David Oxford



So today was the sneak-peek of MegaMan NT Warrior Axess. And surprisingly, it seems few are speaking of it in my LJ Friends, but I'll give it another rundown. Here are some thoughts on it... The theme song sucks balls. Why? It is a TOTAL reuse of the season 2, or...


Quick Mini-Reviews

Games to play, if you haven't given them a shot already: Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3(PS2): Definitely fun if you like the show/manga, and unique among fighting games. I didn't get to play 2, but I played a bit of 1, which was neat. Story mode is a little watered down in...


Mega Man X Command Mission, part 2

Yes, I am enjoying Command Mission very much, thank you. I've only just started Chapter 4, but this game is providing more or less stuff I like out of Mega Man X right now. Foremost, it's giving me a setting that's NOT just "shoot everything." It's giving me character...


What a disappointment.

Just checked out the Garfield: The Movie DVD, and man, what a fucking disappointment... ...not the movie, mind, it's still good, I still love it. It's the DVD itself. In this day and age, this is just cheap bullshit. For bonuses, it has the usual commentary and...


Suck Vs. Cool Chaos

Cool: A home port of SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom Suck: It's only on XBox(fuck YOU, SCEA, and your stupid Compu-Nazi policies). Cool: Still being able to play it at work on occassion, and getting PAID for it, provided a customer is involved. Suck: Various other...


Yo, Joe!

Just finished watching GI Joe: Valor Vs. Venom. Strange, I thought it was supposed to be done by a Japanese studio, but the closest thing I saw to any sort of Asian in the "Making of" feature was the VA for Dr. Mindbender. Overall, not a bad movie. A little jarring,...


“Punisher” A Punishment? I Don’t Think So…

So, I finally got to see The Punisher. It's been a pretty constant, well-doing rental, so I don't see what's so "bad" about it. I'm something of a Punisher fan, though not exactly hardcore, nor for a long time, but I do know things about the character. I know the...


Rina Aiuchi hates you, and so do I.

w00t! MegaMan X7 voices in English(under "Media")! Axl sounds boyish, perhaps a slight bit TOO much so. Still, it's comparable to Legends' MegaMan, who is about the same age. So it works. Zero's jarred the hell out of me. The grunts and oofs were good, but actually...


Mega Man X Command Mission

I got to play GameCube's version of Mega Man X Command Mission for the briefest of periods at work today, just before closing. Like, maybe five minutes. I got to see the opening, and the first little bit. So far, I like it. Though I had about 3 random encounters in...


Mega Man Zero 3

To those who say that they will ignore the events of the games of the Mega Man X series past X5, because that is where Inafune had originally wanted it to end... don't. That's all I'm going to say, other than it seems I was right, Inafune wasn't going to let the...


The BN Difference

Hmm. Know one thing that, in my view, makes Mega Man Battle Network, among other licenses in the genre, stand out from say, Mega Man Zero or Mega Man X? Despite the weird, off-the-wall world in which they live, where everything from the microwave to the doghouse is...


Simply Rotten

I never knew that Rotten Tomatoes did game reviews. Red mentions the site often enough, but only for movies. Interesting to me, natch, are the Mega Man scores. X7 got an unbelievable 0%(60% and over constitutes a "fresh" tomato, just so you know. Yes, that's a good...


Looking Back…

Ever have something you enjoyed a lot once upon a time, but quit following for no particular reason come back, and suddenly you can't get enough? Well, it's been happening to me lately. And what it is, is just a little out of the ordinary, by my reckoning. It's not GI...


Code of Hero

For those in Canada, getting YTV, was anyone else here able to see "Code of Hero" on "Beasties" earlier this morning? For those who didn't know it was on, it comes on again at 2:30pm. Anyway, to my greatest regret, I had not seen this episode before, due to either...


Thoughts on Mega Man Legends 2

I've just gone through part of Elysium in Mega Man Legends 2. For the first time, actually, save for a few "feeling out" trips before. "What, you STILL haven't finished that?!" is what you're probably saying. Yes, it's true, but I've decided it's high time I went...


Mega Man X6: Revisited

No big secret that I feel that Mega Man X6 is, or at least was at the time(given peoples' feelings on X7, both for good and bad), perhaps the worst title in the entire Mega Man X series. Now, I've been playing through the PS MM games recently... and I guess maybe I've...


My complaint about Capcom

Something had to be said... ...as it reads differently each time you view/refresh. While Capcom needs no introduction, I do want to state that the confusion that Capcom creates is desirable and convenient to our national enemies. Permit me this forum to rant. To make...