David Oxford

Oldschool Turtle Tribe

Oldschool Turtle Tribe

A few days ago, I posted a news item about some Black Friday sales with a small tease to see if anyone could identify the picture I had used, posted here again for your convenience. The origin, as I knew it, was in the Christmas Sears "Wish Book" catalogs. At least, I...

Lolcat of the Day

X-E Reviews Garfield’s Thanksgiving

Over on good ol' X-Entertainment, good ol' Matt has taken the time to give a good ol' review of Garfield's Thanksgiving. It's no small secret that I've been a lifelong fan of Garfield, for better and for worse (though not so much For Better of For Worse). The cartoons...

Lolcat of the Day

Super Mario Bros. 2 – The Commercial

Awhile back, I was looking at ways to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Super Mario Bros. 2. Unfortunately, I was rather sick at the time, and wasn't able to make a timely contribution. However, I'd rather put in something good late than nothing at all. And hey, SMB2...

Lolcat of the Day

Generation 2 TransFormers

Those not intimately familiar with TransFormers may wonder why some fans call the originals Generation 1. The simple reason is, a few years after the initial line ended, Hasbro tried to relaunch the line as TransFormers: Generation 2, hence the retroactive naming....

Lolcat of the Day

Dunaway Dishes on America’s Club Nintendo

One of the most promising pieces of news to come out of Nintendo's Fall Summit at the beginning of October, in my humble opinion, was that North America was finally going to get Club Nintendo, which has been the name of a program which has persisted in Europe and...

Lolcat of the Day

Sonic Goes to… Missouri?

GameTrailers has a new walkthrough of a level of Sonic Unleashed called Missouri. It's based on Africa. No, I don't really get it, either. But watching the video does give me some hope that the game will be alright. I'm not looking for it to topple Super Mario Galaxy...

Lolcat of the Day

Shigeru Miyamoto Steps in the Ring

While looking for a video of an interview Miyamoto did, I wound up coming across the following: I have no idea who he'd face, but the motions and entrance are taken from the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, while the music is courtesy of the love of GameJew. --LBD...

Lolcat of the Day

Do Not Read While Hungry

The Birthplaces of Ten Great American Foods. Never heard of a Fat Darrell before, but now I don't think I can rest until I've tried one. Incidently, the hamburger didn't originate here, just the form of a hamburger as a sandwich did, it seems. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Lolcat of the Day

Sonic the Hedgehog #194 Preview & Sonic Universe Covers

My apologies to Ian for not getting this stuff up sooner. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #194 "Otherside, Part Two": Sonic's plan to find help on the mirror world of Moebius backfired and now he's fighting for his life! Back home, the Suppression Squad has had enough - but are...

Lolcat of the Day

Victory is Mine!

Recently, I expressed my disappointment that Rare would exclude so much of its fanbase and target audience in the upcoming Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts by making the text nigh-unreadable on a standard-definition television. Worse still was when they were aware of the...

Lolcat of the Day

The Future is Now

Last night, CNN apparently debuted an awesome move forward in technology. I mean, it's nothing exactly innovative, insofar as geeks like me have been seeing it in movies, games, etc. for years now. But to see it being applied in real life? That's cool. Check it out...

Lolcat of the Day

Sonic Unleashed – Preview Videos

So far, I've been mostly on the fence about Sonic Unleashed. I see good, I see bad, I hear good, I hear bad. On top of that, two different versions with two teams working on them-- how is one to choose whether to get it or not, or which one to buy? Thank goodness for...

Lolcat of the Day

Epic Win

So, the urge to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl has crept up once again, and so earlier I was doing just that. On the All-Star Mode (which I notice I'm woefully behind in obtaining trophies from), I fought Captain Falcon on the new F-Zero stage. We scuffled a bit, and I...

Lolcat of the Day

Farewell, PlayStation Monger and Handheld Age

Today's a bit of a sad day. Yesterday was the last day for my wife to work on two blogs she had established for B5 Media, PlayStation Monger and Handheld Age. I unfortunately did not get to link to them very much in the short time that she ran them, mostly due to my...

Lolcat of the Day

HD Banjo Blues

Bob Mackey of 61 Frames per Second has joined the crusade to inform developers that, hey, not everyone has an HDTV. And in the current state of the economy, some of us aren't in a great rush to upgrade so we can read their damned text. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Lolcat of the Day

Oh, Japan

"Japanese Man Wants to Marry an Anime Character (Of Course)" Crazy. The guy wants to get one million signatures on a petition to the government in order to allow him to do this. The anime character in question would be Mikuru Asahina from The Melancholy of Haruhi...

Lolcat of the Day

Miyamoto Talks, Talks, and Talks Some More

Nothing like a good Miyamoto interview, and MTV Multiplayer's by Stephen Totilo looks like it may be one of the better ones. It comes in three seperate parts, so there's quite a bit to go over; in fact, I haven't even had a chance to read it fully yet. But here's a...