
Lesson #1 of Being a Decepticon…
Jan 7, 2009 | Tubin'
Transformers Animated -- Season 2 DVD. Mocking Megatron. @ Yahoo! Video ...don't mock Megatron. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

My Mistake
Dec 21, 2008 | Tubin'
Just one more video; since I already brought you the first three parts, it would be remiss of me not to include the grand finale: --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Home for the Holidayz
Dec 21, 2008 | Site News, Tubin'
Ok, folks: Christmastime is around the corner, and this week, the Mrs. and I head deep down south to visit some family for the holidays, after what's been something of a rough year. With any luck, it'll be a good time-- I myself am bringing a full assortment of Wii...

Saturday Supercade – Donkey Kong in “Greenhouse Gorilla”
Dec 19, 2008 | Tubin'
Gotta thank for finding this for me; I never thought I'd get to see another episode of Saturday Supercade's Donkey Kong. And I just knew I had to share, especially since this episode guest stars Stanley the Bugman from Donkey Kong III. And in case you didn't know,...

Sir Mix-a-Lot and the Knights of the Round Table
Dec 17, 2008 | Tubin'
And to close out tonight, here's a funny piece from Robot Chicken: Dig it? --LBD "Nytetrayn"

WWE Wish You a Merry D-Generation X-Mas (part 2 and 3)
Dec 17, 2008 | Tubin'
And here I thought this was just a one-off thing... More after the cut. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Pokemon, for Rizzles?
Dec 17, 2008 | Tubin'
From GoNintendo, I found the following fairly amusing. I particularly like the work they did with the Charmander. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Good Morning America Looks at the Console War… circa 1990
Dec 12, 2008 | Tubin'
So long as we're on the Retro Railroad (that's actually sort of a nifty name, maybe I should use it for something), here's something I found earlier while browsing GameTrailers:News program Good Morning America did a segment on Nintendo and its competitors during the...

The Original Video Power Reviews Punch-Out!!
Dec 12, 2008 | Tubin'
Oh, wow... I thought that the original Video Power, the version with game tips and a cartoon called the Power Team (made up of Kuros of Wizards & Warriors, monster truck Bigfoot, Kwirk, Jerome from Arch Rivals, and Max Force from NARC) had been all but forgotten....

The New Dragon Ball Movie Trailer
Dec 10, 2008 | Tubin'
While becoming a Dragon Ball villain, hero, or fashion consultant (see next post) may have its appeal, becoming a Dragon Ball movie star is somewhat more questionable. See for yourself: Hopefully, it will still be fun, at least. Credit: Topless Robot --LBD...

Balloon Trip: An Existential Journey
Dec 10, 2008 | Tubin'
Getting back into the swing of things after some downtime is tough. You just want to talk about everything that's gone on, but there's no time for that. So it's usually best to look at now, get a good foothold, and move on to the future. And that's where we begin...

WWE Wish You a Merry D-Generation X-mas
Nov 26, 2008 | Tubin'
Just wanted to share one of my favorite segments from last night's WWE Raw, as D-Generation X proudly brings to you... their merchandise from WWEShop.com: ...at least until McMahon's lawyers find it on YouTube. Which would be an ironic shame, given the whole thing is...

Mega Man 9 Rocks Out
Nov 26, 2008 | Tubin'
Every song in Mega Man 9, remixed and compiled into a single 7-minute music video which features some impressive gameplay (and some slight spoilers). Thanks to Protodude's Rockman Corner for the tip. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mega Man One-Two Punch
Nov 24, 2008 | Tubin', Video Games
Conspicuous by his absence in Mega Man 9 was the Blue Bomber's chief rival, Bass (like music, not the fish), also known to some as Forte. Mega Man returned with a brand-new game after an 11-year hiatus, and all of his cast was in tow, in some form or fashion-- even...

“The Wrestler” Trailer
Nov 22, 2008 | Tubin'
And here I thought there weren't any more movies I wanted to see this year. Well, besides 007. Apple's website with a description is here, and the official movie site is here. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Sonic in “Night of the Werehog”
Nov 22, 2008 | Tubin', Video Games
The trailer for this was originally released just prior to Halloween, when the video itself would have been a good, appropriately holiday-timed release to help build up hype for the game. Instead, three weeks after Halloween and after Sonic Unleashed for the...

Street Fighter IV – Gouken vs. Akuma
Nov 21, 2008 | Tubin'
In the '90s, it was Ryu vs. Ken to determine who was the master of their martial art. Today, with Street Fighter IV, it's now their predecessors who square off, as Akuma battles his brother, the long-thought dead Gouken, Ken and Ryu's master and teacher, for...

New Astro Boy Movie Trailer
Nov 21, 2008 | Tubin'
A new trailer for the Astro Boy movie by Imagi, the same company who produced the last TMNT movie, has appeared in some theaters preceding Madagascar 2. From Topless Robot:Madagascar 2 has been out for what, a week? And the teaser trailer for the American-made, CG...

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Stupidity
Nov 19, 2008 | Tubin'
The Switcher is back, and he's moved on from doing YouTube videos of cartoons based on fighting games to one of the most famous (and infamous) cartoon video game adaptations of all time: It's... relatively safe for work. Some beeps are added for humor, and other...

ScrewAttack Video Game Vault – Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
Nov 19, 2008 | Commentary, Tubin', Video Games
ScrewAttack's latest entry into their Video Game Vault is a nice, overlooked little piece of Nintendo history: Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters, the sequel to the NES pseudo-classic. One thing I found interesting about this title, besides how much it's overlooked...
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