
Oh my God… Pac-Man: The Movie
May 6, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
This had me in tears! XD This is... wow. What can I say? It's like the Hollywood mentality. It's just so perfect. I have to find a way to save this... LBD "Nytetrayn"

As usual, YTMND sinks in its fangs…
Apr 27, 2006 | Tubin'
...and won't let go for awhile. Bill Pullman: Wii Celebrate our Wii! Mitch Hedberg approves of the Nintendo Wii Wii Fad - R. Lee Ermey's Comments Nobody messes with Adam Wii. Wii!!! (Gonads and Strife) Miyamoto goes "Wii!" First screenshots of Mario Wii! How to...

Two cool Mario Flash movies.
Apr 18, 2006 | Tubin'
One is "Dumbass Mario," by the guy who made the old Mario Land stuff. The second... remember those rumors and stuff that'd gone around that Mario was a Communist? Well, this is a pretty awesome Flash based on that whole idea. No, I'm not a Communist, that doesn't mean...

Is Sonic “Bad?”
Apr 11, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Did Michael Jackson help create the soundtrack for Sonic 3? Some people seem to think so. It's interesting, to say the least. And the replacement music really sucks, also, to say the least. Wish they'd gone into more depth. Like that last MJ song, what was that...

You can’t deny Mario’s popularity
Apr 9, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
LONG music video, all about Mario, some light rap to Super Mario Land tunes. Tons of commercials and animation from the US and Japan, maybe even some Europe, too. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Lazy Muncie
Mar 25, 2006 | Tubin'
Thanks to zk273 for linking me to this. I didn't think Muncie, Indiana was quite far enough to be "midwest," though. The appearance by Jim Davis was awesome, though. As a kid, I always wanted to go to Muncie and visit Paws, Inc. Still wouldn't mind someday... LBD...

Mar 18, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Behold. The CDi intros and endings for their Zelda games. Watch at your own risk. Interestingly enough, according to Guard Convoy who posted this at The Allspark, the gameplay is surprisingly solid despite some silly mechanics, like one-hit bosses(with the right...

Mar 3, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Wow, can you believe it's been five years of All Your Base already? This is a nift little tribute. And if that's not your thing, maybe you'd like Donkey Kong Country 1 1/2 better. Within, you'll discover the ultimate fate of King K. Rool. No, really! LBD...

A Super Mario Story
Feb 9, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Pretty nift Mario Flash movie. The drawn style looks really good. While I'm at it, some other funny ones: Super Mario Bros. Bloopers Super Mario Bros. 2 Bloopers(kinda NSFW) Super Mario Bros. 3 Bloopers LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! The Movie
Jan 22, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Thanks to Broadcast at the Allspark for this one. Made of Win LBD "Nytetrayn"

Super Mario Land IV
Jan 18, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
HEH. Definitely one of the funnier Mario Flash movies I've seen in some time, very different on the visuals. Brings back a lot of memories. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Six Sided Video
Jan 15, 2006 | Tubin', Video Games
Was just browsing my movies folder before I hit the hay, and came across some old favorites I decided to share. The site where they originated from is called Six Sided Video, and they've got a variety of different game tidbits and media. But the real prize here, IMO,...

The Ultimate Showdown.
Dec 26, 2005 | Tubin'
Between who, you ask? Heh... click and see. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Sep 11, 2005 | Tubin', Video Games
LOL Mega Man celebrates 10 years... and how! LBD "Nytetrayn"

Flash Fun
Mar 31, 2005 | Tubin', Video Games
The REAL Legend of Zelda. Alternate link, beware of pop-ups. Super Smash Bros. Brawl Alternate link, beware of pop-ups. LBD "Nytetrayn"

Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom 4
Mar 22, 2005 | Tubin', Video Games
And so, one of the greatest Flash series I've ever seen, as well as perhaps some of the greatest uses of custom sprites, comes to an end. What an awesome series, makes me proud to be a Mario fan. 🙂 LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mega Man X8 – The Real American Intro
Feb 20, 2005 | Tubin', Video Games
Ok, maybe "real" is a horrible choice of words to use, but I couldn't resist the GI Joe pun. Anyway, debuting first on my LJ Friends list is a little project that I've been working on recently with Planet Mega Man's thenekomancer and Rockman.EXE Online's ryoneko. I...

Mario On Crack… er, I Mean, “Ice”
Oct 25, 2004 | Commentary, Reviews, Tubin', Video Games
THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of fucked up. Here's sort of a running play-by play commentary... ...Jason Bateman? Who the fuck? Alyssa Milano, though... wasn't she from Who's The Boss? Some other stuff, too, I hear. ...is that a computer monitor? With...
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