
Food for Thought

Food for Thought

If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside. - Robert X. Cringely --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Food for Thought

Pickpocket Prevention

Hate thieves. Just really, really hate thieves. That includes pickpockets. Good article for letting you know how they work, and how to deter them. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Food for Thought

TMNT Lost Episodes to Air

This may be of interest to some Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans... and others, less so. From The 5th turtle: I don't suppose I need to remind anyone that the long-delayed Ninja Tribunal cartoon episodes begin airing tomorrow...? You'll now be able to judge for...

Food for Thought

Video Game Adver-Comics

No doubt many of you who read comics (or at least, those who actually go and buy comic books instead of just reading scans online) know that comic books and video game advertising have been intertwined for quite some time. To that end, some advertisers actually took...

Food for Thought

Gimme a Break, Gimme a Break o/~

Yeah, nothing big, just a bit tired, and I think I'm going to put off the update for the moment.? Not going to give a timeframe that I want to have it done, because I am clearly inept when it comes to adhering to it.? So hopefully this helps. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Food for Thought

The Weekend Wrap-Up – 6/25/07

Yeah, thought I'd bring this back. At least for this week, as lately going through three days of news has been a bit of a hassle. So I figured this'll help a little. Whoops, I'm a day late in this, but Happy 16th Birthday, Sonic! Now you can drive! Maybe next time...

Food for Thought


Food for Thought

The MegaMan Legends Collection Proposal

In the early part of 2006, some members of The Mega Man Network gathered and looked into the possibility of a specialized petition, one to try and convince Capcom to create a MegaMan Legends 3. One of our staff, who had been in contact with a member of Capcom had...

Food for Thought

Wikipedia Wandering – 1/26/07

So, I was watching The Angry Video Game Movie Nerd give his two cents on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III from PoI last night, and I noticed one recurring piece of video, that of the toys. Like a lot of people who probably read this, I grew up right smack-dab in the...

Food for Thought

Wikipedia Wandering – 1/24/07

No idea if this will be a regular feature or not, guess we'll see how people like it. Basically, idea is this. Sometimes I just like to go through Wikipedia and look up something and read up on it. Usually stuff I'm somewhat familiar with or have heard about, and want...

Food for Thought

A Short (?) Video History of Game Cartoons

In honor of all the DVD releases of video game cartoons lately, here are a ton of intros from just about every one I could think of... ...except Pokemon. No way in Hell I'm hunting all those down. First up, Double Dragon. I thought it was a fun cartoon in its own...

Food for Thought

And now, for an annual PMO tradition…

...neverminding that PMO hasn't been around for long enough to make any tradition annual, but I've been doing this for years now, and so now my tradition becomes PMO's. Kick back with a mug of warm cocoa and settle in as we regale in a little tale by the Wordsmith...

Food for Thought

Oy, Not Again…

No update tonight, I'm afraid, as I have to get up for work in a little over 6 hours. Naturally, double-time post tomorrow. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Food for Thought

Weekend Waste

Sorry folks, no Weekend Wrap-Up today, got work too early in the 'morrow, so I'm going to lump in the collective Sat/Sun news with whatever we have on Monday.? No problem, as I have Tuesday off.? w00t and a half. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Food for Thought

Blue Streak, Stumbles By…

Yikes. It sounds like the new Sonic the Hedgehog game is just about the worst thing ever, even though the story sounds pretty cool. Between this and Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis, things are looking grim for Ol' Blue. Hope may only now lie in the hands of Sonic Rivals or...

Food for Thought

Too Detailed, Or Not To Detail?

Finally. Coding the thing is a bitch, no thanks to WordPress among other things, but I've got my latest, titled "Too Detailed, Or Not To Detail?"(witty, huh?) up and ready to read. Basically, it's something of an overview of the amount of detail that old "mascot"(it's...

Food for Thought

Too Detailed, Or Not To Detail?

Some say the day of the mascot is over. Whereas once characters such as Mario, Sonic, and Crash were commonplace as the definitive icons of their systems, they still continue on to this day, their roles somewhat less defined. In Sony's case, it almost seems that with...

Food for Thought

The PMO Capcom.com Experience

Wowee-zowee, Batman. The official Capcom USA website has undergone revision! How exciting! Let's look and see what delightful surprises are in store for us now! For starters, at the bottom they seem to have a "Featured Character" which in theory will change at set...

Food for Thought

Patrick Spaziante Interview

Originally posted on The Mega Man Network May 23rd, 2004: Patrick Spaziante is a comic artist from Dreamwave comics. His most recent work can be seen in Mega Man #4, but he has also done numerous artwork of other famous characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog. A comic...

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