
Christmas Comes to Pacland
Dec 25, 2009 | Tubin'
Of course, Mario and friends aren't the only video game heroes to celebrate the season; Pac-Man has been known to save the holiday on occasion as well: More to come. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!: Santa Claus is Coming to Flatbush
Dec 25, 2009 | Tubin'
Why this live-action ep wasn't paired with the cartoon in the post below, I may never know. But so you get the full Super Mario Bros. Super Show! Christmas experience, here is "Santa Claus is Coming to Flatbush," which bookends "Star Koopa," an obvious parody on Star...

The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!: Koopa Klaus
Dec 25, 2009 | Tubin'
What happens when the dastardly King Koopa kidnaps Santa Claus? What else? The Mario Bros. (and Princess Toadstool and Toad) to the rescue! And then, all is well, and Toad even learned a lesson about giving. Now, let's see how well that holds up in New Super Mario...

Smash Bros. X-Mas
Dec 25, 2009 | Tubin'
Since he's already all dressed up for the part, King Dedede decides to play Santa Claus for all the good little boys, girls, and anthromorphs in the Smash Bros. world: ...whoops! Someone must have mistakenly put a "naughty" box into the "nice" pile! But then, what did...

Classic 7up Christmas Commercial
Dec 6, 2009 | Tubin'
I've decided to add a little Christmas cheer around here... Ah, how I miss the 7up Cool Spots. They had a nifty Super NES/SEGA Genesis game, and I think they just made the product a little more enjoyable, as you could easily look at the logo on your can or bottle of...

Caution: Spoiler Alert
Nov 22, 2009 | Tubin'
Oh, do I ever hate spoilers. I'm willing to accept it after a given period of time-- there's a point where it's simply your fault if you haven't seen/played/read the material in question, I believe. What drives me crazy is when you never see it coming, and it's so...

Nintendo 64 Revealed at E3 1996
Nov 8, 2009 | Tubin'
First, apologies for not updating the site more. On top of my regular duties, I've been working on reviewing some games, namely various versions of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, and if SEGA ever responds, maybe Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. That said, I...

Boy Obsessed with Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!
Oct 24, 2009 | Tubin'
Here's a little gem that was made back in 2007, but only found its way to the pages of GoNintendo earlier today. It's a fun little look back to what it was like playing (and trying to get) video games on the Nintendo Entertainment System back in the 80's, as Alex...

Scorpion vs. Donkey Kong
Oct 21, 2009 | Tubin'
This won't end well... So, think you can beat his time? --LBD "Nytetrayn"

R.I.P., Captain Lou; We’re Gonna Miss You
Oct 15, 2009 | Commentary, Tubin', Video Games
What a whirlwind the past seven days have been. Wednesday, I fly out to LA to check out WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, which I do on Thursday, flying back early Friday (arriving well into the evening), and then meeting my dad at the airport for Thanksgiving on Saturday...

The Legend of Zelda Theme, Now With Lyrics
Sep 25, 2009 | Tubin'
Sorry I haven't been posting much, lately. Seems I have too much to do, too little time, and not enough energy. Bleh. I'll try to get some stuff up this weekend, but for now, here's BrentalFloss's latest video featuring lyrics for a classic piece of game music, The...

Tubin’ – 9/23/09
Sep 23, 2009 | Tubin'
A few fun videos of note from GameTrailers today... First up, a pretty solid review of Contra ReBirth. Video Games | Contra ReBirth | ReviewXBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo WiiScrewAttack's Video Game Vault adds a game I have some fond memories of: Art of Fighting....

Happy Birthday, Charles Martinet!
Sep 20, 2009 | Commentary, Tubin', Video Games
A few days ago, on September 17th, Mr. Charles Martinet reached another birthday milestone, and to my regret, I neglected to post anything here to commemorate. However, I am now making amends, albeit in a belated fashion. "But who is Charles Martinet?" you might be...

Don’t Copy That Floppy… 2
Sep 20, 2009 | Tubin'
These days, it seems like everything is getting a sequel or a remake. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rambo, Rocky, Star Trek, G.I. Joe, TransFormers, Batman, Alice in Wonderland, Terminator, and so on. And to join in the fun is the sequel to that 1992 anti-piracy...

Dreamcast Turns Ten
Sep 9, 2009 | Commentary, Tubin', Video Games
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the North American release of SEGA's final console, the Dreamcast. Naturally, there has been a bit of buzz to celebrate. Here are some of the bigger items. First dibs should perhaps go to Peter Moore, who uses his EA Sports blog to...

Robocop: Loves Fried Chicken, Steals Your Fridge
Sep 8, 2009 | Tubin'
It's not uncommon knowledge that even the biggest American celebrities have absolutely no problems shilling for even the most seemingly minor of endorsements. So long as it's in Japan, far from the prying eyes of the people they call their countrymen, that is. But who...

The Fingerpoke of Doom and the Fall of WCW
Sep 5, 2009 | Tubin'
I don't remember what exactly possessed me to decide to read about the history of the nWo, but here I am, reading up on one of the biggest angles in wrestling history, much of which I watched as it happened. Good times, to be sure, but they weren't to last. Perhaps...

Tubin’ – 9/02/09
Sep 3, 2009 | Tubin'
One thing I've enjoyed about Shawn Michaels' return to the WWE is that lately, he doesn't seem so concerned about being in the WWE title picture so much, and is just having more fun being funny. Some samples of which follow: Not only does the man wrestle one hell of a...

Tubin’ – 8/27/09
Aug 27, 2009 | Tubin'
Just two videos today. First, from LJ user The Other Baldwin comes a scene from this past Tuesday at a WWE TV taping in Phoenix, where Triple H brings an autistic young fan into the ring to give the DX salute with him and Shawn Michaels. Very cool: Next, get it while...

Tubin’ – 8/26/09
Aug 27, 2009 | Tubin'
Another week, another live-action fan-made Nintendo video featuring the cast of the Super Mario games in a reimagined existence in which drama takes center stage: Kind of reminds me of "There Will Be Brawl," which I really need to catch up on. Perhaps sometime I'll do...
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