
TMNT: Smash-Up Review Now on Kombo
Oct 28, 2009 | Reviews
At long last, following numerous interruptions, distractions, and other things getting in the way, my review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up for the Wii is now available on And boy, is it a doozy. I think it would have been better served had it...

TransFormers: Revenge of the Fallen Review, Now 99% Spoiler-Free!
Jun 25, 2009 | Reviews
So, TransFormers: Revenge of the Fallen. I won't go into too much detail here, at least plot/spoiler-wise, but... I liked it. Mind, I question whether or not I am any accurate barometer for anyone else to decide whether or not to watch the movie. Some things to note:...

Impressions of OutRun Online Arcade
Apr 27, 2009 | Reviews
First, I'd like to say that this isn't a "proper" review. I got to spend some time with the game this weekend, enough for some impressions... vroom-vroom! How was that? Just kidding. Anyway... I've found that SEGA's games have always had a very distinct look, feel,...

GameTrailers Reviews Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
Nov 22, 2008 | Reviews
...I have to admit, I'm just curious enough about this one to check it out. Mostly for the story and for the Joker, though. Still, it can't be a good sign for Midway when a parental advisory group rates the newest Mortal Kombat game as fun for the whole family. --LBD...

Walky Reviews City Commander
Not that I think anyone reading this especially cares, but just in case: Walky has a nice review of the aforementioned City Commander armor, which you can find here. Wow, this guy is big. I'm actually rather surprised that he's nearly as tall, if not as tall, as the...

My Thoughts on Bionic Commando Rearmed
Aug 20, 2008 | Reviews
My thoughts on Bionic Commando Rearmed. Truth be told, I could have gone on more, but this touches on the important stuff. Also, in looking back for an earlier story for someone who had no idea there was a next-gen sequel coming until today, I came across this. Man, I...

Review of TransFormers: The Movie
Jul 3, 2007 | Reviews
And behind the cut is my review of TransFormers: The Movie. I'm a bit new to reviewing, and not entirely satisfied with how this came out. If you see somewhere that this could be improved, please don't hesitate to leave a comment. But for God's sake, please be...

Oh, Sure, It’s New… But Is It Improved?
Oct 25, 2006 | Commentary, Reviews, Site News
Unexpected update to PMO, in the form of this Pulitzer-worthy piece of editorial content(but I don't want to overhype it, just read it for yourself). Capcom built up a brand-new site, and I tore it right back down. Now, maybe it's not going to be the greatest thing...

Animal Crossing DS vs. Cube
Aug 10, 2006 | Reviews
Animal Crossing for the GameCube is interesting, especially after having played so much of Wild World on the DS. You can definitely see where some improvements were made, and other things you might wish they'd have kept. On the Cube's title screen, it seems to show...

T-U-R-T-L-E Power…
Jul 29, 2006 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Reviews
So, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward just premiered. According to the Official TMNT website, "The regular season starts on September 9th (the first three eps will be repeated then)." It's not as bad as I was afraid it might turn out to be. Things feel a...

End of an Era
Jul 15, 2006 | Commentary, Reviews
So, YTV aired the final episode of TransFormers Cybertron today, and it was a good episode. Even better, and more impressive, is that in the American version, we actually got a couple of bits that were exclusive to ours, not featured in the Japanese one. Awesome. I...

End of the Saga
Jul 1, 2006 | Commentary, Reviews
Holy fucking Hell. FINALLY went back and beat Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga tonight, after spending the past week or so leveling myself up to 50. Bowletta went down pretty fucking fast, after all that. And thanks to my speed increase, I was able to get the necessary...

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, One More Time(semi-spoilerish)
Jun 17, 2006 | Commentary, Reviews
guido_jacobs did me a great service by getting me this game, and I am still indebted to him for that one. I've been busy with other games for awhile, there've just been so many good ones, I've fortunately had a good stockpile since before Christmas that I'm still...

MMBN6 On The Chopping Block
Jun 16, 2006 | Reviews
Not the most flattering of reviews for Battle Network 6. Of course, after(and even during the later parts of) 1, it wasn't until about 4 or 5 that gameplay really kind of met with what I was liking. Before that, it was all story and characters for me that really kept...

New Super Mario Bros. Reviews
May 7, 2006 | Reviews
Over at Penny Arcade Forums, Slash000 and I have similar predictions/fears: I predict that a minority of reviewers will severely mark down this game for being archaic and unevolved, simplistic, and "just another basic 2D sidescroller." Hell, they'll say that the game...

Round 1… FIGHT!
Apr 28, 2006 | Reviews
So, woekitten and I rented Street Fighter Alpha Generations a while back. Man, what a pile. Probably one of the dullest, worst-acted anime I've ever seen, Street Fighter or otherwise. I'm glad I only paid the rental fee instead of the purchase price, and since the DVD...

Another Look At MMPU
Mar 27, 2006 | Reviews
The Mega Man Homepage has reviewed Mega Man Powered Up. Why do I bother to mention this? Why do I care? I just find it interesting to see what opinions one of the longer online fans(if not longest in purely online time, hers was the first fanpage if I'm not mistaken)...

Tearing Down Powered Up
Mar 25, 2006 | Commentary, Reviews
Looks like gelgameth managed to beat me to the punch by just a bit. No matter. So, thanks to my wife and her boss, we have ourselves a nice new copy of Mega Man Powered Up(and what was the preorder for that became my means of getting Tetris DS, FTR). And it's a pretty...

Hate to love it, love to hate it.
Feb 17, 2006 | Reviews
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is a good game. But it's not quite as polished as Super Mario RPG, I find. Close, but no donut. I've really only two real issues so far with the game. One is the lack of save points. They're just a bit too far apart for a portable game, I...

Chibi Robo
Feb 8, 2006 | Reviews
Chibi Robo has me curious to try. Anyone else? LBD "Nytetrayn"
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