David Oxford

Mar 18, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Behold. The CDi intros and endings for their Zelda games. Watch at your own risk. Interestingly enough, according to Guard Convoy who posted this at The Allspark, the gameplay is surprisingly solid despite some silly mechanics, like one-hit bosses(with the right...

Mega Mutterings
Mar 17, 2006 | Commentary
Ok, just read the manual for MMPU(waiting for Red to get home before I play, just in case). I can't believe the booklet calls Rock "Mega." I could understand it in the game, given they seemed to have a miscommunication in translation. They seemed to know it was...

I thought this was kind of funny.
Mar 3, 2006 | Video Games
Has it really been 12 years already?? Well, congrats to one of my favorite Sonic characters. LBD "Nytetrayn"

It’s funny…
Mar 3, 2006 | Commentary
Re-reading Game Over, a book chronicling the history of the video game industry, and Nintendo in particular, it's interesting to see how so many years ago, much of what they held true seems to hold up today, including the same philosophies they're following through on...

Mar 3, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Wow, can you believe it's been five years of All Your Base already? This is a nift little tribute. And if that's not your thing, maybe you'd like Donkey Kong Country 1 1/2 better. Within, you'll discover the ultimate fate of King K. Rool. No, really! LBD...

It just occured to me.
Mar 2, 2006 | Commentary
Animal Crossing is almost like some sort of big Mary-Sue game. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Grand Theft Bono
Feb 19, 2006 | Video Games
U2 singer Bono Moves In Mysterious Ways as he spends One Sunday Bloody Sunday at War in the City of Blinding Lights running a Red Light, jacking cars, running over a hookerthe Angel of Harlem named Miss Sarajevo Where The Streets Have No Name, and getting some Hot...

Hate to love it, love to hate it.
Feb 17, 2006 | Reviews
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is a good game. But it's not quite as polished as Super Mario RPG, I find. Close, but no donut. I've really only two real issues so far with the game. One is the lack of save points. They're just a bit too far apart for a portable game, I...

A Super Mario Story
Feb 9, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Pretty nift Mario Flash movie. The drawn style looks really good. While I'm at it, some other funny ones: Super Mario Bros. Bloopers Super Mario Bros. 2 Bloopers(kinda NSFW) Super Mario Bros. 3 Bloopers LBD "Nytetrayn"

Chibi Robo
Feb 8, 2006 | Reviews
Chibi Robo has me curious to try. Anyone else? LBD "Nytetrayn"

Flaws in MHX
Feb 7, 2006 | Commentary
Going through Hard mode with X, I've noticed a few flaws in the game. Whether they were put/left there deliberately or not, who can say. One is wonky item physics. I destroyed some enemies for a much-needed energy capsule on a conveyor belt, and as it went up part of...

You Get: Maverick Hunter X(spoilers)
Feb 3, 2006 | Reviews
So, the remake of all remakes has arrived. The revision to make the Star Wars Special Editions look like piles of puke... ...but does it? It does. Or maybe it doesn't. *slapped* It's good, no doubt. And while it's quite similar to the Mega Man X that began on the...

Super Princess Peach
Jan 31, 2006 | Commentary, Reviews
So, Super Princess Peach(Japanese page, thanks to igosplashman there) looks like just what the doctor ordered for some oldschool Mario platforming, and a pretty good holdover until New Super Mario Bros. hits. Hell, "holdover" may be an insult; it looks like the game...

I laughed.
Jan 30, 2006 | Commentary
Quote from someone regarding the story of the lost source codes for the would-be Mega Man Anniversary Collection for GBA: Just another case of Capcom kick their Megaman fans squarely in the mean bean machine. How much you wanna bet the source code for the first 3 RE...

Skarface the Klown
Jan 26, 2006 | Commentary, Reviews
I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of The Batman. Mind, I mean THE Batman, not Batman in general. But, it's grown on me a bit. It's kind of neat in an Ultimate Marvel sort of way, though not pulled off quite as nicely. My biggest gripe is what's come to be known as...

Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! The Movie
Jan 22, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Thanks to Broadcast at the Allspark for this one. Made of Win LBD "Nytetrayn"

Nintendo looks back at Acclaim
Jan 19, 2006 | Video Games
A short, mildly amusing read. Didn't know someone took over the Acclaim namesake. Question is... why? Was the guy who took it afraid of success? Did he feel the need for an extra challenge? What? LBD "Nytetrayn"

Super Mario Land IV
Jan 18, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
HEH. Definitely one of the funnier Mario Flash movies I've seen in some time, very different on the visuals. Brings back a lot of memories. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Six Sided Video
Jan 15, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Was just browsing my movies folder before I hit the hay, and came across some old favorites I decided to share. The site where they originated from is called Six Sided Video, and they've got a variety of different game tidbits and media. But the real prize here, IMO,...

What I believe to be my final thought on MMXC, MHX, and all points in between.
Jan 14, 2006 | Commentary
I've come to what I've determined to be the only reasonable course of action for this. I'm going to buy MHX, and I'm going to buy MMPU. I'm not going to buy MMXC until I find it used and cheap. And in doing so, I am going to send an e-mail to Capcom(America, Japan, or...
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