David Oxford

Programming Note

Programming Note

Have to update tomorrow, because I took on an extra-long shift at work tomorrow, and I have JUST enough time right now for dinner and sleep. Sorry, folks. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Programming Note


It's going on 12:30 as I write this, and I have to get up and ready for work at 6am. The update was under way.? Then my wife wanted to check something on GameFAQs. Then the computer crashed, and the update is now lost. All I can do is offer my apologies and ask that...

Programming Note

Programming Note

Just a note, PMO will resume its irregularly-scheduled programming (i.e. updates) tomorrow evening. Thank you for your patience.? Now go have some ice cream. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Programming Note

And now, for an annual PMO tradition…

...neverminding that PMO hasn't been around for long enough to make any tradition annual, but I've been doing this for years now, and so now my tradition becomes PMO's. Kick back with a mug of warm cocoa and settle in as we regale in a little tale by the Wordsmith...

Programming Note

Over 10,000 Served

Woo-ha, today is a banner day for the short life of PMO, as we reached over 10,000 unique visitors at 2:35 this morning. So, wonder what the next big milestone is. If I can figure out details, maybe I'll run some sort of contest, if I can. Thanks to everyone for...

Programming Note

A Goombah With A View

...they misspelled "Goomba." Anyway, the new issue of Toyfare has come out, and as if by some psychic granting of my wishes, the newest Twisted Toyfare Theater sports a story with a theme of which I am very fond. Enjoy! Get this, plus a feature on the return of...

Programming Note

Oy, Not Again…

No update tonight, I'm afraid, as I have to get up for work in a little over 6 hours. Naturally, double-time post tomorrow. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Programming Note

VG Characters and You

So, I've got this idea for a piece I may or may not do on PMO. Basically, it looks at the influence some video game characters might have had on you as a person, be it inspiring you, motivating you, or simply comforting you. Mind, I do specifically mean characters,...

Programming Note

The PMO 2006 Gift Guide

Inspired by Matt's list over at Press The Buttons, I too elected to put together my own PMO 2006 Gift Guide. I'd have had it up sooner, but then I got a job, so that and the regular site updates helped keep me away. Truth is, the items were pretty much done, I just...

Programming Note

Pauly Shore in “In the South Now”

So found out from AF's thenekomancer that Pauly Shore is the latest celebrity to run afoul of the public. He was doing a stand-up routine, and the crowd was being a bit unruly, and one guy got up on stage, and after being egged-on by the audience, proceeded to punch...

Programming Note

Wii Launch

So back in November, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend Nintendo's Wii launch in New York City. And my initial plan was to do a report of the trip upon my return. But then, things happened, and I found myself employed with full-time work again, and the piece...

Programming Note

Weekend Waste

Sorry folks, no Weekend Wrap-Up today, got work too early in the 'morrow, so I'm going to lump in the collective Sat/Sun news with whatever we have on Monday.? No problem, as I have Tuesday off.? w00t and a half. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Programming Note

Retronauts vs. Virtual Console

Meant to bring this up yesterday, but it somehow fell off the radar. One part caught my eye in particular: "Somebody coming in with absolutely no knowledge of Nintendo's back catalogue would look at the Virtual Console lineup and deduce that Nintendo was a game...

Programming Note

Always PS3

Just poured a small glass of Coke, as I'm waiting for my Crystal Light to chill. On the label, it boasts a chance of winning a PS3. "1 prize a day." It makes me wonder how many of the 400K went into contests like this. Or maybe just one of the prizes is a PS3, and...

Programming Note

Programming Note

Yeah, so I'm getting really bad at updating this all of a sudden. Fact is, I'm finally employed as of today, and so my schedule isn't what it's been since I began doing this, so I need to make some adjustments, and adjustments will be made, rest assured. Just at the...

Programming Note


Two small bits of game-related bitching. 1) Why is it that in Animal Crossing for the GameCube, it seems that having a bed doesn't really matter at all, but in Animal Crossing: Wild World, every single person who visits makes a point to bitch that you don't have a...

Programming Note

Hol-Wii Crap…

Man, I'm going to have my work cut out for me tomorrow on PMO. I'd do it tonight, but my follow-up interview is tomorrow morning, and I'd rather not jeopardize it. I love the updating thing, but it doesn't pay the bills (unless a LOT of people start clicking Google...

Programming Note

Wiikend in NYC

So, leaving in about an hour or so to go to NYC for the weekend. As a result, PMO is not going to see very much in the way of updates. However, I have arranged for Delta to try to squeeze in at least one update, so hopefully that will help bridge the gap until I...

Programming Note

Blue Streak, Stumbles By…

Yikes. It sounds like the new Sonic the Hedgehog game is just about the worst thing ever, even though the story sounds pretty cool. Between this and Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis, things are looking grim for Ol' Blue. Hope may only now lie in the hands of Sonic Rivals or...

Programming Note

All About PMO

Or so the section says. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what sorts of stuff to fill that part of my page with. I definitely plan to keep my "Special Thanks" part, but the rest... I have to wonder if maybe some sort of FAQ or something would be in order. Be more like a...