David Oxford

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

Happy Birthday, Mega Man! 21 Years of Blue Bombing

Just had to get this out real quick before it's too late: Happy Birthday, Mega Man! That's right, today (though undoubtedly yesterday by the time you read this), Mega Man turned 21, which means he can graduate from E-tanks to E-kegs! To celebrate, here's a really cool...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

Pokemon, for Rizzles?

From GoNintendo, I found the following fairly amusing. I particularly like the work they did with the Charmander. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

This, That, and the Other Thing

Bleh, feel so busy lately. Going to try and work this into something of a routine again, though I half-wonder if I shouldn't wait until after Christmas first, seeing as I go out of town next week. Aah, hell with it. Some good news on my end: I've received a lot of...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

I Should Be Writing More…

...but I've gotten so caught up in this: Darths & Droids. Imagine a world like ours, with table top role playing games like Dungeons & Dragons and all that fun stuff. Now imagine if it didn't have Star Wars. Now imagine if the idea of Star Wars was conceived as such a...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

A Glance at Gaming Manuals, Past and Present

It appears that GameTopius is aiming to run a series of articles about one of my favorite topics, video game instruction manuals! Now, I realize that sounds incredibly dull, and if you've started gaming in the past ten or so years, give or take, then one can hardly...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

Good Morning America Looks at the Console War… circa 1990

So long as we're on the Retro Railroad (that's actually sort of a nifty name, maybe I should use it for something), here's something I found earlier while browsing GameTrailers:News program Good Morning America did a segment on Nintendo and its competitors during the...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

The Original Video Power Reviews Punch-Out!!

Oh, wow... I thought that the original Video Power, the version with game tips and a cartoon called the Power Team (made up of Kuros of Wizards & Warriors, monster truck Bigfoot, Kwirk, Jerome from Arch Rivals, and Max Force from NARC) had been all but forgotten....

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

Dammit, Nintendo…

From Wired Game|Life's hands-on with the "Play It on Wii Selection" version of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat:I liked it a lot when it was an innovative platform game played with a drum controller. Now that it's a more straightforward game -- you move Donkey Kong with the...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

The New Dragon Ball Movie Trailer

While becoming a Dragon Ball villain, hero, or fashion consultant (see next post) may have its appeal, becoming a Dragon Ball movie star is somewhat more questionable. See for yourself: Hopefully, it will still be fun, at least. Credit: Topless Robot --LBD...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

If I Ever Become a Dragon Ball Villain…

If I ever become a Dragon Ball villain...I will introduce slapstick humor into all battles. No one has given Vegeta a wet willie before, and the look on his face will be well worth the beating.I will develop supersensitive hearing. When the heroes start analyzing the...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

Balloon Trip: An Existential Journey

Getting back into the swing of things after some downtime is tough. You just want to talk about everything that's gone on, but there's no time for that. So it's usually best to look at now, get a good foothold, and move on to the future. And that's where we begin...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing


Just seeing if the feeds are picking this up, or if I have to redo those again... --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

Site Problems

Ok, the timing of this really, really stinks. As you might be able to tell, the frontpage of PMO is torn all to hell, and I'm not sure what to do about it. Fortunately, the back end still works, so I can at least get this message out. Hooray for History folders!...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

Don’t Shoot! I’m Allergic to Lead

Okay, I know... I said I was going to write some stuff on the site, and that hasn't happened yet. Just been a little busy, what with working and not getting much sleep and making up excuses... just pretend you didn't see that last part. But hey, I have Thursday off, a...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

WWE Wish You a Merry D-Generation X-mas

Just wanted to share one of my favorite segments from last night's WWE Raw, as D-Generation X proudly brings to you... their merchandise from WWEShop.com: ...at least until McMahon's lawyers find it on YouTube. Which would be an ironic shame, given the whole thing is...

Happy Birthday, Mega Man!  21 Years of Blue Bombing

Mega Man 9 Rocks Out

Every song in Mega Man 9, remixed and compiled into a single 7-minute music video which features some impressive gameplay (and some slight spoilers). Thanks to Protodude's Rockman Corner for the tip. --LBD "Nytetrayn"