David Oxford

Coney Island Closey
Sep 8, 2008 | Commentary
Wow, this sucks. I never even got to go. And aren't they supposed to have really good hot dogs there? Or is the term "coney" for a hot dog and Coney Island unrelated? Regardless, wow. This is one of those things I never thought would close. ...this also makes that one...

Save Us
Sep 6, 2008 | Video Games
Been spreading this around. One of my biggest beefs with games over the years, particularly as saving has become more commonplace, is the way some developers implement it. Particularly when it is done poorly. Over at Gamasutra, David Sirlin put together nice feature...

Cracked Has an Issue Sarah Palin Must Face
Sep 6, 2008 | Comic Books/Cartoons
Oh. My. God. An article that's funnier, and quite possibly stupider, than it has any right to be. NSFW. Found that when trying to dig this up again: 5 Tips for Healthy Living from Batman and Joker. Also NSFW. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Still Not a Political Statement.
Sep 6, 2008 | Uncategorized
Perhaps it's a mark of too much time on my hands. Or perhaps she (and Yahoo) just make it too easy. Believe it or not, I have a goal with this. A stupid one, perhaps, but a goal nonetheless. I hope that there will be enough of these to create an animated gif from. And...

This News is Surplus to Requirements
Sep 5, 2008 | Commentary
If even Paris Hilton could be fooled... what chance then, do we have? --LBD "Nytetrayn"

This is Not Political
Sep 5, 2008 | Uncategorized
...it's just the first thing I thought when I saw the original on Yahoo.com this morning. Pity I couldn't find a bigger copy. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

MMN Reset: Mega Man 8
Sep 4, 2008 | Tubin', Video Games
The latest MMN Reset is up! This time, covering Mega Man 8. You can click here for a little more information. Basically, we've been teaming up with Capcom to count "up" to Mega Man 9's release, releasing one of these videos each week. Regretably, there still seems to...

Never Gets Old…
Sep 3, 2008 | Tubin'
...do they still do this stuff anymore? Shame if not. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

What Could Have Been
Sep 2, 2008 | Uncategorized
The Dark Knight by Michael Bay Warning: Strong language. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Michael Phelps is a Jerk
Aug 27, 2008 | Tubin'
Watch what he does at the end of this race. What a jerk. ...yes, I'm completely and totally kidding. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Aug 23, 2008 | Tubin'
I think Mr. Lawyer-wannabe just got his ass pwned: Judge Owns Lawyer Wannabe - video powered by Metacafe Phoenix Wright, he ain't. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

My Thoughts on Bionic Commando Rearmed
Aug 20, 2008 | Reviews
My thoughts on Bionic Commando Rearmed. Truth be told, I could have gone on more, but this touches on the important stuff. Also, in looking back for an earlier story for someone who had no idea there was a next-gen sequel coming until today, I came across this. Man, I...

One teensy issue with The Dark Knight…
Aug 19, 2008 | Tubin'
http://view.break.com/554666 - Watch more free videos --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Yo, Joe!
Aug 16, 2008 | Tubin'
I smiled. I applauded. I winced. And then I lol'd. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mahou Sentai Magimoon at Harry Potter
Aug 13, 2008 | Tubin'
A Sentai-fied Harry Potter TV show opening, made using the theme from Magic Sentai Majiranger, which was localized by Disney as Power Rangers Mystic Force. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Shifting Demographics
Aug 2, 2008 | Commentary, Video Games, Wrestling
Just came across this story about the WWE, and it made me laugh a little. For those who don't want to click and read, the title says it all: "WWE's Shift Towards Families... and Away From Us." See, years ago, I noted some parallels between video games and wrestling....

Presto Streamo!
Jul 29, 2008 | Tubin'
Swiped from theotherbaldwin A streaming version of Presto, the animated short preceding Wall-E. If you haven't seen it, you must. If you have, then see it again! --LBD "Nytetrayn"

A Marvel and a DC Walk into a Movie Theater…
Jul 20, 2008 | Tubin'
Spoiler-free is the way to be! And this video is. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

Nintendo’s Catch-22
Jul 19, 2008 | Video Games
A lot of people are upset at Nintendo, because they promised they would be announcing titles for "core" gamers at E3. But, there's one small flaw in that. They never made such a promise. --LBD "Nytetrayn"

The Simpsons Do Death Note
Jul 19, 2008 | Comic Books/Cartoons
Oh, HELL yes. --LBD "Nytetrayn"
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