Site News

Jun 12, 2007 | Site News
Ok, so last night, the Rogers cable TV/internet connection all over Ontario went out, and I have no idea when it came back.? As a result, no update.? At least I was able to save what I had done, so I'll have a head-start tonight when I get to work. Sorry about any...

Dammit all.
May 22, 2007 | Site News
No update tonight.? Not in any mood to, as I found out last night that my car was broken into. I can only tell one thing that might have been taken; otherwise, they had the hood left up, the doors unlocked, and a back-passenger window shattered. I don't know when it...

Brought to you by the letter “Zzzz…”
Apr 20, 2007 | Site News
Tired, late update for PMO tonight/tomorrow morn. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Pop Goes The Paycheck
Apr 12, 2007 | Site News
Have to issue an apology to all the PMOtaku out there (does that even work as a name? What does? PMO-ites? PMO-maniacs? PMOrganisms?). I can't make an update tonight, I'm afraid, as I have to be to work at 11 in the morning, which means I have to leave by 10, which...

Hold It!!!
Apr 5, 2007 | Site News
Great news! I finally finished Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney: Justice For All's Episode 4 (both endings!), and have finished the game as a result! Terrible news! It took me far longer than I thought it would; all bloody night. I lost track of time and now it's too late...

Apologies To the PMO Readership
Mar 31, 2007 | Site News
I know I said that since I couldn't update last night, I would do so tonight. And I'm afraid that I said that in haste, as I had forgotten what Sunday would bring. Check your calendars. Yep, that's right. April Fool's Day. Once a day which begat small pranks among...

Small Delay
Mar 30, 2007 | Site News
No PMO update tonight. Takes me too long to get home from work, and I have to go in earlier tomorrow, so I'll have to postpone the update until tomorrow night. Sorry about that, folks. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

We’re Back!
Mar 27, 2007 | Site News
It's been awhile. If you want the personal details, visit my LiveJournal. I won't clog up the front page with them here, but suffice to say that things aren't really better, but stopping this didn't really help, it probably made things worse. A couple of big updates...

Feb 14, 2007 | Site News
Ok, so it's come to a point where I'm going to do the last thing I wanted to do, at least insofar as PoisonMushroom.Org goes. After tonight's update, I'm going on hiatus. Might update on the weekend, but right now I need to focus on other things. Getting one's card...

Programming Note
Jan 6, 2007 | Site News
Have to update tomorrow, because I took on an extra-long shift at work tomorrow, and I have JUST enough time right now for dinner and sleep. Sorry, folks. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Jan 3, 2007 | Site News
It's going on 12:30 as I write this, and I have to get up and ready for work at 6am. The update was under way.? Then my wife wanted to check something on GameFAQs. Then the computer crashed, and the update is now lost. All I can do is offer my apologies and ask that...

Programming Note
Jan 1, 2007 | Site News
Just a note, PMO will resume its irregularly-scheduled programming (i.e. updates) tomorrow evening. Thank you for your patience.? Now go have some ice cream. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Over 10,000 Served
Dec 20, 2006 | Site News
Woo-ha, today is a banner day for the short life of PMO, as we reached over 10,000 unique visitors at 2:35 this morning. So, wonder what the next big milestone is. If I can figure out details, maybe I'll run some sort of contest, if I can. Thanks to everyone for...

VG Characters and You
Dec 14, 2006 | Site News
So, I've got this idea for a piece I may or may not do on PMO. Basically, it looks at the influence some video game characters might have had on you as a person, be it inspiring you, motivating you, or simply comforting you. Mind, I do specifically mean characters,...

The PMO 2006 Gift Guide
Dec 13, 2006 | Site News
Inspired by Matt's list over at Press The Buttons, I too elected to put together my own PMO 2006 Gift Guide. I'd have had it up sooner, but then I got a job, so that and the regular site updates helped keep me away. Truth is, the items were pretty much done, I just...

Wii Launch
Dec 12, 2006 | Site News
So back in November, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend Nintendo's Wii launch in New York City. And my initial plan was to do a report of the trip upon my return. But then, things happened, and I found myself employed with full-time work again, and the piece...

Programming Note
Nov 29, 2006 | Site News
Yeah, so I'm getting really bad at updating this all of a sudden. Fact is, I'm finally employed as of today, and so my schedule isn't what it's been since I began doing this, so I need to make some adjustments, and adjustments will be made, rest assured. Just at the...

Hol-Wii Crap…
Nov 22, 2006 | Site News
Man, I'm going to have my work cut out for me tomorrow on PMO. I'd do it tonight, but my follow-up interview is tomorrow morning, and I'd rather not jeopardize it. I love the updating thing, but it doesn't pay the bills (unless a LOT of people start clicking Google...

Wiikend in NYC
Nov 17, 2006 | Site News
So, leaving in about an hour or so to go to NYC for the weekend. As a result, PMO is not going to see very much in the way of updates. However, I have arranged for Delta to try to squeeze in at least one update, so hopefully that will help bridge the gap until I...

All About PMO
Nov 14, 2006 | Site News
Or so the section says. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what sorts of stuff to fill that part of my page with. I definitely plan to keep my "Special Thanks" part, but the rest... I have to wonder if maybe some sort of FAQ or something would be in order. Be more like a...
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