David Oxford

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-12
Aug 12, 2010 | Uncategorized
Check out A-Paul-ing Service - http://notalwaysright.com/a-paul-ing-service/6516 << Surely he's joking. # @sporkyreeve You may be the first American I've ever heard expect excitement from Canada. in reply to sporkyreeve # @tranceblade Hope, yes, but...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-11
Aug 11, 2010 | Uncategorized
Back on SMG2... fun stuff, but for swimming in 2D. It's like...wow. Nothing like swimming in 2D Mario. So they went from 2D to 3D and back. # Except the 2D still controls like 3D. So it's very strange... and unintuitive. # @mainfinger Comparatively speaking, I...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-10
Aug 10, 2010 | Uncategorized
Phoenix Dohd http://bit.ly/bVgWp1 # @arda_ocal My thoughts? Nexus has worn on me a lot faster than I thought they would. nWo, this ain't; even though they used gang tactics... in reply to arda_ocal # @arda_ocal ...you at least KNEW Nash, Hall, and Hogan could...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-09
Aug 9, 2010 | Uncategorized
Go to Hell, Twitter. I'm sick&tired of receiving DirectMessages I can't respond to. Why can they DM me, but I can't DM them? No good reason. # @TwinGalaxies: In response to your Direct Message, maybe this would interest you? http://bit.ly/anUvPb # RT...

Revenge of the 90’s: The Fate of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Aug 9, 2010 | Comic Books/Cartoons
The first two posts of my impromptu "Revenge of the 90's" weekend (which is now admittedly running over into the week) were not particularly revenge-like. In one, we learned of First 4 Figures taking Sonic the Hedgehog back to his roots, while the other gave us a...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-08
Aug 8, 2010 | Uncategorized
@Rinrygamegame Consider it Dugg! in reply to Rinrygamegame # DeviantArt doesn't work, LJ half-works, the pizza guy's handheld card terminal doesn't work, my computer keeps freezing...ominous, isn't it? # Just finished catching up on two weeks of...

Revenge of the 90’s: Return of the Power Rangers Promo
Aug 7, 2010 | Commentary, Tubin'
Here's a little fun something which popped up recently, a promotional video for the Saban Brands and Marvista's Power Rangers revival: I'm hopeful that the inclusion of clips from not only the old Saban Rangers and Disney's version means that they have it all, but...

Revenge of the 90’s: New Sonic Figures Go Back to the ‘Hog’s Roots
Aug 7, 2010 | Commentary, Video Games
The Sonic the Hedgehog of today is quite different from the one seen throughout the 90's as the flagship title and mascot for SEGA's Genesis and Game Gear platforms. And while SEGA may be content to leave the older version of Sonic in the past (at least visually,...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-07
Aug 7, 2010 | Uncategorized
Report from Nintendo of Canada's Metroid: Other M preview event - http://tinyurl.com/2depecq # If myMetroid preview seemed a little daunting earlier,I've since figured out how to break it up with some images. http://tinyurl.com/2depecq # And after reading...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-06
Aug 6, 2010 | Uncategorized
What say you, @steveaustinBSR? Did it smell stinky or manly? RT @BrentButt Quoting my wife:"I bet 'The Expendables' was a stinky movie set." # @BrentButt A bit tired? in reply to BrentButt # RT @collegehumor Captain Planet and the Gulf Oil Disaster...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-05
Aug 5, 2010 | Uncategorized
@RealKingRegal I seriously would never have expected you to say that. in reply to RealKingRegal # RT @retronauts 1UP readers tell @nadiaoxford why they love themselves some Metroid: http://su.pr/2CFSTh # @Shortpacked Just noticed, it doesn't appear that your posts...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04
Aug 4, 2010 | Uncategorized
@daheatman Referring to inside the apartment; outside is fine. I was sweating bad enough earlier to drench a cardboard box I was holding. in reply to daheatman # @daheatman It's better now, though. in reply to daheatman # Time to get some shut-eye. What little I...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-03
Aug 3, 2010 | Uncategorized
Just hit NYC's Penn Stn, and @kfc_colonel's is closed. My DoubleDown venture has been a DoubleFail. # @1baronjennyson said DoubleDowns were good for "food induced comas." That would have been welcome for the long trip back with no sleep car. #...

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-02
Aug 2, 2010 | Uncategorized
Games shipping the week of August 2nd, 2010 - http://tinyurl.com/2a3kyy5 # Chilling out a bit before the trip home, then I can rest from that. Actually looking forward to getting back into the ol' rut. # Look forward to seeing the cats again, too. But I hate...

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-31
Jul 31, 2010 | Uncategorized
On my way to OtaRockman!... once I grab a bite to eat first, that is. # McFail: forgot lunch started, so skip it. Bigger fail: "down" escalator is out of order, but there are no stairs. Lone elevator was packed. # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-29
Jul 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
To everyone else: that means we made it to NYC okay. Now to wait six hours for our next departure. Good thing there is now free wifi here. # On another note: funny that it's only AFTER I got an iPhone that I'm getting all these "try iPhone 4" offers....

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-28
Jul 28, 2010 | Uncategorized
A look at Darkwing Duck #2 .. and I likes what I sees: http://scans-daily.dreamwidth.org/2176236.html # Hey, my first on-the-go tweet! The train have started to move, and I feel asleep. # Lady Gaga Kidnaps Commissioner Gordon http://onion.com/8YPjbX via...

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-27
Jul 27, 2010 | Uncategorized
The Nintendo Download - 7/26/10 - http://tinyurl.com/2fo3kzw # How disappointing: RT @pulsewrestling Has WWE Given Up On A Shawn Michaels Return? http://bit.ly/cnGzbe # Well, bedtime. Probably be fiddling with my new phone for a bit before sleep hits, though. #...

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-26
Jul 26, 2010 | Uncategorized
I've not been on Twitter all day, and now it's time to catch up. Hoo-boy... # @TDiBiaseMarine2 Outback is good; I miss it. For some reason, they never seem to last long up here in Canada. in reply to TDiBiaseMarine2 # This may actually be a comic book...

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-25
Jul 25, 2010 | Uncategorized
Epic Mickey video game leads to epic comic book spin-offs - http://tinyurl.com/22q8oos # @UnknownNeo Too true. in reply to UnknownNeo # @Pringer_Vince Is that King, the cat-headed guy? One Tekken guy I'd play... him, and the... bear, was it? in reply to...
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