
Review Round-Up – 11/7/12
Dec 7, 2012 | Reviews, Video Games
Oof, I'm a bit late with this one. Here's a little of what I've been up to elsewhere, but don't worry, I have some fun stuff to add here soon as well. From Slide to Play: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - I have no idea how I was selected to do this one, but I...

Mini-Review: Burger King’s Wii U Toys – Wii U Sticker Dispenser and Luigi
Nov 11, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews, Video Games
Recently, Burger King revealed the latest promotion in their BK Crown Kids Meals: The Wii U. I covered the line at Mario's Hat, but now I'm here to examine these toys a little more closely than what the promotional website allows. It's three of my favorite things...

Wreck-It Ralph: “I’m Gonna Review It!”
Nov 5, 2012 | Reviews, Video Games
Last night, The Wife and I caught Disney's (and not Pixar's) newest animated feature, Wreck-It Ralph. And following the encouragement of some, I've decided to review it here, even though I don't know the first thing about film critique and my taste in movies would no...

Mini-Review: Coca-Cola Freestyle Machine
Oct 28, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
This past week, I had the opportunity to try out one of Coca-Cola's new Freestyle machines at a nearby Wendy's here in the Greater Toronto Area. For those unfamiliar with the Freestyle machine, it is described as follows on the product's Facebook page: "Coca-Cola...

Review: Pizza Hut’s Hot Dog Stuffed Crust Pizza
Oct 28, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Just a quick review, for those interested. This time out, I tried Pizza Hut's new Hot Dog Stuffed Crust pizza. "The innovative chefs at Pizza Hut have taken two classic favourites - pizza and hot dogs - and found a delicious way for them to be enjoyed together!" said...

Review Round-Up – 10/28/12
Oct 28, 2012 | Reviews, Video Games
I HAVE THE POWERRRRRRRR!!! show you the latest stuff I've been reviewing, and part of why there hasn't been more original content in this space. From Slide to Play: He-Man: The Most Powerful Game in the Universe - He-Man is back, and he's brought all of his...

My Thoughts on Nickelodeon’s TMNT Episode 1: Rise of the Turtles part 1
Sep 30, 2012 | Reviews, Tubin'
Here we are: The Nickelodeon era of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has officially begun... though I suppose if one counts IDW's comics, it began a year ago. But this being the cartoon show on a major cable network with a prominent toyline attached... one can bet this is...

Bandai D-Arts Vile Reviewed at The Mega Man Network
Sep 24, 2012 | Reviews
Here's one more review for you all, but this time it's something a little different. You see, it's not food, and it's not a video game (though it is related to one)... it's a toy! Back at Otakon, I received a review sample of Vile from Bandai's D-Arts Mega Man X line,...

Review Round-Up – 9/23/12
Sep 23, 2012 | Reviews, Video Games
Wow, it's been a little while since I last shared my reviews from elsewhere with you guys. Time to fix that! On Slide to Play: Rayman Jungle Run - Undoubtedly the best of the lot. If you have an iPhone, I cannot recommend this any more highly. And yes, the theme from...

Review: Harvey’s Great Canadian Pulled Pork Burger & Pulled Pork Poutine
Sep 10, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
For those unaware, Harvey's is a proud Canadian fast-food chain which prides itself on making your food the way you want it. To that end, rather than having things assembled back in the kitchen, they will cook things there and add the garnishes out in front along the...

New Super Mario Bros. 2 Review on Mario’s Hat
Aug 18, 2012 | Reviews
New Super Mario Bros. 2 comes out this Sunday, August 19th, but over on Mario's Hat, you can already check out my review for it. That's right; the site's namesake and subject of one of its first stories has finally been reviewed. To reiterate: I like it a lot, and it...

Review: Burger King’s Onion Rings Flavoured Snacks
Aug 10, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
I am not really what you would call an "onion ring person." The reason for this is simply because I do not like onions. No matter where I go, I will generally not eat onions or onion rings. I might eat the batter, but that's it; throw the rest away, as far as I'm...

Review Round-Up
Aug 8, 2012 | Reviews, Video Games
Just because I'm not always writing here doesn't mean I'm not writing! Here is a look at some reviews I've written elsewhere. On Slide To Play: Ghostbusters: Paranormal Blast - An AR-styled game for the iPhone/iPad in which you bust ghosts in the environment around...

Review: Pizza Hut’s White Pizza with Garlic Shrimp Signature Single
Jul 15, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
As is ever the case, just because the U.S. and Canada may share chains-- be it stores, restaurants, or something else-- that does not mean they share anything else. For instance, while KFC has been willing to bring its infamous (but tasty) Double Down to Canada...

Review: Burger King’s Maple BBQ Tendergrill Chicken Sandwich
Jul 15, 2012 | Fast Food Culture, Reviews
Okay, first things first: My apologies for this update coming so late. I know I said on Twitter that I would have something new up a lot sooner, and I had every intention of it, but working on other things has sapped my writing energy when it came time to turn my...

‘Where’s My Perry?’ Review at Slide to Play
Jun 29, 2012 | Reviews
Sorry for not updating much this week, but there has been a bit on my plate... ...such as Where's My Perry?, a new iPhone release from Disney Mobile and the creators of the hit Where's My Water?, to which this is like an indirect sequel. Is it worth your hard-earned...

Review: Boom Studios’ Garfield Comic Book, Issues #1 & 2
Jun 19, 2012 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Garfield, Reviews
I have something of a confession to make: I am a fan of Garfield. And to celebrate his 34th birthday today, I'm doing a little something different. It's an odd sort of confession to make, perhaps, but given the fact that many people seem to have taken a dislike to the...

Mario Tennis Open Review Now Available
Jun 13, 2012 | Reviews
I just wanted to let everyone know that my review of Mario Tennis Open is now available at the Toronto Video Game Examiner. Scoring this one was tough, and in the end, I'm still not sure whether I made the right call or not. Examiner uses a hard 5-point scale-- no...

Protoman X on Proto Man by Kotobukiya
Feb 3, 2011 | Reviews
Over the years, there have been many figures of Mega Man's older brother Proto Man, known better in Japan as Blues. From unposeable mini-figurines to Banda's action figure based on the Ruby-Spears cartoon to Jazwares' iffy efforts, the Rockman 8 Ironbuster Blues model...

Finally Finished Yoshi’s Island DS
Jul 10, 2010 | Reviews
So, I finally beat Yoshi's Island DS today. And now, away it goes, never to be played again... Okay, so maybe not never, but I won't feel as strong an inclination to play it as the original, or even Yoshi's Story. That last world was brutal, and not even in the fun...
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