David Oxford

Mario Flash

Mario Flash

Poor Luigi. Maybe he ought to keep chasing Ecclair or Daisy. Cute little Mario 3 Flash, uses no sprites(well, just one), but I'm mainly posting it because I'm curious if anyone can identify the "30 minutes later" music. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mario Flash

Animal Crossing DS vs. Cube

Animal Crossing for the GameCube is interesting, especially after having played so much of Wild World on the DS. You can definitely see where some improvements were made, and other things you might wish they'd have kept. On the Cube's title screen, it seems to show...

Mario Flash

T-U-R-T-L-E Power…

So, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward just premiered. According to the Official TMNT website, "The regular season starts on September 9th (the first three eps will be repeated then)." It's not as bad as I was afraid it might turn out to be. Things feel a...

Mario Flash

…who knew Jon had a birthday? ;P

I know a lot of people are going to be down on this, but you know what? Fuck that. Probably be the same people who never thought Garfield was worth anything outside of Saturday mornings, anyway. Me? Hell, they could pretty much end the strip with this, and I think I...

Mario Flash

“The Truth On 4Kids’ Marketing”

Something of an interesting piece on 4Kids, its formation and practices, and effects on anime and animation in America. Retrojunk isn't really known for any great writing, but every now and again, there's a few interesting bits here and there. And this may fall into...

Mario Flash

M.E.G.A. On!

In the recently-release September 2006 issue of Nintendo Power, there is a cover story titled "A New Man" about the upcoming Mega Man ZX which reveals a few tidbits regarding the English release of the game, as well as features and art from the game in general. First...

Mario Flash

“Attack of the Show,” Indeed

I'd love to know just when wasting systems became en vogue. I mean, damn. It was funny the first hundred times, with the XBoxes and GameCubes and such, but I'm starting to loseWeight Exercise interest. Oh yeah, and Nintendo is repairing them for free if they're under...

Mario Flash

Simpsons movie previews from Comic-Con.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlDYmmC3Ra0&search=simpsons%20movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDEsOh2mIvE&search=simpsons%20movie ...this might just be good after all. It has good episodes still, not as many as before but its a matter of taste. Its what happens...

Mario Flash

Wowie-Zowie, Garfield!

Holiest of Hells, they're doing things with Garfield now that I haven't seen in a LONG time... A story arc. With PERSPECTIVE shots. Make a note in your calendars, folks, it all started here: From their front page: "Garfield's Life Changes Forever! Read the Garfield...

Mario Flash

It’s-a Me!

Wow, looking around for stuff on Charles Martinet, and came across this rather old interview with GameSpy, going over how he got the job and such. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mario Flash

Oh my god… TOO funny…

Optimus Prime returns! ...and gives some exposition as to why a lot of fans hated season 3. Holy hell, that's too funny, and the Prime voice was great... LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mario Flash

End of an Era

So, YTV aired the final episode of TransFormers Cybertron today, and it was a good episode. Even better, and more impressive, is that in the American version, we actually got a couple of bits that were exclusive to ours, not featured in the Japanese one. Awesome. I...

Mario Flash

Whoa, Really?

Once again, cut one story from the rest that interested me a bit more... So, it turns out that game developers really hate game reviewers. Well, that comes as no surprise, there are plenty of gamers who hate game reviewers, too. Funny how that works. I especially...

Mario Flash

Where Have All the Mascots Gone?

I liked this one so much, I decided to give it its own space. Next-Generation takes a look at CULTURE: Mascots and Messages: "Whatever happened to the videogame mascot? Here, Eric-Jon R?ssel Waugh uses Sonic the Hedgehog as a prime example of the good and not-so-good...

Mario Flash

Do the Mario

A medley of clips from the Super Mario Bros. Super Show. My favorite is where Toad taunts the Bob-omb... LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mario Flash

Rock the Plumbers

Super Mario Bros. Z, episode 3! Pretty good, IMO. Still got the funny, and a whompass fight scene to boot. 😀 LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mario Flash


XBoxyde has some new gameplay movies of Sonic the Hedgehog. Looks good, here's hoping that SEGA is putting as much into this one as they did the last time they had to launch a system... namely, their own. Sadly, no Shadow is present. I really, really want something...

Mario Flash

Mario Mania

You can bet your ass I plan to go to this. And for those who aren't in Canada(and even those who are), a neat little something on YouTube: a speedrun of Super Mario Sunshine, and I think it's even got the ending and such. Of course, a game like SMS probably isn't...