David Oxford

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

@Shake_Well Trademarks. Could arguably be worse. Jr. Perfect? Mr. Perfect, Jr.? Mr. Perfect II? in reply to Shake_Well # @Protodude No prob. Kotabe has an artbook in Japan of his past works, Nintendo included, but it is SUPER expensive (no pun intended). in reply to...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-20

@billamend Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 in reply to billamend # @Shortpacked Gotcha, though @Devcon_Allspark explained already. Now I just feel dumb, but informed. in reply to Shortpacked # Well wouldja look at that: my Tweet count is back up! 2,601 now... 2,602 once I...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-19

I'm unreasonably jealous. RT @ToplessRobot I'm about to try the new spicy Chick-Fil-A sandwich. I'm unreasonably excited. # @Shortpacked Who is Roz, anyway? She seems familiar, but I couldn't find an entry in the Walkypedia. in reply to Shortpacked #...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-18

RT @DanRyckert @LBD_Nytetrayn Nah, they told me they didn't want it to be quite THAT cartoonish. Just exaggerated. # Among other things, it seems Miyamoto doesn't/didn't hate DKC like everyone thought: http://gonintendo.com/viewstory.php?id=127238 #...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-17

@JinSaotome Sounds like that list was faked. Took me a bit to find anything on the source link,&it sounds like it was deleted in the forums. in reply to JinSaotome # Dinnertime... # Clearly the kind of mentality we need in this economy. http://tinyurl.com/38nle96...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

It’s Twitter-Digest Time

In the post below this one, you might have noticed a compilation of all my tweets for the day. Upon the addition of some tools that would allow me to directly add my newest posts to Twitter (thanks, Lance), it was discovered that I could, in fact, also run the process...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-16

@Konami Is there a feed of the conference anywhere? in reply to Konami # Damn, I hate it when sites have internal loading... you can't stop them. # Okay, so apparently some people on Twitter CAN DM you without following you. @Konami just did. # And I can't log...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

The Bow on Birdo and More

Recently, Matt Green of Press the Buttons called my attention to a relatively new picture blog called "The Bow on Birdo." The Bow on Birdo is run by Drew Mackie (not related to this guy... at least, not as far as I'm aware), and is a Mario picture blog which...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Wax On, F*** Off, starring Ralph Macchio

As one might guess from the title, this might be a little unsafe for work. Wax On, F*** Off with Ralph Macchio from Ralph Macchio The best part, I think, is when he sees the poster for the new Karate Kid movie. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Talking Super Mario Galaxy 2 with Nintendo of Canada

I've just posted my Super Mario Galaxy 2 Q&A with Nintendo of Canada's Matt Ryan over at The Examiner. Feel free to give it a read. To be honest, if you've been following every bit of Super Mario Galaxy 2 news as it has come out, you may not find much new here--...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

The Internet… Explained

"I would like to confirm that hyperlinking is in no way harmful to your health." I found this, thanks to Scarab. Whether I will forgive him or not remains to be seen: Something about this just makes me want to cry. Part of me wants to laugh, but it's mostly crying....

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Latest Metroid Movie Rumor is Hilarious

A new Metroid movie rumor has surfaced, and my oh my, is it ever hilarious. According to RUMORMILLER (via GoNintendo), the lead role of Samus Aran has gone to none other than one Jessica Simpson, who is said to be "excited to restart her movie career." Furthermore,...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Sessler’s Soapbox: Super Mario Galaxy 2

Now, this is interesting. As you might recall, I took the opportunity yesterday to express some frustration I was feeling with a game I love, Super Mario Galaxy 2. I love the game, I'm having a blast, and I'm doing fairly well with it, but not quite at a level one...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21

Can’t Beat Super Mario Galaxy 2

Just finished more Super Mario Galaxy 2, and I get the feeling that I'm not finishing it in its entirety. As usual. I don't want to be one of those "3D Mario/2D Mario" types, and I'm not, really: I love me some 3D Mario, and I also love 2D. Hell, there's very little...

Twitter Updates for 2010-06-21


War For Cybertron Shockwave commercial @ Yahoo! Video It's ads like these which make me wish that Demolishor and Jazz were at GameStop, too. --LBD "Nytetrayn"