
Review: Archie #1
Jul 8, 2015 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Reviews
The Mirth of a Nation reborn.

Review: Burger King’s HP (and A1?) Ultimate Bacon Cheeseburger
Jun 8, 2015 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
The King meets the House of Parliament?

Review: Burger King’s Ultimate Original Chicken Sandwich and Poutine à la Burger
Dec 16, 2014 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Let’s make burgers out of everything!

Movie Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Dec 15, 2014 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Movies, Reviews
Turtle Power, or Turtle Glower?

Movie Review: Transformers 4: Age of Extinction
Jun 27, 2014 | Reviews
4 then meets the eye.

Review: Burger King’s Chicken Big King Sandwich
Jun 15, 2014 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Can BK beat McDonald’s at its own game?

Transformers Generations “Thrilling 30” Optimus Prime Review
Apr 5, 2014 | Points of Interest, Reviews
One shall stand… atop my desk, that is.

Review: Super Mario Bros. 2: The Online Sequel Webcomic
Jan 16, 2014 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Reviews, Video Games
This ain’t no movie.

Review Round-Up – 9/22/13
Sep 22, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
Hmm, it's been a while since I've done one of these, hasn't it? And for good reason: In the intervening time, I've been sick, gone to Otakon, gone to the beach, and when I haven't been otherwise preoccupied, pickings have been slim, particularly on the work front,...

Review: Lay’s ‘Do Us a Flavor’ Chips
Sep 22, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Last time, I reviewed Lay's Canada's four "Do Us a Flavour" potato chip finalists, a competition seemingly spun out of a similar event held by Lay's in the United States. Thanks to Mr. Chris Hoffman (who I still owe a set of our chips to), I have now tried the...

Review: Lay’s ‘Do Us a Flavour’ Chips
Aug 30, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
In the U.S., there has been a bit of hoopla in the snack aisle recently as Lay's has introduced three new flavours for its consumers to vote on to determine which one becomes a regular addition to their lineup: Chicken & Waffles, Cheesy Garlic Bread, and Sriracha. At...

Review Round-Up – 7/8/13
Jul 8, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games From Mario's Hat: Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D - Find out how it stacks up to the Wii version, as well as other entries in the series. Animal Crossing is rather unconventional, and so too is Animal Crossing New Leaf's...

Review: Pizza Hut’s Cheesy Beef Poutine Pizza, Plus Smokey Maple Bacon
Jun 27, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Recently, Pizza Hut Canada decided to give Canadians "the chance to try their favourite foods in a new and unexpected way" with a series of new special-recipe pizzas "inspired by Canada's cultural diversity." The forerunners of the promotion are the Cheesy Beef...

Review: KFC’s Smoky BBQ Bacon Filler Sub
May 31, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
This is a review I didn't plan to write and wasn't going to write when I decided to try the latest addition to KFC's menu. However, my experience with this particular item was so far below par that it honestly felt like I wouldn't be doing others justice by not...

Review Round-Up – 5/30/13
May 30, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
This is a bit overdue, even though I can't tell whether anyone really reads these things (there are never any comments, at any rate), but better late than never. Here's some of what I've been up to, and check back soon, as I'd like to be a little more active here, and...

Review: Pizza Hut’s Crown Crust Pizza
Apr 7, 2013 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Last night, The Wife and I decided to putt putt to the Pizza Hut for dinner to try out a recent addition to their menu: The Crown Crust pizza, seen above. As a matter of full disclosure, I had inquired how long the limited-time promotion would be available, as I...

Review Round-Up – 4/7/13
Apr 7, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
Wow, another month has passed already? Here are the latest reviews I've written, and expect to see plenty more in the near future with a new gig I'll reveal in due time (hint: It's not iPhone/social games this time). Note:...

Review Round-Up – 3/9/13
Mar 9, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
Well, my time on 1UP is at an end, as 1UP itself is at an end. That should free me up a bit of time to try to post more here and on my other sites, though it's also a blow to my bank account, which means some time needs to be spent looking for more work. It's a...

Review Round-Up – 2/3/13
Feb 3, 2013 | Reviews, Video Games
It's time for another round of "What I've Been Doing Instead of Writing Here!" Hopefully I can do more later today, but for now: From Slide to Play: Wheel of Fortune - A solid representation of the game show which is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Ghostbusters -...

Review Round-Up – 1/5/13
Jan 5, 2013 | Garfield, Reviews, Video Games, Wrestling
It's been a little while since my last "Review Round-Up," due to the madness of the holiday season as well as moving PMO to a new server and performing some refinements you may notice around the site (check out the updated menu and sidebars). On the review side of...
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