turvy, side aches a bit...Just ick.At least @ExcuseMeWWE made me feel better at Smackdown's opening. # Feel lousy enough that I don't even want to hunt down the five hours of tweets I missed. # Huh, I thought...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-13

RT @TwinGalaxies Happy Birthday Twin Galaxies! Doors opened in Ottumwa, Iowa 29 yrs ago today! # One symptom of the stones seems to have returned. I find this a little alarming, but hopefully it will be nothing. # Yep, I think we are now firmly on our way back into...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-12

@McDonalds @McD_Canada This is McNificent: http://bit.ly/cNwSkO # Canadian Vietnam veteran displeased with Call of Duty: Black Ops release date http://exm.nr/au0GNA # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://www.gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=142043 Why Each Mario Game Could Be...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-11

Sony's Kevin Butler has a message for Canadians http://exm.nr/bXualz # @timturi I won't be satisfied until they successfully merge everything which made both great. NSMBWii is a step in the right direction, tho. in reply to timturi # Re: That Quidditch story...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-10

I wonder if/how Player 1 will be able to play as Diddy Kong in Donkey Kong Country Returns. #dkhoard # The Nintendo Download - 11/8/10 http://exm.nr/aRoKfE # Topless Robot - The 10 Worst Cartoon Kid Sidekicks http://bit.ly/bahtEs # YES! RT Shake_Well The Million...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-09

@CallMeWingus Who is the smaller gun from? in reply to CallMeWingus # @Rinrygamegame Done! in reply to Rinrygamegame # Just finished watching the greatest episode of G.I. Joe. Any guesses as to which one I'm referring to? # Thanks to YouTube(not WWE's), I...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-08

Currently reading http://www.cracked.com/article_18863_5-reasons-bowser-most-successful-video-game-character.html and loving it. # Currently reading http://www.cracked.com/article_18781_umbrella-most-wasteful-movie-corporation-ever.html # @Razorsaw What about him are...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Two Thoughts on Kinect

I do not yet have Kinect, and will probably not be getting it for the foreseeable future. This is not due to any disdain for the product; in fact, I'm quite eager to try it out for myself once the opportunity presents itself. However, the $150 cost seems a bit much,...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-07

@NintendoAmerica Super Mario Bros. was my first. Is there any better place to start? #Mario25 in reply to NintendoAmerica # Check out Pilgrim’s Pilgrims - http://notalwaysright.com/pilgrims-pilgrims/8127 # @UnknownNeo I want the hat, as I have costume plans. But not...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-06

@maqqy96 Hah, I hear that. Think I went through 500+ the other day. in reply to maqqy96 # @Razorsaw ...the he'll? Really? in reply to Razorsaw # @arda_ocal @rft_3 Was anyone still wishing for Hogan at the time, though? in reply to arda_ocal # Whew, what a dinner....

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-05

At Eidos Montreal, checking out Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Looks good so far; anyone have any questions they want me to ask? # One I'm considering is whether all restaurants in the future are Taco Bell. # Hotel TV sucks. Don't get Family OR The Score. Argh....

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-04

TNA has launched anti-bullying campaign. I suppose that's one way to take on the WWE. # I kid, though, glad to hear they're doing something, even if I never watch: http://tinyurl.com/2asqaru # I do like @secondpower's story there, too. Weird to hear...

Twitter Updates Update: What The–?!

Twitter Updates for 2010-11-03

The Nintendo Download - 11/1/10 http://www.examiner.com/canada-nintendo-in-canada/the-nintendo-download-11-1-10 # RT @RipTen DirecTV Ditches G4; Network Urges Viewers to Show Support: http://bit.ly/9TyDWo # @LanceHeart Oh? What happened there? in reply to LanceHeart #...