
You Get: Maverick Hunter X(spoilers)
Feb 3, 2006 | Reviews
So, the remake of all remakes has arrived. The revision to make the Star Wars Special Editions look like piles of puke... ...but does it? It does. Or maybe it doesn't. *slapped* It's good, no doubt. And while it's quite similar to the Mega Man X that began on the...

Super Princess Peach
Jan 31, 2006 | Commentary, Reviews
So, Super Princess Peach(Japanese page, thanks to igosplashman there) looks like just what the doctor ordered for some oldschool Mario platforming, and a pretty good holdover until New Super Mario Bros. hits. Hell, "holdover" may be an insult; it looks like the game...

Skarface the Klown
Jan 26, 2006 | Commentary, Reviews
I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of The Batman. Mind, I mean THE Batman, not Batman in general. But, it's grown on me a bit. It's kind of neat in an Ultimate Marvel sort of way, though not pulled off quite as nicely. My biggest gripe is what's come to be known as...

o/~ Be A He-Ro…
Sep 17, 2005 | Reviews remainder reviews, abridged-abridged. TMNT was good. Love the new intro. Some old, some new. After last season's blow-out closer, this past Saturday's was more of a filler follow-up, letting the guys recover on Casey's farm, but I expect it to pick up soon....

Sonic X, season 3
Sep 14, 2005 | Reviews
So with any luck, throughout the week I can give some little quick-hit reviews of this past Saturday's new fall lineup on Ok, not the whole lineup, just Sonic X, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and GI Joe: Sigma Six. Today: Sonic X. I have no idea if Japan...

Just got back from Batman Begins.
Jun 15, 2005 | Reviews
Wow. This is what midnight showings are all about. I'll try and gush about it while remaining as unspoiling as I can. First. I really, REALLY hate myself for missing the Batmobile at Eaton Centre now. That thing is fucking AWESOME. Second, Katie Holmes' character is,...

Mission Complete
Feb 15, 2005 | Commentary, Reviews
So, just this past Sunday at work, or rather, RIGHT before I had to start, I finally beat Mega Man X8, with Axl. On Normal, mind(I'd beaten it on Easy beforehand). Still have to see X and Zero's endings, but with the way I'm blowing through Hard, I don't expect it to...

More X8
Dec 31, 2004 | Commentary, Reviews
Let's see, more X8 thoughts. Because I have nothing else to write about, apparently. 1) I hate when video games, ANY video games, lecture you after the first time you do something. Examples of which are the following: a) The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past -...

Mega Man X8
Dec 20, 2004 | Reviews
Just got Mega Man X8, and played a little of it. Won't say how much, but let's just say I'm not very far, so no spoilers, plzkthxbye. But, my thoughts: 1) Voices of X, Zero, and Axl are better acted than in Command Mission, despite being the same guys. But as I...

Nov 23, 2004 | Reviews
So today was the sneak-peek of MegaMan NT Warrior Axess. And surprisingly, it seems few are speaking of it in my LJ Friends, but I'll give it another rundown. Here are some thoughts on it... The theme song sucks balls. Why? It is a TOTAL reuse of the season 2, or...

Quick Mini-Reviews
Nov 21, 2004 | Reviews
Games to play, if you haven't given them a shot already: Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3(PS2): Definitely fun if you like the show/manga, and unique among fighting games. I didn't get to play 2, but I played a bit of 1, which was neat. Story mode is a little watered down in...

Mario On Crack… er, I Mean, “Ice”
Oct 25, 2004 | Commentary, Reviews, Tubin', Video Games
THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of fucked up. Here's sort of a running play-by play commentary... ...Jason Bateman? Who the fuck? Alyssa Milano, though... wasn't she from Who's The Boss? Some other stuff, too, I hear. that a computer monitor? With...

Mega Man X Command Mission, part 2
Oct 23, 2004 | Reviews
Yes, I am enjoying Command Mission very much, thank you. I've only just started Chapter 4, but this game is providing more or less stuff I like out of Mega Man X right now. Foremost, it's giving me a setting that's NOT just "shoot everything." It's giving me character...

What a disappointment.
Oct 15, 2004 | Commentary, Reviews, Uncategorized
Just checked out the Garfield: The Movie DVD, and man, what a fucking disappointment... ...not the movie, mind, it's still good, I still love it. It's the DVD itself. In this day and age, this is just cheap bullshit. For bonuses, it has the usual commentary and...

Suck Vs. Cool Chaos
Oct 9, 2004 | Reviews
Cool: A home port of SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom Suck: It's only on XBox(fuck YOU, SCEA, and your stupid Compu-Nazi policies). Cool: Still being able to play it at work on occassion, and getting PAID for it, provided a customer is involved. Suck: Various other...

Yo, Joe!
Oct 8, 2004 | Reviews
Just finished watching GI Joe: Valor Vs. Venom. Strange, I thought it was supposed to be done by a Japanese studio, but the closest thing I saw to any sort of Asian in the "Making of" feature was the VA for Dr. Mindbender. Overall, not a bad movie. A little jarring,...

“Punisher” A Punishment? I Don’t Think So…
Oct 5, 2004 | Reviews
So, I finally got to see The Punisher. It's been a pretty constant, well-doing rental, so I don't see what's so "bad" about it. I'm something of a Punisher fan, though not exactly hardcore, nor for a long time, but I do know things about the character. I know the...

Mega Man X Command Mission
Sep 23, 2004 | Reviews
I got to play GameCube's version of Mega Man X Command Mission for the briefest of periods at work today, just before closing. Like, maybe five minutes. I got to see the opening, and the first little bit. So far, I like it. Though I had about 3 random encounters in...

Mega Man Zero 3
Sep 5, 2004 | Reviews
To those who say that they will ignore the events of the games of the Mega Man X series past X5, because that is where Inafune had originally wanted it to end... don't. That's all I'm going to say, other than it seems I was right, Inafune wasn't going to let the...

Simply Rotten
Aug 22, 2004 | Commentary, Reviews
I never knew that Rotten Tomatoes did game reviews. Red mentions the site often enough, but only for movies. Interesting to me, natch, are the Mega Man scores. X7 got an unbelievable 0%(60% and over constitutes a "fresh" tomato, just so you know. Yes, that's a good...
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