David Oxford

He Will Never Be Forgotten
Jan 15, 2009 | Commentary
KHAAAN!!! --LBD "Nytetrayn"

“What am I Fighting Foooorrr???” The Redubbing of Iris’s Death Scene
Jan 15, 2009 | Tubin', Video Games
There's a decent chance that if you're reading this, you're familiar with the following scene: If you've ever been on a forum or image board and seen someone cry out in a melodramatic fashion "What am I fighting fooooooor???", this is where it came from. Something of...

GameTrailers’ Top 10 Game Creators
Jan 15, 2009 | Tubin'
GameTrailers has compiled a list of its top 10 video game creators of all time. No points for guessing who's #1. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Robot Chicken: GoBots and GI Joe
Jan 15, 2009 | Tubin'
I've been too lax in updating, I should change that. But I've just been so tired lately. I think cutting back on drinking Coke has affected my energy levels. Anyway, to get back on track, here's a double-dose of Robot Chicken. Sadly, they're still only airing reruns...

Retro Game Challenge – Why Am I Only Now Learning of This?
Jan 10, 2009 | Video Games
You know, even if you follow video game news very closely, you can't catch everything. There are just some things that are bound to slip through the cracks here and there, whether you like it or not. And one of those things just happens to be Retro Game Challenge for...

Two More TransFormers Animated Shorts
Jan 9, 2009 | Tubin'
This one's alright... ...but I much prefer this one: Note the tune he whistles at the end. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Lesson #1 of Being a Decepticon…
Jan 7, 2009 | Tubin'
Transformers Animated -- Season 2 DVD. Mocking Megatron. @ Yahoo! Video ...don't mock Megatron. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Popeye the Sailor Man Becomes Popeye the Free Man (in Europe)
Jan 6, 2009 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Commentary, Video Games
So one big item of news today, at least for me, is that the copyright to Popeye has expired. Or at least, it has in Europe; in the US, it still has a ways to go before the character becomes public domain. I've always been something of a fan of Popeye, and that...

Sonic Says: “You’re Too Slow!”
Jan 5, 2009 | Video Games
Following my little rant about Sonic Unleashed yesterday, my wife chose to

Sonic: Unleashed; LBD: Annoyed
Jan 4, 2009 | Commentary
Got my copy of Sonic Unleashed, and... wow. Generally speaking, I was happy with it, until I reached the Tornado Quick-Time Event part. I've never played a QTE before, and now I'm glad-- talk about hitting a brick wall. Half the time, the button presses did nothing,...

Doing Something About “Acts of God”
Jan 3, 2009 | Commentary
Now here is an interesting premise for a movie I would love to see: The Man Who Sued God. From Wikipedia: The Man Who Sued God is a 2001 Australian movie in which Billy Connolly plays Steve Myers, an ex-lawyer who sues God because his boat is struck by lightning, and...

Forbes: Recession Affecting Consumer Spending, Thus Affecting Publisher Pricing Models
Dec 30, 2008 | Commentary, Video Games
Note: Nope, not back yet. This is just an accidental double-post from Kombo I didn't want to go to waste. Prices in games are a funny thing. As technology has progressed, there have been predictions of lower prices for software, such as with the move from cartridges...

My Mistake
Dec 21, 2008 | Tubin'
Just one more video; since I already brought you the first three parts, it would be remiss of me not to include the grand finale: --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Home for the Holidayz
Dec 21, 2008 | Site News, Tubin'
Ok, folks: Christmastime is around the corner, and this week, the Mrs. and I head deep down south to visit some family for the holidays, after what's been something of a rough year. With any luck, it'll be a good time-- I myself am bringing a full assortment of Wii...

Four Green Turtles… Heard the News? New TMNT Coming to Wii
Dec 20, 2008 | Video Games
The two games I'm looking forward to most in 2009 are Bionic Commando and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We've talked about the former before, this is about the latter. The January 2009 issue of Nintendo Power has lots of previews of the year's coming attractions, and...

Nintendo Opens a Store within a Store… Again
Dec 20, 2008 | Video Games
Remember when Nintendo used to have those cool "store within a store" World of Nintendo setups? Those were the days... days I wish I had one of the signs from. Nonetheless, those days are back... sort of. If you live near or visit Times Square, that is. Yesterday,...

IGN Be Hatin’ on Nintendo DS’ Online, Yo
Dec 20, 2008 | Video Games
IGN has added a new article to their DS section, titled Why Nintendo DS Sucks Online. Pretty much cuts right to the chase, that. In any case, it has some valid arguments. What do you think? I have to agree on it being tough to find a good match in some games, but I'm...

Meet George Jetson… Again
Dec 20, 2008 | Commentary
Well, this is sort of disappointing. Earlier, I had devised a new goal: To create a screenplay for a live-action movie about The Jetsons. Why The Jetsons? It's a long story of sorts, but it came to me from another topic. Anyway, as I would have it, the story would be...

Saturday Supercade – Donkey Kong in “Greenhouse Gorilla”
Dec 19, 2008 | Tubin'
Gotta thank for finding this for me; I never thought I'd get to see another episode of Saturday Supercade's Donkey Kong. And I just knew I had to share, especially since this episode guest stars Stanley the Bugman from Donkey Kong III. And in case you didn't know,...

Castlevania Chronicles Hits PSN
Dec 19, 2008 | Video Games
Castlevania Chronicles, the rare PS1 remake of the first Castlevania game starring Simon Belmont, has been added to the PlayStation Network as of yesterday. Better still, it costs all of six dollars. Can you believe that? Super Castlevania IV on the Super NES Virtual...
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