David Oxford

Rare Deal

Rare Deal

Press the Buttons asks, "Was Rare a waste of Microsoft money?" I got this one. Yes. Yes it was. But fortunately, they have money to burn. I do concede at the time that I couldn't believe it, either, but in hindsight... well, I guess it depends. Their output as part of...

Rare Deal

5 Years…

...and a day. Wow, I knew it was right around this time, but on a whim I double-checked, and it turns out that I created The Rockman/Mega Man Manga Petition five years(and a day) ago on August 29th, 2001. Since that time, the petition has gained 10,229 signatures,...

Rare Deal


Ok, I don't know what's with this page. First, the "Weekend Wrap-Up" piece keeps undoing its code somehow so that when someone scrolls over it, it underlines, but isn't an active link. This affected the LJ Feed, too. That seems to be fixed for the moment. Now, the one...

Rare Deal

Much Ado About Strategy Guides

2old2play has a nice article up about strategy guides, and how they've made games harder. Yep, you read that right. Read on to see what he means. Myself, though, I go about it differently. I seldom use a strategy guide or an FAQ unless I am ABSOLUTELY stuck and have...

Rare Deal

“By the Power of Grayskull!”

If you're like me, and were/are a fan of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe from way back in the day(or even the more recent series), then you may find it worth your while to take a look at Busta Toons' He-Man and She-Ra blog. This is one of the fellows who, if...

Rare Deal


Man, what a letdown. I never thought I'd see one of my favorites, Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle, released from the WWE. As the article says, I hope that in the future, they can re-establish a working relationship again. The thought of seeing him wrestle in ECW was...

Rare Deal

M.E.G.A. On! part 2

Since, as far as I can tell, people can't take a joke("M.E.G.A. On!" was entirely by me, folks), I thought I'd offer this follow-up regarding the possible catchphrase for the morphing sequence of the upcoming Mega Man ZX. As I was waiting at the bookstore to meet...

Rare Deal

Light or Wrong?

Mandi Paugh once more blesses us with a brand-spanking new Mega Musing, this time regarding the bizarre naming confusion surrounding one Mr. Eugene Chaud/Chaud Blaze/Enzan Ijuuin. Incidently, I was of the thought that "Eugene" was picked as it seemed closer to...

Rare Deal

Oh No! A Barrel!

Wow, this Donkey Kong short is funny as hell. Sadly, because it's true. Unfortunately, it fails for no hammer. Also, happened to find a vid of the Mario vs. Donkey Kong cutscenes tied together, sans credits. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a happy ending. Incidently,...

Rare Deal


Can't remember if I posted this or not, but... The Trial of Sony. Sony has been accused of lying to the public. The prosecutor is one Miles Edgeworth, and the defense is provided by Mr. Phoenix Wright. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Rare Deal


Wired takes a look at doujin. In related news, doujinshi takes a look at Wired, and creates several unauthorized pairings, many of which involve same-sex relations. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Rare Deal


Just when you think PSP ads can't possibly be more retarded than jive-talking squirrels... Has anyone seen the latest for PSP Greatest Hits? It's like talking genitalia(or maybe fingers) playing Romeo & Juliet and breaking it off because Romeo wants to play games and...

Rare Deal

More Donkey Kong Talk

Re-reading the sidebars in that article about DK's history at 1UP, I just want to say that I don't think that Donkey Kong Country or Diddy's Kong Quest were bad at all. "Mediocre" gameplay seems a bit harsh, really. DKC3 was alright, though I never did finish it,...

Rare Deal

Celebration Station

What does it take to make a person feel old? Well, one thing might be when many of your treasured childhood franchises are celebrating anniversaries. That number in the double digits. And could do so twice over in some cases. I digress, however. At the very least, it...

Rare Deal

“Well, at least flying can’t get any worse…”

HA! HA! HA! HA! Guess again. Is it me, or does it seem like terrorists do better at being a pain in the ass than spreading actual terror? Someone with sand in their shoes sneezes, and gas prices go up. Rumbling about this or that, and now flights are delayed. Some...

Rare Deal

Thanks to [info]igosplashman

The mystery of The Death of Garfield has been solved. This presents an interesting dilemma for me. Do I correct the Wiki, and others who believe this to mean the end of Garfield, in the name of truth and fact? Or is this one of those times where perhaps people are...