With Bebop and Rocksteady and Armaggon, oh my!
With Bebop and Rocksteady and Armaggon, oh my!
With Bebop and Rocksteady and Armaggon, oh my!
by David Oxford | Jan 27, 2016 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Video Games
With Bebop and Rocksteady and Armaggon, oh my!
When there’s something strange in your neighborhood…
by David Oxford | Oct 30, 2015 | Video Games
When there’s something strange in your neighborhood…
Let your darkside out…
by David Oxford | Oct 28, 2015 | Video Games
Let your darkside out…
Soul-soothing sightseeing of sorts.
by David Oxford | May 8, 2015 | Comic Books/Cartoons, Fast Food Culture, Toys, Video Games
Soul-soothing sightseeing of sorts.
Ah yes, my favored console maker. I make no bones of preferring Sony to Microsoft or Nintendo, but there was a definite air of mystery and tension going into this press conference. With Sony being absolutely quiet on their used games strategy, I went into this conference with only one thing holding me back: the […]
by lanceheart | Jul 14, 2013 | Commentary, Video Games
Ah yes, my favored console maker. I make no bones of preferring Sony to Microsoft or Nintendo, but there was a definite air of mystery and tension going into this press conference. With Sony being absolutely quiet on their used games strategy, I went into this...Last year, I felt that while Sony had a pretty good E3 press conference, they didn’t really show much that compelled me to want a PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Vita. That isn’t to say that neither system has games I want, merely that most of what they were showing wasn’t. This year, of course, is […]
by David Oxford | Jun 11, 2013 | Commentary, Video Games
Last year, I felt that while Sony had a pretty good E3 press conference, they didn’t really show much that compelled me to want a PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Vita. That isn’t to say that neither system has games I want, merely that most of what they were...You’ve probably seen this already, as it seems to be everywhere– or at least on a lot of male-targeted programming, anyway. I’m not especially inclined to play the game, but I do enjoy this ad more than last year’s version. I guess there’s something about Tony Stark bringing a jet to a gunfight that I […]
by David Oxford | Nov 11, 2012 | Video Games
You’ve probably seen this already, as it seems to be everywhere– or at least on a lot of male-targeted programming, anyway. I’m not especially inclined to play the game, but I do enjoy this ad more than last year’s version. I guess...“Metroplex heeds the call of the last Prime. Also: Nachos.” A lot of Transformers fans have things they’re looking forward to in the sequel of Transformers: War for Cybertron, titled Fall of Cybertron. Some are looking forward to learning more about the story which precedes the current television series, Transformers: Prime and Transformers: Rescue Bots, […]
by David Oxford | Jun 13, 2012 | Commentary, Tubin'
“Metroplex heeds the call of the last Prime. Also: Nachos.” A lot of Transformers fans have things they’re looking forward to in the sequel of Transformers: War for Cybertron, titled Fall of Cybertron. Some are looking forward to learning more about...Though I may not have said as much about it here, I’ve made no secret that Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is one of my favorite games– period. And in the kart-racing arena, I honestly feel that SEGA and Sumo Digital have managed to craft a product which actually surpasses Mario Kart in many ways, […]
by David Oxford | Jun 10, 2012 | Tubin', Video Games
Though I may not have said as much about it here, I’ve made no secret that Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is one of my favorite games– period. And in the kart-racing arena, I honestly feel that SEGA and Sumo Digital have managed to craft a product...>Full disclosure: Sony has been my platform of choice since before I quit and after I jumped back into console gaming. With so many properties under their belt that interest me, I can’t help being more interested in their franchises than most. Sony being my main platform also means I already have all of their […]
by lanceheart | Jun 9, 2012 | Commentary
>Full disclosure: Sony has been my platform of choice since before I quit and after I jumped back into console gaming. With so many properties under their belt that interest me, I can’t help being more interested in their franchises than most. Sony being my main...Next up on our three-hour tour (well, more like four and a half or so…) is Sony. Unlike Microsoft, which I watched later, I saw this one firsthand as it happened live on Spike. Or was it G4? Well, somewhere. Delving back into the full-disclosure bit: I do not own a Sony PlayStation 3. I […]
by David Oxford | Jun 8, 2012 | Commentary
Next up on our three-hour tour (well, more like four and a half or so…) is Sony. Unlike Microsoft, which I watched later, I saw this one firsthand as it happened live on Spike. Or was it G4? Well, somewhere. Delving back into the full-disclosure bit: I do not...From the Toronto Video Game Examiner: Toronto video game deals for the week of May 6th to May 12th, 2011 Straight Shooting with TVGE – 5/6/11 – PSN, Anonymous, Smithsonian, Guardian Heroes on Xbox 360, six degrees of separation between Link and Master Chief, and more. From The Mega Man Network: Grab Your Kotobukiya Mega […]
by David Oxford | May 6, 2011 | Uncategorized
From the Toronto Video Game Examiner: Toronto video game deals for the week of May 6th to May 12th, 2011 Straight Shooting with TVGE – 5/6/11 – PSN, Anonymous, Smithsonian, Guardian Heroes on Xbox 360, six degrees of separation between Link and Master...Support Us on Patreon
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