One hit for one hit kills.
One hit for one hit kills.
One hit for one hit kills.
by David Oxford | Dec 26, 2015 | Video Games
One hit for one hit kills.
One could be forgiven for thinking that I’m not a Square Enix fan. All throughout their press conference, I kept jokingly referring to all sorts of games I wanted to see them announce next that I knew would likely never happen.
Except I wasn’t really joking.
by David Oxford | Jun 28, 2015 | Video Games
One could be forgiven for thinking that I’m not a Square Enix fan. All throughout their press conference, I kept jokingly referring to all sorts of games I wanted to see them announce next that I knew would likely never happen.
Except I wasn’t really joking.
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Or, "Nobody ever forgets their first (unicorn)."