
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron: The Mighty Have Risen
Jun 13, 2012 | Commentary, Tubin'
"Metroplex heeds the call of the last Prime. Also: Nachos." A lot of Transformers fans have things they're looking forward to in the sequel of Transformers: War for Cybertron, titled Fall of Cybertron. Some are looking forward to learning more about the story which...

ConsoleCreature & GameTrailers Look at Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Jun 10, 2012 | Tubin', Video Games
Though I may not have said as much about it here, I've made no secret that Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing is one of my favorite games-- period. And in the kart-racing arena, I honestly feel that SEGA and Sumo Digital have managed to craft a product which actually...

It’s About Time…
Jun 28, 2011 | Tubin'
Thanks to Icon UK at Scans Daily for posting this! --LBD "Nytetrayn"

ThunderCats are on the Move; ThunderCats are Loose!
Apr 4, 2011 | Tubin'
The latest preview. Longtime fans, do take note of the details... --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Christmas Time!
Dec 24, 2010 | Tubin'
--LBD "Nytetrayn"

I Am Santa Claus
Dec 23, 2010 | Tubin'
--LBD "Nytetrayn"

o/~ Plumber-man, Plumber-man, Does Whatever a Plumber Can… o/~
Sep 30, 2010 | Tubin'
A quick look at one of my most-wanted upcoming games for WiiWare: Video Games | Retro City Rampage | Super Stomp GameplayXBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo Wii Unfortunately, there's no release date announced for Retro City Rampage yet. It began life as an NES...

Rockman Online Gets Teased with a Trailer
Aug 26, 2010 | Tubin', Video Games
I normally wait until nighttime to post news links from The Mega Man Network and such, but I felt the first fully-animated teaser trailer for Rockman Online warranted breaking that little semi-tradition. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Soft Drink Terms, the Invention of Soda Water, Dr Pepper, and Foreign Flavors
Aug 23, 2010 | Fast Food Culture, Tubin'
Just a little something I found on Yahoo! News, which involves a favorite subject of mine: I actually have a bottle of the turkey & gravy soda, as a gift from my wife a few years ago. Never drank it, though; we keep it as a novelty. It came in a package with other...

Revenge of the 90’s: Return of the Power Rangers Promo
Aug 7, 2010 | Commentary, Tubin'
Here's a little fun something which popped up recently, a promotional video for the Saban Brands and Marvista's Power Rangers revival: I'm hopeful that the inclusion of clips from not only the old Saban Rangers and Disney's version means that they have it all, but...

McDonald’s Brings Back the Double Cheeseburger, and Where We’ve Gone Since
Jul 24, 2010 | Commentary, Tubin'
For your consideration, the following is a commercial for McDonald's double cheeseburger. An ad for a rather unremarkable item, right? Watch, then read on: Did you notice anything? Notice that they said they brought the double cheeseburger back, meaning that they had...

Auditioning at TFcon with David Kaye
Jul 24, 2010 | Tubin'
Last weekend was TFcon Toronto, with one of the special guests being David Kaye. Some of you may recognize Kaye from some of his roles, including ProtoMan in MegaMan NT Warrior and Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team DS. But seeing as this is TFcon, one is more...

Wax On, F*** Off, starring Ralph Macchio
Jun 11, 2010 | Tubin'
As one might guess from the title, this might be a little unsafe for work. Wax On, F*** Off with Ralph Macchio from Ralph Macchio The best part, I think, is when he sees the poster for the new Karate Kid movie. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

What Happens When BP Spills Coffee
Jun 9, 2010 | Tubin'
Warning: language. Love the Upright Citizens Brigade. Via push.the.button --LBD "Nytetrayn"

The Internet… Explained
Jun 8, 2010 | Tubin'
"I would like to confirm that hyperlinking is in no way harmful to your health." I found this, thanks to Scarab. Whether I will forgive him or not remains to be seen: Something about this just makes me want to cry. Part of me wants to laugh, but it's mostly crying....

Sessler’s Soapbox: Super Mario Galaxy 2
Jun 1, 2010 | Commentary, Tubin'
Now, this is interesting. As you might recall, I took the opportunity yesterday to express some frustration I was feeling with a game I love, Super Mario Galaxy 2. I love the game, I'm having a blast, and I'm doing fairly well with it, but not quite at a level one...

May 31, 2010 | Tubin'
War For Cybertron Shockwave commercial @ Yahoo! Video It's ads like these which make me wish that Demolishor and Jazz were at GameStop, too. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Ad
May 11, 2010 | Tubin', Video Games
Now this is how you advertise a game! Cannot wait... so much win... Credit: GoNintendo --LBD "Nytetrayn"

The Source of Chuck Norris’s Notoriety?
Jan 26, 2010 | Tubin'
By now, I think just about everyone is familiar with the Chuck Norris meme, which is largely a series of "facts" about the man which just get bigger and bigger than life itself, turning the actor into a sort of tall tale figure. Sort of a modern Paul Bunyan, only...

The Coca-Cola “Happiness Machine”
Jan 24, 2010 | Tubin'
"Have a Coke and a smile," the old slogan used to say. But this vending machine takes it to new heights: I wish the places around here had one like this. --LBD "Nytetrayn"
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