
End of an Era

End of an Era

So, YTV aired the final episode of TransFormers Cybertron today, and it was a good episode. Even better, and more impressive, is that in the American version, we actually got a couple of bits that were exclusive to ours, not featured in the Japanese one. Awesome. I...

End of an Era

Where Have All the Mascots Gone?

I liked this one so much, I decided to give it its own space. Next-Generation takes a look at CULTURE: Mascots and Messages: "Whatever happened to the videogame mascot? Here, Eric-Jon R?ssel Waugh uses Sonic the Hedgehog as a prime example of the good and not-so-good...

End of an Era

The Happiest of Meals

It started with an essay. Well, more like an "essay." Over at The Allspark, Defunct said a few words about recent McDonald's Happy Meal offerings, namely Cars and Pirates of the Caribbean. Myself, not without any lack of memories of good times(taste disputed) at...

End of an Era

Sonic and Gang

So, I've been reading up on Sonic lately in Wikipedia. It started when I was verifying some details for Gelg and Chris online regarding the Death Egg in Sonic 2 through Sonic & Knuckles, but I've been finding interesting little bits along the way, and I've just been...

End of an Era

Live and Uncut

Reading about cuts and things in games, and looking at stuff on YouTube... a thought occured to me. There's all this talk about the potential for new content to be downloaded online with the next generation of systems. New cars, new weapons, new maps... Is it possible...

End of an Era

End of the Saga

Holy fucking Hell. FINALLY went back and beat Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga tonight, after spending the past week or so leveling myself up to 50. Bowletta went down pretty fucking fast, after all that. And thanks to my speed increase, I was able to get the necessary...

End of an Era

I am such a geek.

I am such a geek, clearly, because I'd so buy this if I had the money. It does remind me of something I forgot to mention earlier, though. In EGM, I believe, they gave a "minus" to the Wii because it requires some sort of purchase to be able to play DVDs. Who. The....

End of an Era

Read a few interesting bits while out today…

One being a rumor in EGM that Guitar Hero II may have the Mega Man theme included, among other "classic" tracks. Would certainly be interesting. In Play, they did a bunch of interviews, including Inafune. It was mostly about his new games, though a question came up, I...

End of an Era

Movie Madness 2

Ah, I love a good movie. And since it's coming out the weekend of my birthday, I sure hope that Iron Man is one. As for Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie (Uncut, Uncensored, Unleashed), I'm not as excited. I mean, cool, but I'm not sure I'd notice much difference...

End of an Era

Just a thought.

Konami ought to do more online games. Or more online versions of their old games. Arcade Contra on XBox Live Arcade is a good start, I think I heard it has online co-op. If not, it should. Expand that to other Contras, throw in Gradius, and then maybe go a bit further...

End of an Era

It’s True.

Overheard regarding Mega Man Zero: "I love any game that puts all this overpowering content within your grasp then calls you a pussy for using it." Has a point. LBD "Nytetrayn"

End of an Era

Inspiration Just Struck.

This should be one of Mario's alternate costumes: Service Mario! Just think, instead of fireballs or pills, he can throw screwdrivers at you, and instead of a cape of prescription sheet, he can smack weapons with his toolbox! I know I'd play as him. LBD "Nytetrayn"

End of an Era

Movie Madness

So, now The Wizard is coming out on DVD. Hope the retail for it is decent. Be nice if it came with a bonus of that mini "Pocket Power" magazine they gave out in theaters when it came out. Nostalgia at its finest. I remember wanting my parents to take me to see that...

End of an Era

[info]bpmomega brings up a good point to me.

The PlayStation 3 is supposed to be able to support seven controllers, right? So why, then, does it only feature 4 indicator lights on the controller itself? Also, weren't there supposed to be two HDMI connections? Sounds like there has been some scaling back......

End of an Era

4chan’s influence.

So there's this meme in 4chan wherein they took a panel of a comic, and removed whatever it was that these scientists(?) are supposed to be seeing, thereby letting creative types fill in the blanks. Me, I had to go a few steps further. Also, for no reason at all...

End of an Era

Oh, Right. Sure.

That's pretty much what David Reeves, the CEO for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, had to say yesterday. "We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it,...

End of an Era

New Super Mario Bros.: Did you notice…?

If you come across a red Koopa Troopa(they're easier to keep an eye on) or a Goomba in New Super Mario Bros., keep an eye on them. They dance to the music on certain beats. Gotta love the small touches in a game. Also, the Power-Ups seem to do it, too; a Magic...

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