David Oxford



...la-la-la-la... Via ComingSoon.net, who reports that the movie will be opening in theaters December 17th, 2010. Clever. Now the people who go to see it can be as blue as the characters on the screen. I'm actually sort of looking forward to this, thanks to opening...


Tubin’ – 9/02/09

One thing I've enjoyed about Shawn Michaels' return to the WWE is that lately, he doesn't seem so concerned about being in the WWE title picture so much, and is just having more fun being funny. Some samples of which follow: Not only does the man wrestle one hell of a...


“Hitler is Pissed About Disney Buying Marvel”

Via Topless Robot. You know how it goes by now, I'm sure: I'm surprised that he cares so strongly about what they do to Captain America, aka Mr. "I Punched Hitler Today, What Did You Do?" And with all the rumors of Walt Disney being a Nazi sympathizer, or at least an...


Go, Green Ranger, Go Go!

Just a little late to the party on this one by about a week, but as my wife was setting the alarm on the clock-radio, we heard the DJ mention the name of Jason David Frank. Or rather, "Jason David F--" before my wife switched it off, we looked at each other, and she...



...four Ninja Turtles just aren't enough. Those in attendance at San Diego Comic-Con last month were also able to experience a sneak preview, thus yielding the following recorded voice samples of the new "old" Turtles from the '87 cartoon: Finally, Dr. Spengler from...


Tubin’ – 8/27/09

Just two videos today. First, from LJ user The Other Baldwin comes a scene from this past Tuesday at a WWE TV taping in Phoenix, where Triple H brings an autistic young fan into the ring to give the DX salute with him and Shawn Michaels. Very cool: Next, get it while...


Tubin’ – 8/26/09

Another week, another live-action fan-made Nintendo video featuring the cast of the Super Mario games in a reimagined existence in which drama takes center stage: Kind of reminds me of "There Will Be Brawl," which I really need to catch up on. Perhaps sometime I'll do...


Brief Hiatus

First, I just want to apologize for the site being down last night-- that was completely unplanned, but as you can see, things seem to be back to normal once again. Second, I just want to apologize because the site will not be updating over the next several days....


Tubin’ – 8/19/09

Via Topless Robot: stand aside, Mario Kart! This is one go-kart that will knock you right off the road... with style! My only question: can it withstand a hit from a Blue Shell?GamesCom 2009 saw the release of a new trailer for Konami's answer to Star Fox Adventures,...


Dead Man Crossing

I no longer feel safe in Animal Crossing. I'm walking along on the beach in Animal Crossing: City Folk, and I come upon something I've never seen before: a scorpion. Next thing I know, the thing is darting at me as I try to capture it with my net, and the thing stings...


Celebrating 20 Years of Blast Processing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7nsBoqJ6s8 Guess who just turned 20? As of Friday, August 14th, 2009, the SEGA Genesis has marked its 20th anniversary. Not counting its MegaDrive anniversary the year prior, because let's face it: Genesis was pretty much the home...


A Look at Aging Gamers

I've been doing the video game thing for quite a while, and as I do so, it has not escaped my attention that I'm really not getting any younger. In addition to not having as much time to play games, it also sometimes seems as though games don't have as much time for...


G.I. Joe: The Invasion of Cobra Island

Sorry there hasn't been much content up this weekend; Nintendo of Canada sent over a couple of loaners, so I've been working on some reviews. However, if you're like me and did not make it to the theater to see G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, then here's something to...


Behold: The Coca-Cola Freestyle

I love Coca-Cola. Of this, I believe there can be no doubt. That is why I am excited, nay, elated by the prospects of the Coca-Cola Freestyle machine, which can offer over 100 different varieties of Coca-Cola-branded beverages in the same space it takes for a regular...


Enjoying a Can of Coke in the Summertime

[Writing something a little bit different for a change-- I hope you won't mind indulging me.]It's is the time of Summer, and it's hot. And something I've noticed is how the weather seems to affect my drink of choice, Coca-Cola. My wife thinks I'm nuts for even...


Tonight, Tonight…

An update or two should be on its way tonight, peeps. Remain patient, and I shall endeavor to reward you, yes... --LBD "Nytetrayn"


I’m Back…

...and working on something. Hopefully, I can get it up sometime by tonight. --LBD "Nytetrayn"