Fast Food Culture

Adam the Woo Visits the World’s Largest & Most Unique McDonald’s
Oct 13, 2015 | Fast Food Culture
Lovin’ it.

Pepsi Perfect is Real! Sort of
Oct 12, 2015 | Fast Food Culture, Movies
The future is soon.

My Otakon 2015 Experience
Aug 7, 2015 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Fast Food Culture, Movies, Toys, Video Games, Wrestling
From Baltimore, directly to you.

Review: Harvey’s Mysterious New Stuffed Pizza Burger (Update: Mystery Solved)
Jul 13, 2015 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Does it even really exist?

Review: Burger King’s HP (and A1?) Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger
Jun 8, 2015 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
The King meets the House of Parliament?

PMO Food Science, Vol. 1: The South St. Poutine Burger
May 26, 2015 | Fast Food Culture
You don’t have to be Canadian to enjoy this, but it helps.

KFC Goes Gaming in Colonel Quest
May 21, 2015 | Fast Food Culture, Video Games
The Colonel is surprisingly hardcore in this bizarre game.

Rebooting the McDonaldland Gang
May 11, 2015 | Fast Food Culture
What we want is what we get?

All the Fun Stuff What I Seen Yesterday
May 8, 2015 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Fast Food Culture, Toys, Video Games
Soul-soothing sightseeing of sorts.

Review: Burger King’s Ultimate Original Chicken Sandwich and Poutine à la Burger
Dec 16, 2014 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Let’s make burgers out of everything!

Review: Burger King’s Chicken Big King Sandwich
Jun 15, 2014 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Can BK beat McDonald’s at its own game?

An Open Letter to Pepsi and Pizza Hut for 2015
Apr 14, 2014 | Fast Food Culture
Celebrating Back to the Future Part II would be ‘Perfect’ advertising.

Review: Lay’s ‘Do Us a Flavor’ Chips
Sep 22, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Last time, I reviewed Lay's Canada's four "Do Us a Flavour" potato chip finalists, a competition seemingly spun out of a similar event held by Lay's in the United States. Thanks to Mr. Chris Hoffman (who I still owe a set of our chips to), I have now tried the...

Review: Lay’s ‘Do Us a Flavour’ Chips
Aug 30, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
In the U.S., there has been a bit of hoopla in the snack aisle recently as Lay's has introduced three new flavours for its consumers to vote on to determine which one becomes a regular addition to their lineup: Chicken & Waffles, Cheesy Garlic Bread, and Sriracha. At...

Review: Pizza Hut’s Cheesy Beef Poutine Pizza, Plus Smokey Maple Bacon
Jun 27, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Recently, Pizza Hut Canada decided to give Canadians "the chance to try their favourite foods in a new and unexpected way" with a series of new special-recipe pizzas "inspired by Canada's cultural diversity." The forerunners of the promotion are the Cheesy Beef...

Review: KFC’s Smoky BBQ Bacon Filler Sub
May 31, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
This is a review I didn't plan to write and wasn't going to write when I decided to try the latest addition to KFC's menu. However, my experience with this particular item was so far below par that it honestly felt like I wouldn't be doing others justice by not...

Review: Pizza Hut’s Crown Crust Pizza
Apr 7, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Last night, The Wife and I decided to putt putt to the Pizza Hut for dinner to try out a recent addition to their menu: The Crown Crust pizza, seen above. As a matter of full disclosure, I had inquired how long the limited-time promotion would be available, as I...

11 Fast Food Items Which Aren’t as Bad for You as You Think
Jan 13, 2013 | Fast Food Culture
While fast food isn't always good for you, it's not always a terrible thing for you to eat, either-- at least, as far as certain items go. Few will argue that a Double Down is really good for anyone who has had anything to eat in the past week, but other items are...

Coca-Cola 70’s Christmas Hilltop Commercial
Dec 2, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Tubin'
Courtesy of "The Medium Large TV Holiday Special: O Christmas Tree, My Parents’ Christmas Tree (Interrupted with Classic Christmas Commercials)."

Mini-Review: Burger King’s Wii U Toys – Wii U Sticker Dispenser and Luigi
Nov 11, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews, Video Games
Recently, Burger King revealed the latest promotion in their BK Crown Kids Meals: The Wii U. I covered the line at Mario's Hat, but now I'm here to examine these toys a little more closely than what the promotional website allows. It's three of my favorite things...
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