David Oxford

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

OutRun Online Arcade isn't long for this world; I recommend grabbing it while the grabbing is good, personally. # @Protodude I do not recall any official confirmation as such, no. in reply to Protodude # @Joveth Heh, nope, sorry. I'd seen it before when...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-13

RT @themmnetwork News: Hidden Level Editor Discovered in Mega Man X/X3 http://bit.ly/cr2yun # Twitter seems to be playing hardball with their new version, as the old is acting all sorts of wonky. # Small number of posts when clicking "more" (just opening...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-12

Just re-watched @WWETheBigShow's bit from Smackdown; I had missed him running out. Wow. Funny stuff. # Well, maybe it's time I get some sleep... # Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Again! (Today is the actual day; we just got together for the dinner yesterday.) #...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-11

RT @tssznews BULLETIN RT @sonicparadise - Sega representative has confirmed SonicAnniversary and 3rd Mario&Sonic title for 2011. More soon. # RT @tssznews BULLETIN: Sega Spain Rep Confirms Sonic Anniversary, 3rd Mario and Sonic for 2011 http://bit.ly/c5svcN # Just...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-10

RT @themmnetwork News: Mega Man #1 Cover, Plus Spaz Sketches http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/10/08/mega-man-1-cover-plus-spaz-sketches/ # Just want to say, I'm late to the party, but much love for Sonic&SEGA All-Stars Racing. Mario Kart Wii could take a few...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-09

Wow, my front/side/back/inside is killing me... took some Tylenol for it, hope that helps. It had better... # @Razorsaw Contact Hasbro about it. They suck at replacement parts, but can be pretty good about replacement figures... in reply to Razorsaw # @Razorsaw Should...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-08

@Razorsaw Ah, that makes sense... I think. in reply to Razorsaw # @CallMeWingus You could do worse: http://consumerist.com/2010/10/woman-confuses-eyedrops-with-superglue-not-as-funny-as-it-sounds.html in reply to CallMeWingus # @ToplessRobot Well, can you blame them?...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-07

Guess I'll get a quick nap before some late-night work... # Twitter on iPhone sucks. 😛 It seems to have a real issue with me retweeting articles and letting me sign in to do so. # LJ is the same way.I can't get it to display any of my posts since August...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-06

@JoeyDavidson Aww, lucky. I have to make do with being cited for how bad Castlevania Judgment's designs are. ;P in reply to JoeyDavidson # @arda_ocal He clearly doesn't miss it enough. ;P in reply to arda_ocal # @DaveOshry @JimSterling "Welcome to the...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-05

RT @themmnetwork News: Detailed Rockman Online Blog Info http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/10/04/detailed-rockman-online-blog-info/ # @gamestopcanada But the big question is, are you guys carrying the banana pouch pre-order bonus? in reply to gamestopcanada # This one...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-04

@UnknownNeo Eh, not quite the same. More like Swagger's American American Eagle, please. Maybe beating up on Y2J's lion and Orton's viper. in reply to UnknownNeo # ...or being beaten up by, whatever. # Bleh, feeling "fatigued" from recent...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-03

I'm betting Alberto Del Rio brings out a chihuahua in a Rey Mysterio mask; any takers (not Under)? # Wow, To the letter. # @arda_ocal I called this to the letter. You guys? in reply to arda_ocal # @pvponline I don't disagree, but I was hoping you might touch...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-02

@jenncutter I know. The way those ads are placed only encourages me to ignore them. # RT @kobunheat On the Nintendo 3DS price, and why 25,000 yen is not 300 dollars. http://is.gd/fCR7X # Capcom - consoles going all digital will 'never happen'...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-01

Back from the hospital, as detailed by @nadiaoxford. 3DS & MML3 killed my sleep last night, and a kidney stone killed my productivity today. # During the visit at the hospital, we recalled recently when she was playing Mega Man X8, that I pretty much asked for...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-30

@Roto13 Totally. It's what got me back into Power Rangers. Good thing, too, as that season was epic, and Next Mutation didn't last, anyway. in reply to Roto13 # RT @themmnetwork News: Mega Man Legends 3 Announced for Nintendo 3DS http://tinyurl.com/3adykoq #...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

What Could Be Worse Than a Kidney Stone?

As if the money situation wasn't bad enough, I just got back from the hospital for yet another kidney stone. Or possibly the same one, having lain dormant. Either way, Red is off to the pharmacy to get meds, plus the cost of getting me there and back, PLUS the fact I...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-29

Okay, so tonight's plans are off. Watching Raw now... well, soon. Canada, lol, and all that. # Canada, too, please. RT @BTTFcom Back to the Future is coming BACK to theaters! http://conta.cc/9qz1Rx via #bttf # RT @nerdist McBusters! Hilarious...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-28

RT @Shortpacked http://www.shortpacked.com/2010/blog/wall-o-jaam/ Fear my McHot Shot pyramid! # @Shortpacked What's the one on the far-right, in-package? It looks like a Hot Wheel-type car... in reply to Shortpacked # @Shortpacked Wicked; I assume it's part...

Twitter Updates for 2010-10-14

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-27

@DaveOshry At one time, I'd have agreed. What's wrong with it now, though? in reply to DaveOshry # A lot of neat Mario stuff showing at TRU. I'd love the Mario shirt, but I bet it doesn't come in my size: http://gonintendo.com/?p=137279 # Funny...