David Oxford

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Twenty-four years ago, on October 18th, 1985, the Nintendo Entertainment System went on sale in North America for the first time, and one of the first games to accompany the revolutionary system's launch was a motocross racing game known as Excitebike. The game was...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

I Made a Difference!

Or, at least, that's what I'll believe so long as David "Walky" Willis doesn't say otherwise. A few weeks ago, he posted this TNI Shortpacked comic over at Toy News International. Following that, I couldn't help but let him know of the recent sightings at...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

What’s Killing the Music Industry?

Ever since Metallica went after Napster and the RIAA became a four-letter word (in spite of still not being an actual word), the music industry has been trying to find some way to account for a drop in sales. Now, The Pirate Bay, a torrent site/community, has come...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Club Mario Hits YouTube

Oh my god... I never thought I'd see this again, and after you see it, you'll probably wonder why I ever wanted to. And I'll tell you-- I thought the theme song had a catchy beat. Of course, I think I heard it in another song years later, figuring they probably ripped...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Well, I’ve Really Done It This Time

And by "it," I mean completely wrecking my leg. I'd rather not go into the details of how it happened, so I'll just say one word: Ice. For all intents and purposes, the thing is pretty thoroughly trashed, and it's possible I may not even get to begin rehabbing the...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Pat the NES Punk

So, as a result of being a Featured User Movie on GameTrailers, I have discovered the joys of Pat the NES Punk, a retro video game reviewer who entertains and appeals to my love of old NES-era video games. Though his name reminds me of the former Angry Nintendo Nerd...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

From the Heart of Redmond, Nintendo Stabs at Me

Oh, damn... it makes me feel like some sort of spoiled brat for saying this, but this just tears me up inside. The above is what one lucky Kotaku reader was sent from Nintendo for having registered 118 Nintendo products with Club Nintendo since it opened. 118!...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Best. Taco Bell Commercial. Ever.

'Nuff said. Glad someone finally uploaded a good version to YouTube, as it's Canada-exclusive and has thus been difficult to share. You can find the "original music video" that they're watching here, thanks to the guys at "ImYourProducer." --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Pixel Art and the Optical Illusions They Produce

Over on 1UP's Retronauts blog, Bob Mackey has posted an interesting piece, which is actually the third of a series, wherein he takes a look at the pixel art (or sprites, if you prefer) of old video games, and notes how they don't always seem very representative of...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Switching Your TV Signal from Analog to Digital

Oh wow, I laughed so hard at this: Big thanks to Kramez at Capcom for this one, who adds "this is why you prolly are still not seeing Battlestar Galactica in HD where you live." But in all seriousness, it definitely gives me a certain degree of sympathy for those...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

A Look Back at McDonald’s Playland

Eesh, it's been over ten days since I last updated. I blame the weather, and being under it. Anyway, don't want to leave you guys without something to look at, so here is a nice article from Retrojunk which looks back at some of what made McDonald's fun when we were...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Video Power with Screech

Call me crazy, but I miss Video Power... ...cheese and all. Surely someone can make a DVD set for nostalgic schmucks like me? --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike

Sucks to be Dracula

It must really, really suck to be Dracula. You wake up after a hundred-year rest, and not five minutes later, there's a damn Belmont knocking at your door. Kajetokun's (the "Over 9000" and "Guts Man's Ass" guy, among others) latest has quite a bit of language going...

Building Excite-ment, part 1: Excitebike


I just finished another boss in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, and I feel worn out. I don't know what it is about the boss battles in that game, but they just seem like more tiresome affairs than in most other games I play. Anyone else have that problem? I don't...