David Oxford

It’s Votin’ Time!

It’s Votin’ Time!

Been thinking about the direction for PMO lately, and where best to focus my energies. The main reason I made it was that I had this pretty decent gimmick going on my LJ with a lot of links to various news stories, interesting things, whatever. Besides some people...

It’s Votin’ Time!

PMO: Now Even More Googlicious!

God, it never ends. WordPress is a tremendous, sadistic joke. But at least I got the new feature up before I ripped by head off my shoulders and threw it for a three-pointer in the toilet(though at the rate things are going, Dante's going to push me the rest of the...

It’s Votin’ Time!

Let’s Get Ready To BRAWL!

Special update: GameTrailers has the Nintendo World 2006 trailer for Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Snake fits right in, amusingly enough. And look, a Mario Kart stage! Looks like some old stages come back, and some changes for others; Mario Kart looks like a revised F-Zero...

It’s Votin’ Time!

Too Detailed, Or Not To Detail?

Finally. Coding the thing is a bitch, no thanks to WordPress among other things, but I've got my latest, titled "Too Detailed, Or Not To Detail?"(witty, huh?) up and ready to read. Basically, it's something of an overview of the amount of detail that old "mascot"(it's...

It’s Votin’ Time!

Too Detailed, Or Not To Detail?

Some say the day of the mascot is over. Whereas once characters such as Mario, Sonic, and Crash were commonplace as the definitive icons of their systems, they still continue on to this day, their roles somewhat less defined. In Sony's case, it almost seems that with...

It’s Votin’ Time!

The PMO Capcom.com Experience

Wowee-zowee, Batman. The official Capcom USA website has undergone revision! How exciting! Let's look and see what delightful surprises are in store for us now! For starters, at the bottom they seem to have a "Featured Character" which in theory will change at set...

It’s Votin’ Time!

Oh, Sure, It’s New… But Is It Improved?

Unexpected update to PMO, in the form of this Pulitzer-worthy piece of editorial content(but I don't want to overhype it, just read it for yourself). Capcom built up a brand-new site, and I tore it right back down. Now, maybe it's not going to be the greatest thing...

It’s Votin’ Time!

Interview With A Spaz

Bad, bad weekend for productivity. But rather than leave people hanging, I did manage to bring my interview with Patrick Spaziante from awhile back over to the site. Should have something fresh for next weekend, though, when we need it most. I've one or two people who...

It’s Votin’ Time!

Patrick Spaziante Interview

Originally posted on The Mega Man Network May 23rd, 2004: Patrick Spaziante is a comic artist from Dreamwave comics. His most recent work can be seen in Mega Man #4, but he has also done numerous artwork of other famous characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog. A comic...

It’s Votin’ Time!


Go Nintendo has a special video feature up called Wii History, which is shown in three parts. I laughed at Morgan Webb's comment about the "Revolution" controller at the end of the first part... if only she knew... Go Nintendo also has a pair of episodes of Captain N...

It’s Votin’ Time!

Ethics and Unlockables

Not sure this properly counts as "commentary," but for lack of a better place to put it... Anyway, playing some games and reading some stuff has gotten me wondering about a sort of ethical question. But not simply any ethics, but GAMING ethics. Typically, if you use a...

It’s Votin’ Time!

Late Again

PMO updates are going to be a little late again today; I've a job interview this morning, and I want to make sure I'm as well-rested and prepped as I can be, so I'll update with news when I get home. Sorry for any inconvenience. LBD "Nytetrayn"

It’s Votin’ Time!

The Ultimate Battle…

Added something new here to PMO, an honest-to-goodness article. Of a sort, anyway. So if you like crossovers and what-if type battles, click and check out Robocop vs. Terminator vs. Hollywood. Feel free to let me know what you think. LBD "Nytetrayn"

It’s Votin’ Time!

Robocop vs. Terminator vs. Hollywood

Back in the 90s, crossovers were kind of a big thing, at least in comic books(though games were not immune, Battletoads/Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team, anyone?). Recently, movies have started to cash in on the trend. One of the earlier projects was going to be a...

It’s Votin’ Time!

The Daily ‘Shroom

After passing on the Tokyo Game Show, Nintendo is holding Nintendo World 2006 in three locations throughout Japan. What will we see? Don't know, but here's hoping for more Super Smash Bros. Brawl. In Japan, the GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight...

It’s Votin’ Time!


Hey, remember that song by that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stage band, "Tubin'?" ...anybody? Er, um. Right. *coughs* Me neither... Anyway, been checking out YouTube a bit more, and some interesting stuff has come up.? And since there's enough interesting stuff on...

It’s Votin’ Time!

YouTubes of Interest

Been finding some fun stuff on YouTube, and decided to share in its own post. Tom Wilson(Biff from Back To The Future) is a pretty funny guy, and does some standup performances.Here, we have him singing about the questions he always hears.Here's another funny bit, if...