Fast Food Culture

Mini-Review: Coca-Cola Freestyle Machine
Oct 28, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
This past week, I had the opportunity to try out one of Coca-Cola's new Freestyle machines at a nearby Wendy's here in the Greater Toronto Area. For those unfamiliar with the Freestyle machine, it is described as follows on the product's Facebook page: "Coca-Cola...

Review: Pizza Hut’s Hot Dog Stuffed Crust Pizza
Oct 28, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Just a quick review, for those interested. This time out, I tried Pizza Hut's new Hot Dog Stuffed Crust pizza. "The innovative chefs at Pizza Hut have taken two classic favourites - pizza and hot dogs - and found a delicious way for them to be enjoyed together!" said...

Review: Harvey’s Great Canadian Pulled Pork Burger & Pulled Pork Poutine
Sep 10, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
For those unaware, Harvey's is a proud Canadian fast-food chain which prides itself on making your food the way you want it. To that end, rather than having things assembled back in the kitchen, they will cook things there and add the garnishes out in front along the...

Review: Burger King’s Onion Rings Flavoured Snacks
Aug 10, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
I am not really what you would call an "onion ring person." The reason for this is simply because I do not like onions. No matter where I go, I will generally not eat onions or onion rings. I might eat the batter, but that's it; throw the rest away, as far as I'm...

Review: Pizza Hut’s White Pizza with Garlic Shrimp Signature Single
Jul 15, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
As is ever the case, just because the U.S. and Canada may share chains-- be it stores, restaurants, or something else-- that does not mean they share anything else. For instance, while KFC has been willing to bring its infamous (but tasty) Double Down to Canada...

Review: Burger King’s Maple BBQ Tendergrill Chicken Sandwich
Jul 15, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Okay, first things first: My apologies for this update coming so late. I know I said on Twitter that I would have something new up a lot sooner, and I had every intention of it, but working on other things has sapped my writing energy when it came time to turn my...

Soft Drink Terms, the Invention of Soda Water, Dr Pepper, and Foreign Flavors
Aug 23, 2010 | Fast Food Culture, Tubin'
Just a little something I found on Yahoo! News, which involves a favorite subject of mine: I actually have a bottle of the turkey & gravy soda, as a gift from my wife a few years ago. Never drank it, though; we keep it as a novelty. It came in a package with other...

Come See the Secret Side of Fast Food
Jun 27, 2010 | Fast Food Culture
I had been under the impression that, thanks to sites such as The Consumerist, "secret menus" at fast food establishments were a fairly well-known commodity... just not often spoken of. For those unaware, the "secret menus" are usually items which the chain in...

The Hunt for Tato Skins
Jan 18, 2010 | Fast Food Culture, Tubin'
Does anyone out there remember this commercial? And of course, there was this variant, from when they introduced barbecue flavored Tato Skins as well. I remember the chips rather fondly, as they were favorites of mine growing up. However, I noticed over the years that...

Pepsi: Right Now, Hey, It’s Your Tomorrow
Sep 6, 2009 | Commentary, Fast Food Culture
In 2008, Pepsi rolled out the new logo (which you can see at right) to help usher in a new minimalist brand image for their product. And despite being the pinnacle of human achievement, people have their opinions on it, good or bad. Personally, I like the logo they...

Behold: The Coca-Cola Freestyle
Aug 8, 2009 | Fast Food Culture
I love Coca-Cola. Of this, I believe there can be no doubt. That is why I am excited, nay, elated by the prospects of the Coca-Cola Freestyle machine, which can offer over 100 different varieties of Coca-Cola-branded beverages in the same space it takes for a regular...

You’ll Never Drink Another Coca-Cola Classic in This Town Again!
Jan 31, 2009 | Fast Food Culture
If you weren't around in the early '80s, then you might have sometimes wondered why Coca-Cola's flagship beverage is labeled "Classic." Coca-Cola was facing something of a company crisis at the time, as Pepsi was beginning to gain ground in the market. Thus, to fend...

A Look Back at McDonald’s Playland
Jan 29, 2009 | Fast Food Culture
Eesh, it's been over ten days since I last updated. I blame the weather, and being under it. Anyway, don't want to leave you guys without something to look at, so here is a nice article from Retrojunk which looks back at some of what made McDonald's fun when we were...

Do Not Read While Hungry
Nov 11, 2008 | Fast Food Culture
The Birthplaces of Ten Great American Foods. Never heard of a Fat Darrell before, but now I don't think I can rest until I've tried one. Incidently, the hamburger didn't originate here, just the form of a hamburger as a sandwich did, it seems. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

KFC: They’d Better Do Movin’ Right
Sep 9, 2008 | Fast Food Culture
They're moving Colonel Sanders' recipe. Man, it'll be interesting as hell if anything goes wrong. Can you imagine? --LBD "Nytetrayn"

PMO: More Refreshing, Less Filling.
Feb 12, 2007 | Fast Food Culture
American Dad tonight had an... interesting theme. One plot involved Steve and Roger and another kid, sort of paralleling spousal abuse in what I dubbed "Abuse Night on Fox," thus named after this, and Stewie getting all kinky with Lois after she smacked him one. The...

More McMario
Sep 4, 2006 | Fast Food Culture, Video Games
As promised(albeit a bit late), here are the images from the bag for the McDonald's "Take the Mario Challenge" Happy Meal. (Yoshi's side says to have a friend toss different sports balls in the air, and catch them the way Yoshi catches fruit.) The other side and...

o/~ Ba-da-ba-ba-ba… We’re Rippin’ Off!
Sep 4, 2006 | Fast Food Culture, Video Games
GoNintendo has got a commercial for the new McDonald's "Take the Mario Challenge" Happy Meals up. Hmm, now it strikes me as kind of familiar... where have I seen that before...? LBD "Nytetrayn"

Grand Theft Cola
Aug 13, 2006 | Fast Food Culture, Tubin', Video Games
Thanks to kyouryuu for this one. A Coke commercial inspired by Grand Theft Auto. Believe it or not, I love it. LBD "Nytetrayn"

The Happiest of Meals
Jul 10, 2006 | Commentary, Fast Food Culture, Toys, Video Games
It started with an essay. Well, more like an "essay." Over at The Allspark, Defunct said a few words about recent McDonald's Happy Meal offerings, namely Cars and Pirates of the Caribbean. Myself, not without any lack of memories of good times(taste disputed) at...
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