David Oxford

At long last…
Jun 18, 2004 | Reviews
Today, I finally got to see the movie I've pretty much waited my whole life for... Garfield the Movie. What can I say, I'm a life-long fan. I've been reading him since the first grade(or earlier), and he taught me how to draw. And despite what some people may say...

Jun 7, 2004 | Commentary
Know what? Fuck Battle Network 3. For all the good stuff I'd said about it, it just reached a point where it's too damn annoying early in the game. At first the random encounters don't seem to come as much, but after the first boss, they amp it up, and they won't let...

2 vs. 1
Jun 4, 2004 | Commentary
Re: 2-player Nintendo games Just wanted to throw my two cents in on the subject. But before I do... Metroid as 2-player? Like, the original Metroid? Or am I just reading it wrong? Anyway, I don't mind 2-player alternating games, though I think Nintendo had improved on...

Hyper Street Fighter Aniversary BS
May 15, 2004 | Commentary
Yet another mild rant from the guy who loves the Capcom games but constantly finds himself hating the Capcom company. Looking at an upcoming release I have interest in, Street Fighter Anniversary Collection, I have to admit I'm VERY disappointed in what we're being...

Capcom pisses me off sometimes.
May 12, 2004 | Commentary
For Nintendo, the past few years, we've gotten: Mega Man Battle Network, MMBN2, MMBN3 White & Blue, MMBN4 Red Sun & Blue Moon, MMBN5 soon, MMNTranmission, MMZero 1, 2, and 3, 2 MMAnniversary Collections, and MMX Command Mission. Sorta implies that Nintendo is THE...

Battle Chip Challenge
Mar 9, 2004 | Reviews
Finally played Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge, and honestly... I like it.? Quite a bit, actually.? Seems to have a nice BN feel with lots of characters from all over the series in it.? Inticreates(guys behind the MMZero series) did pretty good with it. The gameplay,...

Bizarre Canadian Laws
Mar 6, 2004 | Commentary
(Courtesy of Bizarre News. Comments by me are in parenthesis) You may not pay for a fifty-cent item with only pennies.(Wish I knew this working at Toys R Us) Citizens may not publicly remove bandages. In British Columbia, it is illegal to kill a sasquatch.(Perhaps...

Punk’d out!
Mar 6, 2004 | Uncategorized
Thanks to tvsgrady for showing this. Dear Abby... LBD "Nytetrayn"

“Like a storybook you’d get at a supermarket checkout…”
Jan 1, 2004 | Commentary
That's how I oft find myself describing the look, and moreso the writing, of the Fong/Augustyn MegaMan comic book from Dreamwave. Doing a little research, I never knew just how on the mark I was about that. For those who don't know, this isn't Mr. Brian Augustyn's...

Mega Man #3 and #4… reviewed! For your pleasure.
Dec 29, 2003 | Reviews
Finally getting on with this... dunno why it's taken me so long. Big shout out to Cham-Chams for donating a copy of each to me, they're my definite favorites of the series. Thanks. 🙂 Anyway, I hope the presence of spoilers doesn't deter anyone, since I figure most...

Bionicle: Mask of Light
Dec 25, 2003 | Reviews
Ok, where to start... Just saw the movie Bionicle: The Mask of Light, after having it run on a TV set off to the side in R-Zone for some time now. And really, it's not bad. I recommend it to those who love Bionicle, computer animation, and/or Scott McNeil, who has...

MegaMan #2
Oct 18, 2003 | Reviews
Damn, I missed Armada today. But at least I got the new issue of MegaMan! Oh, wait... And yes, there be spoilers. Let's see, where to start. First, the cover. Felt rather misleading, somehow. The whole "MegaMan Vs. the falling sky" thing is basically your opening, and...

Life has finally passed me by…
Oct 4, 2003 | Commentary
I consider myself young at heart. I still collect and play with toys, buy comic books to read them, not to sell them, and while not as hardcore as I once was, I still play video games. I enjoy cartoons, for young and for old. I enjoy movies like Blade and Terminator,...

MegaMan… Legends?
Oct 1, 2003 | Commentary
Got to talking on IRC, #megaman-network earlier about MegaMan Legends a little bit. I figure the biggest problem with the series in general is that alot of it comes off as unmemorable. It just lacks some of what the other series have, specifically with the Reaverbots....

Just thought I’d share…
Sep 30, 2003 | Commentary
MegaMan X6 draws alot of heat, and I think I have an idea as to what lead to it being perhaps the worst-playing MegaMan game of all time. I've posted this theory around before, but I figured I'd share it here, since I just recently posted it at Dreamwave's forums as...

MegaMan Network Transmission Ate My Balls
Sep 29, 2003 | Reviews
...I wish I was talking about one of those little web-parodies that seem to cover every aspect of life in a way not seen since Mr. T started taking on all challengers, but this is really just about the aggravation suffered at the hands of this otherwise good game......

Woekitten Reviews Dreamwave’s Mega Man #1
Sep 25, 2003 | Reviews
"Blue Bomber Away!" Shut up. LBD "Nytetrayn"

‘Cause It’s What I Do
Sep 11, 2003 | Commentary
Newsarama apparently put up an article featuring some questions/comments with DW MegaMan creators Brian Augustyn and Mic Fong regarding the new series. Below is the article, with my comments non-italicized, more or less as I replied to the post at Dreamwave. Anyway,...

S-O-N-I-C! GO!
Aug 23, 2003 | Reviews
The preview of Sonic X turns out to be the dub of the first ep-- a good idea, better than the preview the Fox Box had prior to its launch. Just to get it out of the way: Yes, the music is different. No, the voices aren't the ones from Adventure/2 Battle, though they...

The End Is Here…
Jul 3, 2003 | Uncategorized
The End Of The Internet. Hell of a way to start, ain't it? LBD "Nytetrayn"
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