David Oxford

Programming Note
Jul 14, 2009 | Site News
Just a note, for anyone who might actually read this (I need a visitor stat tracker so bad...): No updates this week, and probably into the first half of next week, as the following days will be spent: preparing to go to Otakon, going to Otakon, being at Otakon,...

Videogame Who’s Who – The Yoshi
Jul 12, 2009 | Tubin'
From 4 color rebellion, via GoNintendo: On a related note, I like Yoshi's Story. I can understand people being upset at paying fifty, sixty, whatever the game cost upon its release, but as a Virtual Console game for ten bucks, it works well for me as a game you can...

United Breaks Singer’s Guitar, Singer Sings About United
Jul 10, 2009 | Tubin'
I'm not exactly as big a fan of airline travel as I used to be. I still enjoy the flight itself, but the security is now a pain, of course, and then there's the issue of anything they don't let you stow into an overhead compartment. My fears are not unfounded, as Dave...

Optimus Prime’s Top 10 on Letterman
Jul 9, 2009 | Tubin'
Kind of amusing, and just plain cool (and surreal) with Peter Cullen reading the lines. You really get the feeling that Letterman doesn't want to be doing this, though. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

IGN Presents: Project Milo Extended Demo
Jul 6, 2009 | Tubin'
You saw the crazy demo of Microsoft's Project Natal at E3 early last month, right? And Peter Molyneux's demonstration of Milo, a boy who can talk and interact with you? Well, it seems that IGN managed to get a little more time with Milo, and have revealed what else...

“The Real Cartoons are in Our Offices, Sitting Behind Desks”
Jul 4, 2009 | Uncategorized
Growing up, I remember that nothing would kill a Saturday morning faster than sports. Usually, it would hit around noon, and Saturday morning was officially over. Worse still is when it would happen early: You'd be sitting there, waiting for the next episode of a...

Optimus Prime: The Third Hardy Boy of the WWE
Jun 26, 2009 | Tubin', Video Games, Wrestling
Compare, if you will. Footage from the new TransFormers: Revenge of the Fallen video game from Activision: The old theme song for WWE tag team partners and brothers, the Hardy Boyz: From Japan, with things like Guns 'n Roses sneaking into Mega Man X games through...

TransFormers: Revenge of the Fallen Review, Now 99% Spoiler-Free!
Jun 25, 2009 | Reviews
So, TransFormers: Revenge of the Fallen. I won't go into too much detail here, at least plot/spoiler-wise, but... I liked it. Mind, I question whether or not I am any accurate barometer for anyone else to decide whether or not to watch the movie. Some things to note:...

Here’s a Question for You…
Jun 14, 2009 | Uncategorized
Does anyone have any of those old Christmas Wishbook catalogs from the likes of JC Penny, Sears, or if you're in the right region for it, Belk? Or perhaps other such stores? For the uninformed, "wishbooks" were pretty much what they sounded like: phonebook-thick...

It’s All About the Name, and How You Play It
Jun 11, 2009 | Commentary
It's funny how some names find their way into the common, every day vernacular. Band-aids for adhesive bandage strips, Kool-Aid for sugary fruit-flavored drink mixes, or even Coke for just about any soda that a person can't bother remembering the name of, but are...

It’s All Right
Jun 9, 2009 | Tubin'
Well, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon was certainly interesting: He had Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell on as a guest. And I don't mean Mark-Paul Gosselaar. I mean Zack frickin' Morris. It was really wild; he looked just like he did back then-- I almost wondered if...

Remembering Owen
May 23, 2009 | Wrestling
Today has been kind of depressing, and I wish I had managed to post this before the day would end. Nonetheless, it's worth noting that today marks the tenth anniversary of the passing of Owen Hart, who was one of my favorite wrestlers leading up to his untimely death....

“Prepare to be Dazzled”
May 9, 2009 | Tubin'
In 1986, there was the animated TransFormers: The Movie. In 1986, there was the animated My Little Pony: The Movie. In 1987, there was the animated G.I. Joe: The Movie. In 2007, there was the live-action TransFormers movie. In 2009, there will be the live-action G.I....

Happy Birthday, Keiji Inafune!
May 8, 2009 | Video Games
In writing the post about TransFormers' anniversary, I very nearly forgot to mention that today is also the 44th birthday of Capcom's answer to Nintendo maestro Shigeru Miyamoto, Keiji Inafune! For those who aren't familiar with the name, Mr. Inafune is a pretty...

Celebrating 25 Years of TransFormers: 1984-2009
May 8, 2009 | Toys
Today marks the 25th anniversary of the TransFormers franchise. Well, the observed anniversary, anyway; as G.B. Blackrock details on The Allspark, a specific date of Hasbro announcing the toyline or finding the airdate of the first commercial would be entirely too...

Just a Reminder…
May 1, 2009 | Comic Books/Cartoons
Free Comic Book Day is tomorrow! If you can, don't miss out! --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Impressions of OutRun Online Arcade
Apr 27, 2009 | Reviews
First, I'd like to say that this isn't a "proper" review. I got to spend some time with the game this weekend, enough for some impressions... vroom-vroom! How was that? Just kidding. Anyway... I've found that SEGA's games have always had a very distinct look, feel,...

Happy Birthday, Game Boy and Super Smash Bros.!
Apr 21, 2009 | Video Games
Today marks two very special occasions. First, today marks the tenth anniversary of Super Smash Bros.! I'll probably go into some detail soon about my fondness of the series, but for now, you can read what Joe Keiser has to say about the occasion over at 61 Frames per...

Building Excite-ment, Part 3: Excite Truck
Apr 19, 2009 | Uncategorized
For part 1 (Excitebike), click here, and part 2 (Excitebike 64), click here. Nintendo promised the world a Revolution in 2006, and though they changed the name of their then-upcoming console to the Wii, they would bring a revolution to the Excite series at that year's...

Sorry, Folks
Apr 19, 2009 | Site News
Sorry, peeps-- nothing this week. Been running myself ragged doing other stuff, and I need my energy elsewhere for the next few days. But don't worry, I've got plenty of stuff to post about next week, including some *gasp* original writing. Actually, part of that is a...
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