David Oxford

One Heroic Hound

One Heroic Hound

And they say that getting along like cats and dogs is a bad thing. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

One Heroic Hound

Walky Reviews City Commander

Not that I think anyone reading this especially cares, but just in case: Walky has a nice review of the aforementioned City Commander armor, which you can find here. Wow, this guy is big. I'm actually rather surprised that he's nearly as tall, if not as tall, as the...

One Heroic Hound

Super Mario 2 Blues

Two years ago, I wrote a special article on PMO to celebrate the 18th Anniversary of Super Mario Bros. 2. Why 18? Because the timing happened to be right, and I just really wanted to write about it, mostly. Fast-forward to now, and while I've been sick (still...

One Heroic Hound

City Commander, Transform!

This is nothing short of pure awesome. I think I may have linked to it before in its early stages, but it's worth mentioning again. The TransFormers fans at FansProject heard the cry from many other fans of the one problem had by the TransFormers Classics release of...

One Heroic Hound

MegaMan Legends Does AMV Hell

Nothing can really compare to the original series of AMV Hell, but damn if people don't try anyway. Here's a decent effort to match some scenes and images from MegaMan Legends up to some different songs and sound bytes. Be forewarned, there's a little language in...

One Heroic Hound

You Always Remember Your First…

They say you never forget your first. Of course, this usually applies to... other things: Kisses, girlfriends, cars, sometimes even video games and comic books and the like. But there is another first which is often overlooked: The first enemy you encounter in a video...

One Heroic Hound

Why Reggie Likes Nintendo

One reason I like Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America President, is because he seems to really, truly enjoy the products Nintendo makes and what they're all about. This is particularly evident as he gives his speech before an audience at the Entertainment Software...

One Heroic Hound

What a Horrible Night to Have the Flu…

Actually, I've had the flu for several days now. It hasn't been fun. My posting at MMN has suffered for it, my posting here has suffered for it, and most of all, I've suffered for it, because I've had to work through it for most of the week. But at least the weekend...

One Heroic Hound

Nintendo Shakes Things Up With Wario Land’s Developers

Matt over on Press the Buttons found something neat today that's been lingering for a couple of weeks. Over on Nintendo of Europe's website, they have a three-part interview with the staff of Good-Feel Co., Ltd, the developers of Wario Land: Shake It! Or as it's...

One Heroic Hound

We’re Back!

And by "we," I mean "I." Nonetheless, PMO is back on the air! Er, net. Whatever. In any case, it took awhile since being ousted from the old server, but thanks to the efforts of LanceHeart, we've got things running pretty well again. A few things are changed-- for...

One Heroic Hound

Dear Verizon: Go. To. Hell.

All the funny Michael Bay ads in the world wouldn't make up for this. "We'll help you find your daughter over her dead body. What's that? Oh, here you go, then." --LBD "Nytetrayn"

One Heroic Hound

Ancient Apparel

In my continued hunt for the Super Mario Bros. 3 t-shirt, I decided to check eBay again, to no avail. But holy hell, look at what I did find: I'm pretty sure I remember this from when I was growing up; that art came from an issue, the first issue in fact, of Nintendo...

One Heroic Hound

Back to the Sewer

No embedding, but at least I get to see the first ep. Yay for YouTube! Too bad embedding is disabled. Ah well. Part 1 Part 2 ...got a laugh out of Raph chewing out Donny here. Also, major points to Mikey. Part 3 ...that scene just before they go back reminds me,...

One Heroic Hound

Coney Island Closey

Wow, this sucks. I never even got to go. And aren't they supposed to have really good hot dogs there? Or is the term "coney" for a hot dog and Coney Island unrelated? Regardless, wow. This is one of those things I never thought would close. ...this also makes that one...

One Heroic Hound

Save Us

Been spreading this around. One of my biggest beefs with games over the years, particularly as saving has become more commonplace, is the way some developers implement it. Particularly when it is done poorly. Over at Gamasutra, David Sirlin put together nice feature...