David Oxford

Iron Man’s Ironically Named Armored Adventures
Jul 16, 2008 | Comic Books/Cartoons
Taking a breather here to say... What the hell? The Mandarin, I like. He was usually pretty inconsistently portrayed in the comics, anyway, and this just works. But the rest? Um... yeah, so, when's the next movie coming out? --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Glad I’m Long Past That
Jul 13, 2008 | Commentary
Wow. Can you imagine anything more humiliating? On the upside, it seems unlikely that anyone would be hassled by their peers locally, unless they're either really tall, or just... you know. 8 years old. But on a national level...? Funny that it's only a $25 fine... if...

Hollywood All Hulked Out?
Jul 10, 2008 | Comic Books/Cartoons
I still need to see the new Hulk movie. Never saw the one prior, incidently. But it looks like it may not continue as a franchise, unfortunately. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

MegaMan Star Force on DVD
Jul 7, 2008 | Video Games
From The Mega Man Network's frontpage (which has been up and down like crazy since we broke the NP Mega Man 9 confirmation, sorry folks): Mega Man Star Force, the animated series that is, was pretty much relegated to online showings. For those who may want to watch it...

The Top 6 Most American Video Game Characters
Jul 4, 2008 | Video Games
Ah, the Fourth of July, Independence Day. A day for fireworks, apple pie, and barbecues... to celebrate being an American, while at the same time trying to keep the effect of gas and oil prices on the local economy well out of your mind. Oops. So much for that. In any...

Mega Man 9
Jun 26, 2008 | Video Games
Mega Man 9 is real. It is coming to WiiWare, and I would not be surprised to see it on the other two as well. Check out the story we broke on the internet at The Mega Man Network, from which all the rest followed. ;P Including my own summary of key points of interest...

Super Princess Peach: Better Value Than I First Imagined
Jun 25, 2008 | Commentary
Super Princess Peach has certainly surprised me, and is doing its very best to prove it's worth every penny of the rather hefty price tag (in my opinion) it carried, even after I beat it earlier today. For starters, it is pretty much fanservice central when it comes...

New Inspector Gadget Gets Weird
Jun 24, 2008 | Commentary
What the?! Looks... interesting. I'll give it a chance, anyway. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Can You Determine Which is Which?
Jun 4, 2008 | Video Games
Lifted from Super Mario Bros. Villain or Obscure Dinosaur? Score: 100% (15 out of 15) --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mario Kart Wii Has Me Singin’ the Blue Shell Blues
May 31, 2008 | Commentary
As previously noted, I've finally gotten my hands on Mario Kart Wii and the Wii Wheel packaged alongside it. And for the most part, I've been rather enjoying it, though I've not yet ventured online. I've warmed up to the Wii Wheel, and gotten better at the bikes. For...

Welcome Back, ReBoot
May 30, 2008 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Video Games
Tsk. Boss says that he doesn't see how it's game related, so I'm moving my blog post over hereabouts: So, this is sort of a game-related post, but sort of not... though, there was an okay PS1 game based on it. But, in case you've been living under a rock for the past...

Licensed to Shell
May 28, 2008 | Commentary
Weee! I got my official Mario Kart Wii license at the Nintendo tour! Speaking of which, playing it... man. It is at the same time fun and frustrating. But I think I've figured something out. I think the computer doesn't really target you when you're in first... it...

Dear Nintendo…
May 27, 2008 | Uncategorized
Dear Nintendo, I am enjoying Mario Kart Wii, and would like to know when I might be able to purchase the full version. Sincerely, --LBD "Nytetrayn" Seriously, there is NO WAY I'm ever going to get all of these unlockables. That saves for this game and Super Smash...

15 Years of Wario, part 2
May 22, 2008 | Video Games
Originally posted on Kombo. For Part 1 of this feature, click here. Battered, Beaten, Never Defeated After enough fun (and spoiling others' fun), Wario rolled up his sleeves and got back to work doing what he does best: gathering treasure. With all his success up to...

Mega Man Zero Official Complete Works Coming May 28th, Previews Now
May 15, 2008 | Video Games
It's true, the Mega Man Zero Official Complete Works is finally set to arrive, and we've got previews. You can read about it here, or here, or if you need a history lesson, here. Spread the word! --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Tingle’s Balloon Fight finally arrived
May 13, 2008 | Uncategorized
Dear World, AFK. Sincerely, --LBD "Nytetrayn"

The Kid gets his Wiings
May 8, 2008 | Video Games
Whoops, can't believe I forgot to post this here, of all places. Early concept art for Kid Icarus on the Wii. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

I’m going to Hell for this…
May 1, 2008 | Tubin'
...but I can't help but laugh at it. I totally didn't see this coming, even despite the video's title. Maybe laughing at stuff like this is why bad things happen. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

New Doritos and Canada Collide
Apr 20, 2008 | Commentary
So we finally have Doritos Collisions here in Canada... well, one set, anyway. Lucky for me, it's the one of the set that I most wanted to try, Hot Wings and Blue Cheese. And better still, I got them at a Mac's convenience store that was holding a special for two...

Rave Note? Death Rabbids?
Apr 19, 2008 | Tubin', Video Games
Two things I love lately are Death Note, the anime specifically, and Rayman: Raving Rabbids. Well, sort of: I love the teasers and promos and such, but I've yet to play any of the actual games, much to my chagrin. Someday, though. It's a little old, but new to me, and...
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