David Oxford

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-27
Aug 27, 2010 | Uncategorized
RT @PressTheButtons I didn't know that Zero Suit Samus was in Tron Legacy! http://tinyurl.com/36ezzzp # Great... first, Generations takes forever to come out, now they're coming out too quickly! # I hope a check comes today. I'd really like to be able to...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-26
Aug 26, 2010 | Uncategorized
RT @themmnetwork News: More Mega Man Universe to Come at PAX? http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/26/more-mega-man-universe-to-come-at-pax/ # @ShawnMichaels_ A request on future videos: they're tough to hear without really cranking up the volume. Be nice if you...

Rockman Online Gets Teased with a Trailer
Aug 26, 2010 | Tubin', Video Games
I normally wait until nighttime to post news links from The Mega Man Network and such, but I felt the first fully-animated teaser trailer for Rockman Online warranted breaking that little semi-tradition. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

What, Me? Musical?
Aug 25, 2010 | Commentary
I believe I may have hit a new level of geekiness while watching the newest AMV Mini. You see, I'm far from what one would call "musically inclined," and yet, after a segment which used The Legend of Zelda's Overworld theme... "...I don't know what this says about me,...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-25
Aug 25, 2010 | Uncategorized
RT @themmnetwork News: Mega Man vs. Street Fighter http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/25/mega-man-vs-street-fighter/ # What would you pay for a vintage NES game, mint-in-box? - http://tinyurl.com/249x3aa # @WWEUniverse Just because you lower your TV rating...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-24
Aug 24, 2010 | Uncategorized
@ShawnMichaels_ Not in school any more, but thanks for that. It helped lift my spirits a bit today. 🙂 in reply to ShawnMichaels_ # @ShawnMichaels_ Also, welcome to the club. Glasses and a hat make a nifty combination. in reply to ShawnMichaels_ # RT @themmnetwork...

What Entertains the Entertainers? A Look at Technological Progression in Mario
Aug 24, 2010 | Video Games
Mario and his friends were created with a simple purpose: to entertain. However, have you ever wondered what they do to amuse themselves when they aren't entertaining us? That is the focus of the Waluigious article "In Which We're Entertained," which takes a look at...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-23
Aug 23, 2010 | Uncategorized
Boo, Teletoon Retro skipped over the entire five-part season 2 opener for G.I. Joe. What's with that? # Hmm, I apparently passed 4K tweets at some point. Another milestone missed. Oh well, I've come to expect it now. # @Protomanx LINK! DOESN'T! WORK! 🙁 in...

Soft Drink Terms, the Invention of Soda Water, Dr Pepper, and Foreign Flavors
Aug 23, 2010 | Fast Food Culture, Tubin'
Just a little something I found on Yahoo! News, which involves a favorite subject of mine: I actually have a bottle of the turkey & gravy soda, as a gift from my wife a few years ago. Never drank it, though; we keep it as a novelty. It came in a package with other...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-22
Aug 22, 2010 | Uncategorized
RT @cerealgeek To my fellow Tweeters-It's my birthday; so please take pity on this 33YO and PIMP my He-Man book- http://tinyurl.com/35j94eu # @Shake_Well Capcom, usually. I just like to say it out loud so others might hear and rally support. in reply to Shake_Well...

The Legend of Pants
Aug 22, 2010 | Video Games
Since Nintendo revealed The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword at E3, people have been abuzz about the game. Some have spoken of the 1:1 motion controls, as well as the potential issue that presents for left-handed folk. Some have discussed the art style, and others the...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-21
Aug 21, 2010 | Uncategorized
RT @daheatman I had some fun tweeting with @ROCKMAN_UNITY this morning!Though I still thinkJapanese speaking people get to cheat atTwitter. # RT @daheatman I mean look at it this way - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney vs. ????. Even without the Ace Attorney, they can save...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-20
Aug 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
Nintendo goes live-action with Metroid: Other M ad - http://tinyurl.com/2el3bd6 # Nintendo of Canada's neighborhood tour is moving in - http://tinyurl.com/2cck2pt # Bret "The Hitman" Hart revealed as Canadian WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 national pre-order...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-19
Aug 19, 2010 | Uncategorized
Whew! Done for the day... didn't wind up doing any Examiner, though. # RT @GoNintendoTweet http://gonintendo.com/?p=133641 GoNintendo 'End of Day' thoughts - A letter to the thief that stole my Mom's DSi XL # Not one of mine, but still funny: RT...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-18
Aug 18, 2010 | Uncategorized
RT @God_Damn_Batman America'sGotTalent audition.Howie said"brooding"wasn't a talent.So I showed him my other talent,"groin strike batarang." # RT @themmnetwork News: The Mystery of the Sour Servbot...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-17
Aug 17, 2010 | Uncategorized
RT @nerdbastards Back to the Future Infographic: How the Flux Capacitor Works http://bit.ly/cKMl6i # RT @themmnetwork News: Australians! Get Your Weapons Ready for Mega Man Zero Collection http://bit.ly/dtdGrW # RT @ripten Marvel at This Mighty Mass of Marios:...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-16
Aug 16, 2010 | Uncategorized
@arda_ocal Other than Wade, no one in Nexus has been booked very strong, they've only shown strength in numbers, and those were worn down. in reply to arda_ocal # @DanRyckert You really think it's over? It's probably just begun. in reply to DanRyckert # If...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-15
Aug 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
Super Mario Bros. 3 and the wide world of Nintendo's e-Reader - http://tinyurl.com/37dbnxy # @MATTHARDYBRAND TheRealCaptainCharisma in reply to MATTHARDYBRAND # PennyArcade - Breaking It Down http://t.co/CiwPcwN ...seriously? People found THAT comic offensive? Of...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-14
Aug 14, 2010 | Uncategorized
RT @themmnetwork ScottPilgrim's Creator on "Being" MegaMan http://www.themmnetwork.com/2010/08/14/scott-pilgrims-creator-on-being-mega-man/ # Yes, I may just do that. RT @Dtoid Enjoy some Scott Pilgrim animated sprites! http://tinyurl.com/2awxt7a #...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-13
Aug 13, 2010 | Uncategorized
Turned on Lopez Tonight, but I think I'm too late for The Miz... # VIDEO: Forever 21 Security Puts Choke Hold On Deaf Customer - The Consumerist http://t.co/xBf2DsE < Seems he didn't hear the security alarm. # Pwn My Life Issue 20 http://bit.ly/duPe79...
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