David Oxford

Fail of the Day – 11/24/08
Nov 25, 2008 | Uncategorized
see more pwn and owned pictures --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Lolcat of the Day – 11/24/08
Nov 25, 2008 | Uncategorized
more animals --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Amazon Wish List Tips
Nov 24, 2008 | Commentary
So, the Christmas season is already here-- though if you go shopping in some places, one might think it began a long time ago. Nonetheless, you may be buying some items for people you know from an Amazon.com Wish List, or even assembling one of your own. To that end,...

Mega Man One-Two Punch
Nov 24, 2008 | Tubin', Video Games
Conspicuous by his absence in Mega Man 9 was the Blue Bomber's chief rival, Bass (like music, not the fish), also known to some as Forte. Mega Man returned with a brand-new game after an 11-year hiatus, and all of his cast was in tow, in some form or fashion-- even...

Fail of the Weekend – 11/23/08
Nov 24, 2008 | Uncategorized
see more pwn and owned pictures --LBD "Nytetrayn"

“The Wrestler” Trailer
Nov 22, 2008 | Tubin'
And here I thought there weren't any more movies I wanted to see this year. Well, besides 007. Apple's website with a description is here, and the official movie site is here. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Sonic in “Night of the Werehog”
Nov 22, 2008 | Tubin', Video Games
The trailer for this was originally released just prior to Halloween, when the video itself would have been a good, appropriately holiday-timed release to help build up hype for the game. Instead, three weeks after Halloween and after Sonic Unleashed for the...

GameTrailers Reviews Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
Nov 22, 2008 | Reviews
...I have to admit, I'm just curious enough about this one to check it out. Mostly for the story and for the Joker, though. Still, it can't be a good sign for Midway when a parental advisory group rates the newest Mortal Kombat game as fun for the whole family. --LBD...

Street Fighter IV – Gouken vs. Akuma
Nov 21, 2008 | Tubin'
In the '90s, it was Ryu vs. Ken to determine who was the master of their martial art. Today, with Street Fighter IV, it's now their predecessors who square off, as Akuma battles his brother, the long-thought dead Gouken, Ken and Ryu's master and teacher, for...

North America’s Club Nintendo to Get Game and Watch?
Nov 21, 2008 | Video Games
This is just a rumor for now, but it seems the Game & Watch Collection, a Club Nintendo exclusive, has been rated by the ESRB. Could this possibly be related to the North American Club Nintendo? One can hope; I have a copy, thanks to , and I do love it for its Game &...

New Astro Boy Movie Trailer
Nov 21, 2008 | Tubin'
A new trailer for the Astro Boy movie by Imagi, the same company who produced the last TMNT movie, has appeared in some theaters preceding Madagascar 2. From Topless Robot:Madagascar 2 has been out for what, a week? And the teaser trailer for the American-made, CG...

Mega Man Fan-Film is Looking Sharp
Nov 21, 2008 | Video Games
The fan-made Mega Man film by Eddie Lebron is looking pretty good, provided you're able to look at it with an open mind and consider that, for all the little differences there are, Hollywood would probably do far, far worse. The Robot Masters are definitely awesome,...

Fail of the Day – 11/20/08
Nov 20, 2008 | Uncategorized
see more pwn and owned pictures --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Lolcat of the Day – 11/20/08
Nov 20, 2008 | Uncategorized
more animals --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Happy Second Birthday, Wii!
Nov 19, 2008 | Uncategorized
Just wanted to make a quick note: Today marks the second anniversary of the launch of the Wii, and to give a brief nod of appreciation, I said a few words here. And I planned to say many more words here, but it's gotten late and I wasted too much time making an Avatar...

One of Bionic Commando’s Preorder Bonuses is Really Rad
Nov 19, 2008 | Video Games
Someone at Capcom either really loves me, or really hates me. What makes me think they love me? Observe, to your right: One preorder bonus for Capcom's Bionic Commando, due in the middle of February 2009. A metal lunchbox, just like we had back in the 80's, adorned...

Lolcat of the Day – 11/19/08
Nov 19, 2008 | Uncategorized
more animals Also worth seeing: --LBD "Nytetrayn"

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Stupidity
Nov 19, 2008 | Tubin'
The Switcher is back, and he's moved on from doing YouTube videos of cartoons based on fighting games to one of the most famous (and infamous) cartoon video game adaptations of all time: It's... relatively safe for work. Some beeps are added for humor, and other...

ScrewAttack Video Game Vault – Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
Nov 19, 2008 | Commentary, Tubin', Video Games
ScrewAttack's latest entry into their Video Game Vault is a nice, overlooked little piece of Nintendo history: Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters, the sequel to the NES pseudo-classic. One thing I found interesting about this title, besides how much it's overlooked...

Fail of the Day
Nov 19, 2008 | Uncategorized
see more pwn and owned pictures --LBD "Nytetrayn"
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