David Oxford

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

When I was a kid, I'm afraid I have to admit that I just was not the biggest fan of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero. That's not to say I didn't like it or watch it; I was simply more preoccupied with other cartoons of the early 80's, such as Transformers. Of course,...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-26

@UnknownNeo I don't know; you responded to the tweet about Nintendo turning 121, I thought it was something regarding my article. in reply to UnknownNeo # @UnknownNeo I try to do that, and usually do. But one accident, and... in reply to UnknownNeo # @Roto13...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-25

RT @kfc_colonel Some think Col. Sanders was just a brand icon and not a real person. Here's the REAL Colonel: http://youtu.be/k0jB7NJ87Js # RT @SethGreen Meeting Hasbro next week! Want Apocalypse Ponies toys? Help me trend #ApocalypsePonies !! # RT @themmnetwork...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-24

Here's a classic Square should revisit: RT @RetroistGames: Review of Rad Racer - http://games.retroist.com/?p=1237 # RT @retroist Make sure you fill out your Pound Puppy Registration Form - http://www.retroist.com/?p=17998 # @Shake_Well I could see a "Dark...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-23

@JoeyDavidson @keripwny Aye, sorry about the last tweets; found the others, and I'm caught up now. in reply to JoeyDavidson # @WWEUniverse I thought you could just change the name? in reply to WWEUniverse # Nintendo To Fansites: Don't Advertise Our Games For...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-22

The Nintendo Download - 9/20/10 http://www.examiner.com/canada-nintendo-in-canada/the-nintendo-download-9-20-10 # @arda_ocal Do you think that if Layla and McCool split while co-Champion, they would de-unify the belt? # This is saddening....

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-21

@Shake_Well Sounds like a good night to me; I wish I could have caught it. in reply to Shake_Well # @Protomanx Aww, you had me thinking it was a new one when I clicked. 🙁 in reply to Protomanx # @Protomanx In this case, more recent than two months old. ;P in reply to...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-20

@adamrides ...Bautista? in reply to adamrides # RT @themmnetwork Joystiq Interviews MMU Producer http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/09/18/joystiq-interviews-mega-man-universe-producer/ # RT @themmnetwork News: Hideki Kamiya Teases Mega Man Legends...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Were You an Activision Master Gamer?

Were you an "Activision Master Gamer?" That is the question posed by Mr. Paxton Holley of the Cavalcade of Awesome. And me? I never was. In fact, it's quite strange: despite being the original third-party video game publisher, and despite being perhaps the biggest...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Two Good Sites for Killing Time

Among other things lately, I've been killing some time with two sites I've recently discovered. Having enjoyed them, I thought the least I could do would be to share them here. The first is a relatively new website which you might have seen spoken of elsewhere. Called...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-18

@CMPunk Didn't you have a Twitter account once before? Or was that an impostor (I think even other verified WWE guys tweeted it)? # @pkollar Funny; so far, it's exactly what I remember... just shinier. in reply to pkollar # RT @themmnetwork Game Informer...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-17

@pkollar Is it on par with the original? I want to make sure it's not another Sonic Genesis before downloading. in reply to pkollar # @daheatman Next time, you'll beat me by more than that when I don't pay attention to you "turning in early."...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-16

RT @themmnetwork News: This Week: Mega Man 9, Maverick Hunter X 1/2 Off on PlayStation Store http://bit.ly/dwHSb3 # @adamrides Wait, you got it? in reply to adamrides # @WWEGoldust Do you know where your children are? in reply to WWEGoldust # @WWEGoldust If that was...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-09-15

IT LIVES!!! # @daheatman What's wrong, exactly? in reply to daheatman # @daheatman Ah, I see. Isn't that where they got the artist for Zero/ZX, though, or have I just been hearing rumors? in reply to daheatman # Give me a shirt with the crest, and I'll...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis


Things have been a little slow around here, and I felt I should just offer an explanation. Been dealing with a kidney stone since Monday morning, and it hasn't exactly been very conducive to writing. Hopefully I'll soon have that behind me, be able to sort some other...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-31

@UnknownNeo Can't blame him at all. in reply to UnknownNeo # @zerothelegend Thanks! I'll be trying! in reply to zerothelegend # RT @Shortpacked That's right,Transformers:TheMovie, which took place20yrs in the future, is now 5yrs in the...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-30

RT @themmnetwork News: Servbot Bobble Budds in Nature http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/30/servbot-bobble-budds-in-nature/ # ...the hell? RT @IGN Looks like there is going to be more than on Dark Knight running around Gotham City. | http://go.ign.com/cmUyUL #...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-29

Like everyone else, basically. RT @ripten Sony Not Expecting Big Move for Move When It Launches: http://bit.ly/cy7jUX # A real American hero, this guy. RT @ripten Call of Duty’s Military Adviser Calls Out Xbox LIVE’s “Little B*stards”: http://bit.ly/9g2S2t # Cat fends...

G.I. Joe: A Duke Diagnosis

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-28

RT @arda_ocal I am not to be doubted 🙂 RT @ayebaybay21: Haha @arda_ocal was right. WWE did post Serena's release after SD aired tonight! # Toronto video game deals for the week of August 27th to September 2nd, 2010 - http://tinyurl.com/24a5bz4 # RT @themmnetwork...