
Revenge of the 90’s: Return of the Power Rangers Promo
Aug 7, 2010 | Commentary, Tubin'
Here's a little fun something which popped up recently, a promotional video for the Saban Brands and Marvista's Power Rangers revival: I'm hopeful that the inclusion of clips from not only the old Saban Rangers and Disney's version means that they have it all, but...

Revenge of the 90’s: New Sonic Figures Go Back to the ‘Hog’s Roots
Aug 7, 2010 | Commentary, Video Games
The Sonic the Hedgehog of today is quite different from the one seen throughout the 90's as the flagship title and mascot for SEGA's Genesis and Game Gear platforms. And while SEGA may be content to leave the older version of Sonic in the past (at least visually,...

McDonald’s Brings Back the Double Cheeseburger, and Where We’ve Gone Since
Jul 24, 2010 | Commentary, Tubin'
For your consideration, the following is a commercial for McDonald's double cheeseburger. An ad for a rather unremarkable item, right? Watch, then read on: Did you notice anything? Notice that they said they brought the double cheeseburger back, meaning that they had...

The RipTenEXAMINER Revue for Friday, July 9th
Jul 10, 2010 | Commentary
No RipTen today, I'm afraid; I've been far too busy working on Examiner stuff. For starters, we have Toronto video game deals for the week of July 9th to July 15th, 2010. But that's not where all my time went... No, my time went into this: Nintendo of Canada turns E3...

Guest Article: Happy Fun Times: The Top Ten Eighties Properties to Revive!
Jun 21, 2010 | Commentary
by S. Daniel McPhail As some of you might've heard, we're going to have both a new Voltron and a new ThunderCats heading our way soon. So, stuff from the 1980s is hot. And the best part is, there are a ton of properties that are ripe for remakes. So put on your...

It’s Twitter-Digest Time
Jun 17, 2010 | Commentary
In the post below this one, you might have noticed a compilation of all my tweets for the day. Upon the addition of some tools that would allow me to directly add my newest posts to Twitter (thanks, Lance), it was discovered that I could, in fact, also run the process...

Sessler’s Soapbox: Super Mario Galaxy 2
Jun 1, 2010 | Commentary, Tubin'
Now, this is interesting. As you might recall, I took the opportunity yesterday to express some frustration I was feeling with a game I love, Super Mario Galaxy 2. I love the game, I'm having a blast, and I'm doing fairly well with it, but not quite at a level one...

Can’t Beat Super Mario Galaxy 2
Jun 1, 2010 | Commentary
Just finished more Super Mario Galaxy 2, and I get the feeling that I'm not finishing it in its entirety. As usual. I don't want to be one of those "3D Mario/2D Mario" types, and I'm not, really: I love me some 3D Mario, and I also love 2D. Hell, there's very little...

In case you were wondering…
May 29, 2010 | Commentary
This is what Gary Coleman is up to now: R.I.P., Gary. You were pretty awesome. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Remembering Dennis Hopper
May 29, 2010 | Commentary
So, as you may have heard by now, Dennis Hopper died today. It is a sad passing, and while I didn't see very many of his movies, I will remember those that I did. However, it's possible he would be less than flattered that my most vivid memory is of the first movie I...

A Few Thoughts on Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story
May 25, 2010 | Commentary
Just finished the first Galaxy of World 2 in Super Mario Galaxy 2 (yes, you read that right: the first Galaxy of the second World). Anyway, maybe I'd have seen this coming if I had read any reviews (but I really didn't want to spoil anything for myself), but I kind of...

A Look Back at 30 Years of Pac
May 23, 2010 | Commentary
This weekend marks the 30th anniversary of two enormous cultural icons. Or technically, Friday the 21st did. But, it's a long weekend (at least here in Canada), so what better excuse to use the whole thing to celebrate? One celebration comes from Star Wars, as the...

Remembering Owen Hart (Again)
May 23, 2010 | Commentary
It's that time again... This day last year marked the tenth anniversary of the death of one of my favorite wrestlers in WWE, or rather, the WWF as it was then known. And one year later, here I am remembering Owen once again. It's kind of strange, this year. Tonight,...

Random Thoughts on Raw
May 18, 2010 | Commentary
WWE Raw tonight was live from Toronto, Canada (I think they rarely mention the "Ontario" part). And no, I didn't get to go this time. What's more, it airs on the USA network commercial free. What's funny is that its airing in Canada on The Score still had commercials....

Capcom Unity Presents: Mega Man Zero Recollections
May 17, 2010 | Commentary, Video Games
Hey, want to know what me and a bunch of other guys thought of Mega Man Zero when it first came out? Then behold! --LBD "Nytetrayn"

No Review for Iron Man 2?
May 16, 2010 | Commentary
Well, God forbid any video game websites actually review what might be perceived as a hot or high-profile title. Specifically, a game based on one of this Summer's blockbuster movies. I am, of course, talking about Iron Man 2. At least, that's what Metacritic seems to...

Power On: Saban Reclaims Rights to Rangers
May 13, 2010 | Commentary
It's funny how much things can change in so short a time. Just a little over five months ago, I wrote something of an obituary for the Power Rangers. After an amazing run of around 16 years, things finally wrapped up, at least in terms of new episodes. Following the...

DK = Driven Krazy
Jan 10, 2010 | Commentary
Okay, I don't know what the hell that was about, but I just finished a harrowing, brutal session of Donkey Kong '94. I did not know that Super NES games were capable of developing spiteful mean streaks, but here we are. It's crazy; I've beaten the game before with no...

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Generation 2
Jan 4, 2010 | Commentary, Tubin'
On Saturday, January 2nd, the new "reversioned" Mighty Morphin Power Rangers took to the airwaves. Didn't get to see it? Not terribly surprising; it seems that the skittlebrains at ABC air it at insanely different times in different markets, be it 11am or noon to as...

The End of the Power Rangers
Dec 27, 2009 | Commentary
As of yesterday morning, the final new episode of Power Rangers aired. In a way, it was not spectacular; they wrapped up the Power Rangers RPM season, and while it did that quite well, the ending for the whole series feels rather bittersweet. I still remember when the...
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